JeroenVdb / homebridge-daikin-cloud

This Homebrige plugin connects to the Daikin Cloud and loads all your devices to be controled via Homebridge and Homekit.
Apache License 2.0
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"Onecta Cloud API Key Invalidation – action required" #55

Open ogerardin opened 1 week ago

ogerardin commented 1 week ago

Describe Your Problem:

Today I got an email from Daikin saying the following:

Dear Daikin Customer, We noticed that you are using the Onecta Cloud API with deprecated API key credentials. Please be informed that the API key will be invalidated starting 03 July 2024.

You can switch to our new open Onecta Cloud API platform free of charge. The API is fully documented on our developer portal:

. Daikin Developer Portal

You can log in to this portal using your current Onecta App account. Only minor changes are required to update your current application to keep it running with the new Cloud API.

If you are using third-party software or open-source software, please contact the respective developers for further actions.

Without action on your part, your automation or integration application will stop working on 03 July 2024.

If you are no longer interested in using the Onecta Cloud API or if your automation application is no longer in use, please disable the interaction with the Onecta Cloud API.

What should I do? Does the plugin support the new Onecta cloud API?

Logs (with debug mode enabled):

Plugin Config:

    "bridge": {
        "name": "Homebridge E9B9",
        "username": "xxxxxxx",
        "port": 51410,
        "pin": "315-07-461",
        "advertiser": "bonjour-hap"
    "accessories": [],
    "platforms": [
            "name": "Config",
            "port": 8581,
            "auth": "form",
            "theme": "dark-mode",
            "tempUnits": "c",
            "lang": "en",
            "platform": "config"
            "username": "",
            "password": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
            "showExtraFeatures": true,
            "platform": "DaikinCloud"


Daikin Environment:

Homebridge Environment:

jptoucas commented 1 week ago

The documentation for the new API :

ogerardin commented 1 week ago

The documentation for the new API :

I had read that wrong, the mail says "deprecated API key credentials" not "deprecated API", and indeed there's only one API version.

JeroenVdb commented 1 week ago

This plugin uses to talk to the Daikin Cloud API. AFAIK the intention of @Apollon77 was to migrate the package to the new way of working from Daikin. I will ask Apollon77 if this is still the intention.

Duplicate for

I will keep one of both open.

JeroenVdb commented 1 week ago

If would not update I could talk to the Daikin API directly. I only don't know how to handle the new authorization flow. To be able to control your devices you would need to go through an authorisation flow so this homebridge plugin is authorised to control the devices. I don't know how this is possible from a homebridge plugin. Any help/insight on this would be very welcome.

ogerardin commented 1 week ago

If would not update I could talk to the Daikin API directly. I only don't know how to handle the new authorization flow. To be able to control your devices you would need to go through an authorisation flow so this homebridge plugin is authorised to control the devices. I don't know how this is possible from a homebridge plugin. Any help/insight on this would be very welcome.

Worst case, you would need to go through a separate process and copy/paste a token into the config, I've seen other apps do that. Now depending on the validity of the token this could become rapidly annoying.

DanForys commented 5 days ago

Relevant issue in daikin-controller-cloud FYI