JessicaKMcIntosh / TagmaBufMgr

Tagma Buffer Manager for Vim
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useless "scratch" buffer #8

Open twmht opened 11 years ago

twmht commented 11 years ago


It often opens some buffers which are labeled "scratch" when I was editing files

Here is my screenshot  _001

Although I can use MgrUpdate to flush that, it is annoying.

How can I avoid that?

Thanks for any reply:)

LStinson commented 11 years ago

This is fascinating. I think another plugin might be struggling with mine. Could you send me the output of ":ls!" after several of these have been made? Also it will auto update after you stop typing for a bit, if that helps at all.

Also when are these created? When closing a buffer, opening, switching, something else?

twmht commented 11 years ago


I use neocomplcache which can automatically opens the omni completion popup menu and preview window

There are some cases would produce the scratch buffers

in this case, it creates the "scratch" buffer after automatically opens preview window.

The preview window will automatically close if I finish selecting the keyword.

Here is my screenshot


And here is my screenshot after ":ls!" to print out the current live buffers


It only prints two buffers, one for, the other for TagmaBufMgr I doubt that preview window struggle TagmaBufMgr rather than neocomplache.

I am not quite sure if there may exists other cases which can create "scratch" buffer

I will post if I find such cases:)

Thanks for your reply and useful comment:)

LStinson commented 11 years ago

I've never worked with neocompleted and also have never seen these scratch buffers. I will have to play with that plugin. Any buffers that go away should disappear from the manager list automatically. I'll let you know if I can find anything.

twmht commented 11 years ago

Hi, The scratch buffers never appear after I disable the preview window option

Here are the original settings of my vimrc

" " automatically open and close the popup menu / preview window
au CursorMovedI,InsertLeave * if pumvisible() == 0|silent! pclose|endif
set completeopt=menuone,menu,longest,preview

I just turn off the preview option by eliminating the "preview" from completeopt

thus resulting

au CursorMovedI,InsertLeave * if pumvisible() == 0|silent! pclose|endif
set completeopt=menuone,menu,longest

completeopt is the built-in feature in vim,so that I think the preview window cause this problem rather than neocomplache.

more detail about completeopt

Hope this can help you reproduce my problem

Thanks a lot:)

LStinson commented 11 years ago

Thank you. I'll look into that.