Open industrial-dreaming opened 2 years ago
Did some of my own investigation and it looks like the starting point for the error takes place after running the following, with the resulting output:
rawToChar(dta$content) [1] "{"detail":"Invalid Authorization header."}"
I'm new to this, but it looks like the structure of dta$content has changed?
Thanks for letting me know, this is one i forgot to test. The api seems okay, but something did change. The error is from the api_instruments_options
function returning more than one url. The function is setup to expect 1 url I think. Ill investigate more and work on a patch.
api_historicals_options <- function(RH, chain_symbol, type, strike_price, expiration_date,
interval = NULL, span = NULL) {
# Call to get the option instrument id
dta <- api_instruments_options(RH, method = "symbol",
chain_symbol = chain_symbol,
type = type,
strike_price = strike_price,
expiration_date = expiration_date)
I suggest a few changes:
Hope this helps, below worked with the minimal testing I did against it.
library(httr) library(RobinHood) library(otp) library(tictoc) library(tidyverse)
RH <- RobinHood(your account stuff)
chain_symbol<-"AAPL" type<-"call" strike_price <- 100 expiration_date_param<-"2023-06-09" span = "week" interval = "10minute" near_the_money = TRUE near_the_money_pct=0.1
type<-NULL strike_price<-NULL expiration_date_param<-NULL
api_historicals_options_v2<-function (RH, chain_symbol, type=NULL, strike_price=NULL,expiration_date_param = expiration_date_param, near_the_money=near_the_money,near_the_money_pct=near_the_money_pct, interval = NULL, span = NULL,verbose=verbose) {
dta <- api_instruments_options(RH, method = "symbol", chain_symbol = chain_symbol, type = type, strike_price = strike_price, state="active",tradability="tradable")
if(!is.null(expiration_date_param)){ dta<-dta%>% dplyr::filter(expiration_date==expiration_date_param) }
if(isTRUE(near_the_money) && is.null(strike_price)){ latest_price<-try(get_quote(RH,chain_symbol)$last_trade_price) if(inherits(latest_price,'try-error')){ print("Unable to retrieve latest price for ticker, check ticker.") break }
dta<-dta%>% dplyr::filter(strike_price >= (1-near_the_money_pct)latest_price)%>% dplyr::filter(strike_price <= (1+near_the_money_pct)latest_price) }
option_id <- dta$id url <- paste0(api_endpoints("historicals_options"), dta$id, "/?interval=", interval, "&span=", span)
token <- paste("Bearer", RH$api_response.access_token)
if(i > 1 && verbose==TRUE){
print(paste0("Pulling Option Data ",i," out of ",length(url)))
dta_loop <- GET(url[i], add_headers(Accept = "application/json",
= "application/json", Authorization = token))
dta_loop <- RobinHood::mod_json(dta_loop, "fromJSON")
dta_loop <- dta_loop$data_points
dta_loop <- dta_loop %>%
dplyr::mutate_at("begins_at", lubridate::ymd_hms) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(c("open_price", "close_price", "high_price",
"low_price", "volume"), as.numeric)%>%
dplyr::mutate(id = option_id[i])%>%
dplyr::full_join(dta,by = join_by(id))
full_data<-data.frame() i=1 for(i in 1:length(url)){ dta_loop2<-try(loop_pull()) if(inherits(dta_loop2,'try-error')){ next } full_data<-dplyr::bind_rows(full_data,dta_loop2) } return(full_data) }
get_historicals_options_v2<-function (RH, chain_symbol, type=NULL, strike_price=NULL, expiration_date_param = NULL, interval = NULL, span = NULL,near_the_money=FALSE,near_the_money_pct=0.1,verbose=FALSE) { RobinHood::check_rh(RH)
historicals <- api_historicals_options_v2(RH, chain_symbol = chain_symbol, type = type, strike_price = strike_price, interval = interval, span = span,near_the_money = near_the_money,near_the_money_pct = near_the_money_pct,verbose=TRUE,expiration_date_param = expiration_date_param)
if(!is.null(expiration_date)){ historicals<-historicals%>% dplyr::filter(expiration_date==lubridate::ymd(expiration_date)) }
historicals <- historicals %>% dplyr::select("chain_symbol", "type", "expiration_date", "strike_price", "open_price", "close_price", "low_price", "high_price", "volume", "begins_at", "session", "interpolated")%>% dplyr::relocate(begins_at) return(historicals) }
tic() new_function<-get_historicals_options_v2(RH,chain_symbol = "AAPL",type = "call",strike_price = 100,expiration_date_param = "2023-06-09",interval = "10minute",span = "day") toc()
tic() new_function<-get_historicals_options_v2(RH,chain_symbol = "AAPL",interval = "10minute",span = "day",near_the_money = TRUE,near_the_money_pct = 0.1) toc()
the markdown is making my comment look funny just copy and paste it into R studio and it looks fine.
Getting the following error when I run the example code for get_historicals_options:
Error in parse_url(url) : length(url) == 1 is not TRUE
Perhaps related to the changes behind the HTTP 400 Bad Request issues?
Thank you for your time!