Open purmarili opened 7 months ago
Hi @purmarili ,
I'm also trying to get my external contacts and here's what I've come up with so far.
In the "Module/Public/func_Get-GALContacts.ps1" file, I changed Get-MgUser -All
to Get-MgContact -All
. If you are not using GraphSDK you can probably change the Graph Request from New-GraphRequest -Endpoint "/users?
$select=&$top=999" -Beta
to New-GraphRequest -Endpoint "/contacts?
$select=&$top=999" -Beta
I also added the -ContactsWithoutPhoneNumber
option in the example.bat file, because properties are different between Users and Contacts in Exchange.
Let me know if you can retrieve your contacts as well.
Hi Mirukas, Hi JeshuaEdgar,
first of all, thank you very much for your work. The script is very simply designed and very easy to use. However, I have exactly the same idea as Mirukas and unfortunately, even with the support of CoPilot, I can't find a solution. My function script now looks like this, but when I execute it I have the same result as before and when I call the commands individually I have authentication errors. Do you have an idea or better still a solution for this? Many thanks in advance. Alex
function Get-GALContacts {
param (
try {
Write-Verbose "Getting GAL contacts"
$allContacts = if ($UseGraphSDK) {
Get-MgUser -All
} else {
New-GraphRequest -Endpoint "/users?$select=*&
$top=999" -Beta
if ($IncludeContacts) {
$allContacts += if ($UseGraphSDK) {
Get-MgContact -All
} else {
New-GraphRequest -Endpoint "/contacts?`$select=*&`$top=999" -Beta
if (-not $ContactsWithoutPhoneNumber) {
$allContacts = $allContacts | Where-Object { $_.businessPhones -or $_.mobilePhone }
if (-not $ContactsWithoutEmail) {
$allContacts = $allContacts | Where-Object { $_.mail }
$returnObject = @()
$allContacts | ForEach-Object {
$returnObject += [pscustomobject]@{
businessPhones = $_.businessPhones
displayname = $_.displayName
givenName = $_.givenName
surname = $_.surname
jobTitle = $_.jobTitle
department = $_.department
emailAddresses = @(@{
name = $_.mail
address = $_.mail
Write-Verbose "$($returnObject.count) contacts found"
return $returnObject
catch {
throw (Format-ErrorCode $_).ErrorMessage
Evening everyone, I was able to solve the problem myself with the help of CoPilot and debugging. Attached are my modified files. If JeshuaEdgar would like to, he is welcome to include the changes. Best regards Alex Sync-Contacts.ps1 param ( [CmdletBinding()] [parameter(Mandatory)][System.IO.FileInfo]$CredentialPath, [parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Tenant, [parameter(Mandatory)][string]$ContactFolderName, [string]$AzureADGroup, [string[]]$MailboxList, [switch]$Directory, [string]$LogPath, [switch]$ContactsWithoutPhoneNumber, [switch]$ContactsWithoutEmail, [switch]$UseGraphSDK, [switch]$IncludeContacts )
Set-Variable -Name UseGraphSDK -Value $UseGraphSDK -Scope Global -Option ReadOnly
if ($LogPath) { Start-Transcript -OutputDirectory $LogPath }
Write-Host "Using $(If ($UseGraphSDK) {"Graph SDK"} Else {"raw REST requests"}) for connection" If ($UseGraphSDK) { Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.PersonalContacts }
Import-Module .\Module\GAL-Sync.psm1 -Force
Connect-GALSync -CredentialFile $CredentialPath -Tenant $Tenant
if ($Directory) { $mailBoxesToSync = (Get-GALContacts -ContactsWithoutPhoneNumber $true -IncludeContacts $IncludeContacts).emailaddresses | Select-Object -ExpandProperty address } elseif ($AzureADGroup) { $mailBoxesToSync = Get-GALAADGroupMembers -Name $AzureADGroup | Select-Object -ExpandProperty mail } elseif ($MailboxList -is [array]) { $mailBoxesToSync = $MailboxList } else { Write-Error "No valid mailbox input"; Read-Host; exit 1 }
$GALContacts = Get-GALContacts -ContactsWithoutPhoneNumber $ContactsWithoutPhoneNumber -ContactsWithoutEmail $ContactsWithoutEmail -IncludeContacts $IncludeContacts
foreach ($mailBox in $mailBoxesToSync) { try { Sync-GALContacts -Mailbox $mailBox -ContactList $GALContacts -ContactFolderName $ContactFolderName } catch { Write-LogEvent -Level Error -Message $_.Exception.Message Write-LogEvent -Level Error -Message "Failed to sync mailbox: $($mailBox)" } }
if ($LogPath) { Stop-Transcript }
function Get-GALContacts {
param (
try {
$allContacts = if ($UseGraphSDK) {
Get-MgUser -All
} else {
New-GraphRequest -Endpoint "/users?$select=*&
$top=999" -Beta
if ($IncludeContacts) {
$contacts = if ($UseGraphSDK) {
Get-MgContact -All
} else {
New-GraphRequest -Endpoint "/contacts?`$select=*&`$top=999" -Beta
if ($contacts -is [System.Collections.IEnumerable]) {
$allContacts += $contacts
} else {
$allContacts += @($contacts)
$allContacts = $allContacts | Where-Object {
($ContactsWithoutPhoneNumber -or $_.businessPhones -or $_.mobilePhone -or $_.phones) -and
($ContactsWithoutEmail -or $_.mail)
$returnObject = $allContacts | ForEach-Object {
$businessPhones = @()
$mobilePhone = $_.mobilePhone
if ($_.phones) {
foreach ($phone in $_.phones) {
if ($phone.type -eq "business") {
$businessPhones += $phone.number
} elseif ($phone.type -eq "mobile") {
$mobilePhone = $phone.number
if (-not $businessPhones -and $_.businessPhones) {
$businessPhones = $_.businessPhones
if (-not $mobilePhone -and $_.mobilePhone) {
$mobilePhone = $_.mobilePhone
$contact = [pscustomobject]@{
displayname = $_.displayName
givenName = $_.givenName
surname = $_.surname
jobTitle = $_.jobTitle
department = $_.department
emailAddresses = @(@{
name = $_.mail
address = $_.mail
if ($businessPhones) {
$contact | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name businessPhones -Value $businessPhones
if ($mobilePhone) {
$contact | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name mobilePhone -Value $mobilePhone
return $returnObject
catch {
throw (Format-ErrorCode $_).ErrorMessage
Hi, Is it possible to create/detele/edit mail-enabled external contacts from GAL?