JetBrains-Research / TestSpark

TestSpark - a plugin for generating unit tests. TestSpark natively integrates different AI-based test generation tools and techniques in the IDE. Started by SERG TU Delft. Currently under implementation by JetBrains Research (ICTL) for research purposes.
MIT License
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Reducing of `CustomProgressIndicator` interface to a view of textual content of a UI indicator #258

Open Vladislav0Art opened 3 weeks ago

Vladislav0Art commented 3 weeks ago


The current issue is dependent on this issue: #257.

The current CustomProgressIndicator allows state-changing methods, such as stop, cancel, etc. It is discouraged to call these methods within an implementation and check the cancellation via the isCanceled method.

The CustomProgressIndicator interface should be reduced to a mere view of the textual content of the underlying UI indicator. The LLMWithFeedbackCycle component must be called within the coroutine and checked for cancellation via ensureActive (or methods alike).

Definition of Done