JervenBolleman / FALDO-paper

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JBrowse screenshot as new Figure? #12

Closed peterjc closed 10 years ago

peterjc commented 11 years ago

We currently only mention the JBrowse example in passing. One idea would be an additional figure showing a JBrowse screenshot, perhaps displaying one of the real examples we already discuss, or a multi-dataset federated query?

rbuels commented 11 years ago

If somebody has a triple store with some nice data for this, I'm happy to make a nice screen shot from it.

JervenBolleman commented 11 years ago

Didn't phenomenet by Robert Hoehndorf have data init using Faldo?

Otherwise could you see if you can connect it to where there should be human genome data from ensembl.

JervenBolleman commented 10 years ago

Toshiaki has data and a JBrowse install, but my office mail is down for the day so I can't get to it. But will do so later today.

peterjc commented 10 years ago

Resolved as of f0d295408e8b0939dd659b2dbf509f1ffc691d56 which adds a JBrowse screenshot using TogoGenomes. Thanks all :)