JesusTheHun / storybook-addon-remix-react-router

Use your app router in your stories. A decorator made for Remix React Router and Storybook
Apache License 2.0
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"Encountered two children with the same key" warnings on doc pages #46

Closed szymonnowak-st closed 11 months ago

szymonnowak-st commented 11 months ago

First of all, I really want to thank for the new v2 release, as it seems to have fixed an issue we had where our doc pages that were randomly throwing various errors, like Error: Minified React error #409, or Maximum call stack size exceeded.

One tiny issue that we encountered after switching to v2 is that on doc pages, we get the following error in JS console:

Warning: Encountered two children with the same key, `storybook/react-router-v6/story-loaded_1`.
Keys should be unique so that components maintain their identity across updates.
Non-unique keys may cause children to be duplicated and/or omitted — the behavior is unsupported and could change in a future version.

I don't think it's actually causing any problems, but would be nice to fix.

JesusTheHun commented 11 months ago

Hello @szymonnowak-st , thanks for opening an issue.

I'm glad you like the new v2, it took a lot of efforts !

Release 2.0.3 is now out and should fix your warning. Can you give it a go and confirm that it fixes the warning on your side ? Also if you have 20 seconds to spare, could you answer this poll about the information banner please ?

szymonnowak-st commented 11 months ago

I no longer see this error on 2.0.3. Thanks!

Also if you have 20 seconds to spare, could you answer this poll about the information banner please ?

Sure! I've just voted and commented :)