JesseRoss001 / janhackathonteam11

MIT License
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USER STORY: <Investment Portfolio Management> #142

Open JesseRoss001 opened 10 months ago

JesseRoss001 commented 10 months ago

User Story

Metadata Description
Theme Financial Planning
Epic Investment Portfolio Management
User Story As a member, I want to input and manage my investment details to see potential returns of different investment strategies.
Story Points (Assign based on team's estimation method)


As a member interested in investment strategies,
I want to input, view, update, and delete my investment details in a user-friendly interface,
So that I can analyze and understand the potential returns of various investment strategies.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Input Investment Details: The user can input details of their investment such as amount, type of investment, risk preference, and duration.
  2. View Investment Projections: The user can view the potential returns of their investment based on different strategies.
  3. Edit Investment Details: The user can update their investment details to reflect changes in their investment strategy or amount.
  4. Delete Investment Records: The user can remove their investment details from the system.
  5. User-friendly Interface: The interface should be intuitive and easy to navigate for a non-technical user.
  6. Responsive Design: The application should be accessible and functional across various devices and screen sizes.
  7. Data Validation and Error Handling: The system should validate input data and handle errors gracefully, providing meaningful feedback to the user.

