JesusTheHun / storybook-addon-remix-react-router

Use your app router in your stories. A decorator made for Remix React Router and Storybook
Apache License 2.0
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Incompatibility with rsbuild caused by Import attributes syntax #68

Closed abenhamdine closed 1 month ago

abenhamdine commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

Rsbuild (based on rspack) is an incredibly performant builder : It's more and more popular

There's an integration with storybook :

Unfortunately, rspack does not support syntax Import attributes see

and there's one here ->

thus using storybook-addon-remix-react-router causes the following compilation error with rsbuild :

  × JavaScript parsing error: Expected ';', got 'assert'
       1 │ import { makeDecorator, addons } from '@storybook/preview-api';
       2 │ import P, { useState, useMemo, useCallback, useRef } from 'react';
       3 │ import de from '../package.json' assert { type: 'json' };
         ·                                  ──────
       4 │ import { createMemoryRouter, RouterProvider, UNSAFE_RouteContext, useLocation, useParams, useSearchParams, useNavigationType } from 'react-router-dom';
       5 │

I understand it's more an issue from the rsbuild side, but I wonder if this syntax is really necessary and if you could remove it ?

An imported thing to know is this syntax is only supported in V8-based engines, and its removal from the web is being investigated by tc39.

To Reproduce Describe all the steps required to reproduce the issue.


Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Environment Share the output of the following command :

Storybook Environment Info:

System: OS: Windows 11 10.0.22631 CPU: (16) x64 AMD Ryzen 7 5800H with Radeon Graphics Binaries: Node: 18.18.2 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.EXE Yarn: 1.22.22 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\yarn.CMD <----- active npm: 9.8.1 - C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.CMD Browsers: Edge: Chromium (123.0.2420.65) npmPackages: @storybook/addon-essentials: 8.2.2 => 8.2.2 @storybook/addon-interactions: 8.2.2 => 8.2.2 @storybook/addon-links: 8.2.2 => 8.2.2 @storybook/addon-onboarding: 8.2.2 => 8.2.2 @storybook/blocks: 8.2.2 => 8.2.2 @storybook/react: 8.2.2 => 8.2.2 @storybook/react-vite: 8.2.2 => 8.2.2 @storybook/test: 8.2.2 => 8.2.2 @storybook/test-runner: 0.19.0 => 0.19.0 chromatic: 11.5.4 => 11.5.4 eslint-plugin-storybook: 0.8.0 => 0.8.0 msw-storybook-addon: 2.0.3 => 2.0.3 storybook: 8.2.2 => 8.2.2 storybook-addon-manual-mocks: 1.0.4 => 1.0.4 storybook-addon-remix-react-router: 3.0.0 => 3.0.0 storybook-builder-rsbuild: 0.0.7 => 0.0.7 storybook-react-rsbuild: 0.0.7 => 0.0.7

abenhamdine commented 1 month ago

Ah I've just seen so I guess it's not so simple to remove it...

JesusTheHun commented 1 month ago

@abenhamdine you guessed right, it's not so simple to remove it. Also, that's the path forward with javascript, so I don't plan going back on this. I'm going to close this as there is nothing I plan to do, and you can re-open it if you have some new information.

abenhamdine commented 1 month ago

I understand, no problem, thx for your reply !

abenhamdine commented 1 month ago

For future readers : a workaround is to compile this addon with rsbuild, with the following config :

rsbuildFinal: (config) => {
    return mergeRsbuildConfig(config, {
      source: {
        include: [