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Support Indicated: No #49

Open Seccour opened 2 years ago

Seccour commented 2 years ago

I do appreciate all the work done concerning BIP-119 but, trying to activate it now is way too early in my opinion. More research and community feedback is needed and it shouldn't be rushed like it currently is. Not only that but Jeremy's will to activate it as soon as possible is very worrisome and suggest hidden motives that may be against Bitcoin's best interest.

I will be against BIP-119 activation until at least the next 2 years to give enough time to come up with a non-rush plan, community support, and enough research proving that BIP-119 is, not only worth adding but the best way to do it.

Seccour (a simple individual)

reardencode commented 6 months ago

Confirming that you still want to signal no?

It is now nearly 2 years later, so let me know if anything has changed.