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Index.html #2

Open Jerrynels opened 2 years ago

Jerrynels commented 2 years ago

Am new in programming,I need help import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap EMPTY = 0 FISH = 1 SHARK = 2 # Colour the cells for the above states in this order: colors = ['#00008b', '#ff69b4', '#ffd700'] n_bin = 3 cm = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( 'wator_cmap', colors, N=n_bin) # Run the simulation for MAX_CHRONONS chronons (time intervals). MAX_CHRONONS = 400 # Save every SAVE_EVERYth chronon iteration. SAVE_EVERY = 5 # PRNG seed. SEED = 10 random.seed(SEED) initial_energies = {FISH: 20, SHARK: 3} fertility_thresholds = {FISH: 4, SHARK: 12} class Creature(): """A sea creature living in Wa-Tor world.""" def init(self, id, x, y, init_energy, fertility_threshold): """Initialize the creature. id is an integer identifying the creature. x, y is the creature's position in the Wa-Tor world grid. init_energy is the creature's initial energy: this decreases by 1 each time the creature moves and if it reaches 0 the creature dies. fertility_threshold: each chronon, the creature's fertility increases by 1. When it reaches fertility_threshold, the creature reproduces. """ = id self.x, self.y = x, y = init_energy self.fertility_threshold = fertility_threshold self.fertility = 0 self.dead = False class World(): """The Wa-Tor world.""" def init(self, width=75, height=50): """Initialize (but don't populate) the Wa-Tor world.""" self.width, self.height = width, height self.ncells = width height self.grid = [[EMPTY]width for y in range(height)] self.creatures = [] def spawn_creature(self, creature_id, x, y): """Spawn a creature of type ID creature_id at location x,y.""" creature = Creature(creature_id, x, y, initial_energies[creature_id], fertility_thresholds[creature_id]) self.creatures.append(creature) self.grid[y][x] = creature def populate_world(self, nfish=120, nsharks=40): """Populate the Wa-Tor world with fish and sharks.""" self.nfish, self.nsharks = nfish, nsharks def place_creatures(ncreatures, creature_id): """Place ncreatures of type ID creature_id in the Wa-Tor world.""" for i in range(ncreatures): while True: x, y = divmod(random.randrange(self.ncells), self.height) if not self.grid[y][x]: self.spawn_creature(creature_id, x, y) break place_creatures(self.nfish, FISH) place_creatures(self.nsharks, SHARK) def get_world_image_array(self): """Return a 2D array of creature type IDs from the world grid.""" return [[self.grid[y][x].id if self.grid[y][x] else 0 for x in range(self.width)] for y in range(self.height)] def get_world_image(self): """Create a Matplotlib figure plotting the world.""" im = self.get_world_image_array() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.3333, 6.25), dpi=72) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.imshow(im, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm) # Remove ticks, border, axis frame, etc ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.axis('off') return fig def show_world(self): """Show the world as a Matplotlib image.""" fig = self.get_world_image() plt.close(fig) def save_world(self, filename): """Save a Matplotlib image of the world as filename.""" fig = self.get_world_image() # NB Ensure there's no padding around the image plot plt.savefig(filename, dpi=72, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) def get_neighbours(self, x, y): """Return a dictionary of the contents of cells neighbouring (x,y). The dictionary is keyed by the neighbour cell's position and contains either EMPTY or the instance of the creature occupying that cell. """ neighbours = {} for dx, dy in ((0,-1), (1,0), (0,1), (-1,0)): xp, yp = (x+dx) % self.width, (y+dy) % self.height neighbours[xp,yp] = self.grid[yp][xp] return neighbours def evolve_creature(self, creature): """Evolve a given creature forward in time by one chronon.""" neighbours = self.get_neighbours(creature.x, creature.y) creature.fertility += 1 moved = False if == SHARK: try: # Try to pick a random fish to eat. xp, yp = random.choice([pos for pos in neighbours if neighbours[pos]!=EMPTY and neighbours[pos].id==FISH]) # Eat the fish. Yum yum. += 2 self.grid[yp][xp].dead = True self.grid[yp][xp] = EMPTY moved = True except IndexError: # No fish to eat: just move to a vacant cell if possible. pass if not moved: # Try to move to a vacant cell try: xp, yp = random.choice([pos for pos in neighbours if neighbours[pos]==EMPTY]) if != FISH: # The shark's energy decreases by one unit when it moves. -= 1 moved = True except IndexError: # Surrounding cells are all full: no movement. xp, yp = creature.x, creature.y if < 0: # Creature dies. creature.dead = True self.grid[creature.y][creature.x] = EMPTY elif moved: # Remember the creature's old position. x, y = creature.x, creature.y # Set new position creature.x, creature.y = xp, yp self.grid[yp][xp] = creature if creature.fertility >= creature.fertility_threshold: # Spawn a new creature and reset fertility. creature.fertility = 0 self.spawn_creature(, x, y) else: # Leave the old cell vacant. self.grid[y][x] = EMPTY def evolve_world(self): """Evolve the Wa-Tor world forward in time by one chronon.""" # Shuffle the creatures grid so that we don't always evolve the same # creatures first. random.shuffle(self.creatures) # NB The self.creatures list is going to grow as new creatures are # spawned, so loop over indices into the list as it stands now. ncreatures = len(self.creatures) for i in range(ncreatures): creature = self.creatures[i] if creature.dead: # This creature has been eaten so skip it. continue self.evolve_creature(creature) # Remove the dead creatures self.creatures = [creature for creature in self.creatures if not creature.dead] world = World() world.populate_world() for chronon in range(400): if not chronon % SAVE_EVERY: print('{}/{}: {}'.format(chronon+1,MAX_CHRONONS, len(world.creatures))) world.save_world('world-{:04d}.png'.format(chronon)) world.evolve_world()

github-learning-lab[bot] commented 2 years ago

Great! I've opened a new issue for you.

Go to the next issue here!