JeremyMain / GPUProfiler

GPUProfiler - Understand your application and workflow resource requirements
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[feature request] CLI scriptable versions #2

Open mikepcw opened 8 years ago

mikepcw commented 8 years ago

Windows and Linux. This way they can be started and managed administratively via GPOs With possibility as light weight (no graphical output) persistent daemons.

JeremyMain commented 8 years ago

CLI support could be added, but can you describe how this would be better than using perfmon?

mikepcw commented 8 years ago


mikepcw commented 8 years ago

And because it's made by Jeremy.

JeremyMain commented 7 years ago

Mostly added to 1.05 for Windows. I would need to fork myself to make enough time to build a Windows and Linux agent. But, not impossible.