JesusFreke / lalboard

A 3D-printed keyboard inspired by the DataHand
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Current version? #15

Open DocFreeman opened 1 year ago

DocFreeman commented 1 year ago

Hi, this is such an intriguing project and I could easily see it becoming popular. I don't see any builds from other people yet though and I've been searching around for them for the last year and change. So... What's the current version? Is this V2 good to build? Is there a V5 sitting in Area 51? Inquiring minds want to know.

qotuzin commented 1 year ago

I am also incredibly interested in this project, and have similar questions. I just got my first 3d printer, and although quality is still a big problem, I succesfully printed one of the finger V1 clusters. Just discovered the v2 files and wondering what the main differences are and why they were changed. Absolutely love your work!

JesusFreke commented 1 year ago

V2 is in a working-ish state (it's what I'm using as my daily driver), although it's not final. I just kinda got it to a "good enough for me" state, and then life happened and I kinda got busy with other things, and I just haven't picked it back up.

There are a few people who have built one, or are building one. If you want to try, I'm happy to answer questions, but it'll involve a fair bit of figuring things out on your part, as there really isn't any documentation yet. One person in particular is trying out some ideas that may make it easier to manufacture.

My plans for the future involve further improving the design, improving the firmware and making it more appropriate for use by others, and writing some build instructions, etc.

V2 has quite a few changes. Better printability, thicker keys that won't break after ~months of use. An improved mounting system. An actual PCB, and the PCB is easily removable, unlike V1. Better support for generating a static "frame" to hold the handrests and key clusters, once you get the positioning figured out with the adjustable mounts. I'm sure there's more that's not coming to mind :)

AJolly commented 5 months ago

For anyone finding this in the future, the spiritual commercial successor seems to be:

AtomThe1337 commented 5 months ago

No one in their right mind pays 700+ euros for something 3D printed.