JeremyWhiteDev / chia

A CRUD application for managing home inventory. Will Use Docker, Go, MySQL, HTMX
MIT License
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Implement Web Server #5

Open JeremyWhiteDev opened 1 month ago

JeremyWhiteDev commented 1 month ago

I was thinking that in order to have load balancing between multiple instances of the web API, and to have more flexibility with SSL/TLS termination, that I could use a web server like NGINX or Apache as a reverse proxy in front of my Web APIs.

This ultimately brings up container orchestration issues, because inevitably, we might want to restart a container if it fails. This ends up leading to K8 and Docker Swarm, all to allow for containers to be managed, maintained, scaled, and orchestrated.

That get's wildly complicated. What might be much simpler is to just have a script that runs a health check and then takes some action, like restarting a server.

Projects like this include health check modules with some nice features, but is an external dependency really necessary? Or is a script enough?

JeremyWhiteDev commented 1 month ago

I think having multiple containers/container restart is out of scope for this task. Just get a single container up and running for now.