The cropping within the gallery is working. When I select an image and crop it ( with 1:1 which is the default) and tap the next button. It shows correctly the cropped image in the filters screen. But the image that is returned is not cropped and no filter is applied to it.
Here's how I'm using the library:
Here's how I'm getting the results.
Am I missing some configuration settings for the crop and filters to work?
I figured it out. I was not correctly getting the image. Instead of getting the edited image from getCutPath, I was dong getPath which returned the original image.
The cropping within the gallery is working. When I select an image and crop it ( with 1:1 which is the default) and tap the next button. It shows correctly the cropped image in the filters screen. But the image that is returned is not cropped and no filter is applied to it.
Here's how I'm using the library:
Here's how I'm getting the results.
Am I missing some configuration settings for the crop and filters to work?