Open renovate[bot] opened 4 months ago
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:
These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
.devcontainer/devcontainer.json - ` 1` - ` 1` - ` 1` - ` 1` - ` 1` - ` 1` - ` 1` - ` 1` - ` 1`
.devcontainer/docker-compose.yml - `postgres 13` - `clickhouse/clickhouse-server` - ` v2.1.1`
.devcontainer/Dockerfile - ` 22` apis/api-analytics/Dockerfile - `node 22-alpine3.20` apis/api-gateway/Dockerfile - ` 1.4.0` apis/api-journeys-modern/Dockerfile - `node 22-alpine3.20` apis/api-journeys/Dockerfile - `node 22-alpine3.20` apis/api-languages/Dockerfile - `node 22-alpine3.20` apis/api-media/Dockerfile - `node 22-alpine3.20` apis/api-users/Dockerfile - `node 22-alpine3.20` apps/arclight/Dockerfile - `node 22-bullseye-slim` apps/journeys-admin/Dockerfile - `node 22-bullseye-slim`
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`@mui/lab ^6.0.0-beta.8` - `@mui/material ^6.0.1` - `@mui/material-nextjs ^6.0.1` - `@mui/system ^6.0.1` - `@mui/x-charts ^7.15.0` - `@mui/x-data-grid ^7.15.0` - `@mui/x-date-pickers ^7.15.0` - `@mui/x-tree-view ^7.15.0` - `@mux/mux-node ^9.0.0` - `@mux/upchunk ^3.4.0` - `@nestjs-modules/mailer ^2.0.2` - `@nestjs/apollo ^12.0.7` - `@nestjs/bullmq ^10.1.0` - `@nestjs/cache-manager ^2.1.0` - `@nestjs/common 10.4.15` - `@nestjs/core 10.4.15` - `@nestjs/graphql ^12.0.8` - `@nestjs/platform-express 10.4.15` - `@next/bundle-analyzer ^13.5.6` - `@next/third-parties ^14.2.12` - `@opentelemetry/api ^1.9.0` - `@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-grpc ^0.57.0` - `@opentelemetry/instrumentation ^0.57.0` - `@opentelemetry/instrumentation-http ^0.57.0` - `@opentelemetry/resources ^1.26.0` - `@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-base ^1.26.0` - `@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node ^1.26.0` - `@opentelemetry/semantic-conventions ^1.27.0` - `@pothos/core ^4.0.0` - `@pothos/plugin-directives ^4.0.0` - `@pothos/plugin-errors ^4.0.0` - 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`graphql-scalars ^1.23.0` - `graphql-yoga ^5.3.1` - `i18next 23.16.8` - `instantsearch.js ^4.63.0` - `ioredis ^5.3.2` - `isomorphic-fetch ^3.0.0` - `jsonwebtoken ^9.0.2` - `launchdarkly-node-server-sdk ^7.0.3` - `leaflet ^1.9.4` - `lodash ^4.17.21` - `nanoid ^3.3.7` - `nestjs-ddtrace 5.0.0` - `nestjs-pino ^4.0.0` - `next 14.2.24` - `next-absolute-url ^1.2.2` - `next-firebase-auth ^1.0.1` - `next-firebase-auth-edge ^1.7.0-canary.2` - `next-i18next 15.4.2` - `next-intl ^3.15.5` - `next-logger ^5.0.0` - `next-plausible ^3.12.0` - `next-seo ^6.4.0` - `nodemailer ^6.9.9` - `notistack ^3.0.1` - `pino ^9.3.2` - `pino-http ^10.0.0` - `powerbi-client-react ^1.4.0` - `prism-react-renderer ^2.0.0` - `prop-types ^15.8.1` - `qrcode.react ^4.2.0` - `react 18.3.1` - `react-colorful ^5.5.1` - `react-div-100vh ^0.7.0` - `react-dom 18.3.1` - `react-dropzone ^14.2.3` - `react-email ^3.0.0` - `react-helmet ^6.1.0` - `react-hotkeys-hook ^4.5.0` - `react-i18next 15.4.0` - `react-instantsearch ^7.5.0` - `react-instantsearch-router-nextjs ^7.12.3` - 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apis/api-analytics/infrastructure/ apis/api-gateway/infrastructure/ apis/api-journeys-modern/infrastructure/ apis/api-journeys/infrastructure/ apis/api-languages/infrastructure/ apis/api-media/infrastructure/ apis/api-users/infrastructure/ apps/arclight/infrastructure/ apps/journeys-admin/infrastructure/ infrastructure/environments/prod/ infrastructure/environments/stage/ infrastructure/ infrastructure/modules/aws/aurora/ - `hashicorp/terraform >= 1.0.9` infrastructure/modules/aws/datadog/ infrastructure/modules/aws/datadog/ - `terraform-aws-modules/datadog-forwarders/aws 5.1.0` - `terraform-aws-modules/datadog-forwarders/aws 5.1.0` infrastructure/modules/aws/ecs-scheduled-task/ infrastructure/modules/aws/ecs-scheduled-task/ - `hashicorp/terraform >= 1.0.9` infrastructure/modules/aws/ecs-task-job/ - `hashicorp/terraform >= 1.0.9` infrastructure/modules/aws/ecs-task/ - `hashicorp/terraform >= 1.0.9` infrastructure/modules/aws/ infrastructure/resources/atlantis/ - `terraform-aws-modules/atlantis/aws ~> 3.0` infrastructure/resources/atlantis/ - `aws ~> 4.0` - `hashicorp/terraform >= 1.1.7` infrastructure/resources/doppler/ - `aws ~> 4.0` - `hashicorp/terraform >= 1.1.7` infrastructure/resources/terraform/ - `aws ~> 4.0` - `hashicorp/terraform >= 1.0.9` infrastructure/ - `aws ~> 4.0` - `hashicorp/terraform >= 1.0.9`
ENG-1194 Dependency Dashboard
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
)Ignored or Blocked
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)Detected dependencies