JerrZzzz / The-Glamour-Of-Keeping-Inaction-In-Negative-Result

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Peer review Yang Cheng #2

Open E1cheng opened 4 months ago

E1cheng commented 4 months ago


R is appropriately cited. Title, Author, date, and abstract all good.

截屏2024-02-13 21 48 57

a. introduction 1) The introduction cites previous research to justify the focus of the study, but it could benefit from a more detailed exploration of the theoretical framework that prioritizes inaction over action. Expanding on this psychological theory, which is broader context to motivate, could have made this study more meaningful. all good in: 2) some detail about what the paper is about; 3) a clear gap that needs to be filled; 4) what was done; 5) what was found; 6) why it is important; 7) the structure of the paper. A reader should be able to read only the introduction and know what was done, why, and what was found. Likely 3 or 4 paragraphs, or 10 per cent of total.

b. result The paper effectively includes summary statistics, such as means for various conditions. It also presents graphs (Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4) illustrating the distribution of preferences, regret, and compensation amounts among participants. Tables to summarize data and findings are mentioned, though not explicitly detailed in the excerpts provided.

c. discussion The discussion section of the paper provides a well-rounded analysis that addresses the what, why, and how of the research topic, while also acknowledging its limitations and suggesting avenues for future research.

d. conclusion 1) The paper notes an imbalance in the male-to-female ratio of participants, which could introduce bias. While it mentions that gender may not significantly affect decision-making, ensuring a balanced and representative sample in future studies could strengthen the validity of the findings. 2) The application of findings to broader contexts or populations should be approached with caution. Future research could focus on diverse populations and scenarios to enhance the generalizability of the conclusions.


The SSRP link should be in the references section on the first page, alongside the git hub link. Don't see the ssrp link.

截屏2024-02-13 21 48 27

Github Link

Github link in the first page is not working.


Haven't seen any sketches.


Good simulation and test. Code is appropriately styled.