Open lulei0926 opened 8 months ago
@lulei0926 Could you provide me with more information about the config_file?
The command i am using is: "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --config config/pubmed_bilstm_crf.yaml". Except for using a local dataset, i haven't modified the content in the "config" file. I'm not sure why it's throwing such an error.
@lulei0926 Sorry for the delayed response. You should remove rnn_type: LSTM.
If your task is similar to the task the model of the ckeckpoint was trained on, you can already use BertModel for predictions without further training. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 87, in
File "/content/drive/MyDrive/BC/pubmedBERT-BiLSTM-CRF/flair/", line 235, in create_student
return self.create_model(self.config,pretrained=self.load_pretrained(self.config), is_student=True)
File "/content/drive/MyDrive/BC/pubmedBERT-BiLSTM-CRF/flair/", line 202, in create_model
tagger = getattr(models,classname)(**kwargs, config=config)
TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'rnn_type'
can you help me?