JessJodoin / ecommerce-pattern-library

A term-long project redesigning an ecommerce website focusing on making a pattern library.
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Final Grade #15

Closed JessJodoin closed 3 years ago

JessJodoin commented 4 years ago

Hey @thoamsjbradley

This is my request for my final grade.

I think that my pattern library pretty much encompasses all the possible components needed to make an entire website. Elements can easily have content changed while still keeping with the overall design and feel of the website.

I think given all the elements and components coded in the pattern library, that someone could jump in and code a new page without my guidance. I included descriptions of components for each element in my pattern library and what they are used for. The descriptions clearly explain each element’s purpose. Also the main ‘brand’ section of the pattern library clearly explains the feel of the eCommerce website and well as how to properly use the colours and type.

I think, for the most part, my pattern library covers a good amount of components. I do think that just more of everything wouldn’t hurt, because it’s never bad to have options. But many of the components can easily have content altered to fit with different contexts. I do think adding more styling to tables would be good, like adding colour to the cells, though not extremely necessary as a simple table functions and looks appropriate for the overall design.

I found the process really good, I mean it’s not every class I get to design and look at illustrations of baby Yoda all day. Some things I did struggle with, but I feel like that is because we got quarantined making formulating good questions that full meet what I need help with more difficult. But besides that I had a lot of fun, I really liked that I got to add some cool JavaScript into my code and i’m also glad that you were more than willing to help me with it when I got stuck.

Style & Design3 The structure and look of elements is the same, all the cards have the same corner radius and scale hover. The buttons are also rounded to match the curve of the cards. Headings all use the same styles. Nothing in the patterns stands out as not being part of the look and feel of the eCommerce website.

Patterns2.5 The patterns cover quite a bit of elements that could be found on a website. Though I always feel like I could add more (even if there is more than enough). I think that adding a more styled table could be good, but I think that the current simple designed table works well for this design.

Explanations3 Explanations and descriptions of each element were thought out and used everywhere to ensure that the use of each element was clear.

Accessibility2.5 A good amount of accessibility was used, such as assigning roles for elements, adding good alts and aria-labels, tab-indexes, clear and visible focus states, and skip links. But again I always feel like I could do more. 
 Semantics3 The semantics are great. All tags were used correctly. (even the JavaScript ones :) )

Responsiveness3 The website was designed small screen first, making the layout responsive on all screen sizes.

Code Quality2.5 The code quality is really good. I made use of all I had at my disposal, including JavaScript to make it fancy. Again, like always with my ‘too-much’ gene, I feel like I could do more cool stuff (maybe not necessarily needed but cool nonetheless).

Git & Commits2 The Gits and commits made were, for the most part, descriptive of what was completed with each commit though there are some that aren’t the greatest because I was fighting with my code for a while and wasn’t sure how to adequately describe my frustrations in a commit.

21.5/24 - 90%

thomasjbradley commented 4 years ago

Amazing work on the website! And thank you for putting in the effort & applying the material this term.