Jeruda1 / Relaxr-Landing-Project

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Feedback for Assignment #2 #1

Open barryross opened 8 years ago

barryross commented 8 years ago

FEWD Week #2 Project: Styling with CSS


A hot, new NY Tech Startup, Relaxr, has approached you to help them develop a new landing page for their company. They've handed you the design file for the site, along with the copy and assets. You need to take these files and turn it into a landing page.

Student: Jerusha Barnes Project URL:

Technical Requirements Does Not Meet Expectations (0) Meets Expectations (1) Exceeds Expectations (2)
Use HTML5 structural elements (nav, header, footer) x
Use a CSS Reset file in addition to your style.css file to style the page x
Use IDs and Classes to to select and style elements on the page x
Style your text with the Google Fonts provided by your style guide n/a n/a n/a
Follow naming conventions, maintain consistency across .html and .css files and use best practices for naming IDs and Classes x
Indent nested elements to increase your code's readability x
TOTAL: 8/10
barryross commented 8 years ago

Hey Jerusha, great work with this assignment! I decided not to grade the Google font portion of the assignment b/c I felt like we didn't cover it enough in class before it was assigned. That being said, I do see that you hit a number of the points in the design spec, and wanted to say great work on those! It looks like some sizes were off and fonts didn't . Here is an example of one that doesn't match...I'll be posting a sample solution for the assignment which should help as a reference. Again, great work overall!

screen shot 2016-05-13 at 3 11 12 pm
barryross commented 8 years ago

Also, another thing to think about for next time...try to remember to be consistent with the casing/names of your ids, classes etc. I'll use the inline comment to show an example