Closed itsnilskerwer closed 3 weeks ago
Hi @itsnilskerwer, It puzzles me a bit, since I am also using OSX.
However, the activation can be done manually:
Could you, please, try to run wolframscript
open a terminal
it should print some message about license activation I believe. Then it can be activated on the same page, where you downloaded Wolfram Engine (after clicking download it should redirect to a corresponding page)
After that, you can run wolframscript again with -activate
wolframscript -activate
and enter you login/pass. After that you can kill a terminal and start WLJS Notebook normally.
This worked. Thank you for your time.
Great! I will keep it as an issue, until we fix it in the app
I got the same problem with Apple Silicon. Manually activate doesn't work for me.
@HaoxuanGuo I believe it is still different, since it managed to reach "In".
Could you, please, try restart and click DEBUG button? Then after exiting an app it will generate a log file
System.log @JerryI Here's the log.
System.log @JerryI Here's the log.
Thanks! If you just open your terminal and run wolframscript
does it work properly?
PS: I tested on M1 (WEngine 14.1)
@JerryI It works sometimes. Sometimes it works, sometimes it crashes with license error.
@JerryI Sometimes, and sometimes...
Hm. Then this is a problem within wolframscript
Please, check in Activity Monitor if you have other instances of Wolfram Kernel
running. There is a license limitation to just 2 processes on the same machine (or account) from WR. If it still does not work:
a. reboot mac (might help)
b. 1. uninstall Wolfram Engine
Today I had the same issue
Wolfram Kernel crashed repeatedly. Then, when I opened a terminal and run wolframscript
it thrown some info about activation and then WLJS App started to work again. I believe this is somewhat related to Wolfram Kernel issue :(
@JerryI I have tried both kill, reboot or reinstall. But none of them worked.
Might work in October release
Please reopen this as a new issue
(Disclaimer: I've never used Wolfram Language before so i might be simply missing something. )
After downloading the Wolfram engine, and the wljs notebook desktop app, it seems like everything has started fine. I am now stuck at this screen "Starting server" for quite some time...
Mac os: Ventura 13.6.6 Wolfram engine version: 14.1 for Mac OS X x86 Wolfram js notebook version: 2.5.6
Expected: Re-direct to authenticate with wolfram cloud (i haven't done the signup with wolfram yet - just freshly downloaded the engine and the notebook).
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TRY Started! app