JesusTheHun / storybook-addon-remix-react-router

Use your app router in your stories. A decorator made for Remix React Router and Storybook
Apache License 2.0
48 stars 11 forks source link

Can't apply import successfully 🥲 #36

Closed sitarass closed 1 year ago

sitarass commented 1 year ago

ERROR in ./node_modules/storybook-addon-react-router-v6/dist/index.js 13:4377 Module parse failed: Unexpected token (13:4377) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See


const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.mdx', '../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)'],
  addons: [
  framework: '@storybook/react',
  webpackFinal: async (config, { configType }) => {
      test: /\.scss$/,
      use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader'],
      include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),
      include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../'),
    config.resolve.modules = [
      ...(config.resolve.modules || []),
      path.resolve(__dirname, '../src'),
      path.resolve(__dirname, '../../src'),

    const assetRule = config.module.rules.find(({ test }) => test.test('.svg'));
    const assetLoader = {
      loader: assetRule.loader,
      options: assetRule.options || assetRule.query,
      test: /\.svg$/,
      use: ['@svgr/webpack', assetLoader],

    return config;


import { withRouter } from 'storybook-addon-react-router-v6';
import { theme } from '../src/utils/materialTheme';
import { ThemeProvider } from '@material-ui/styles';
import { StylesProvider } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

import '../src/styles/index.scss';
// Load manrope font
import '@fontsource/manrope/400.css';
import '@fontsource/manrope/700.css';

export const parameters = {
  actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*' },
  controls: {
    matchers: {
      color: /(background|color)$/i,
      date: /Date$/,
  docs: { inlineStories: false },

export const decorators = [
  (Story) => (
    <StylesProvider injectFirst>
      <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
        <Story />
JesusTheHun commented 1 year ago

Can you make a repro ?