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JBR Genome Browser
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Genomes editing UI usability issues - cannot register CHM13 genome #150

Open iromeo opened 3 years ago

iromeo commented 3 years ago

Hi, I decided to try configure CHM13 reference, but didn't manage to do it.

Summary: at the moment it isn't clear how to register new CHM13 genome via this dialog + runtime errors not shown + genome fields editing process is not convenient

iromeo commented 3 years ago

I could register the genome using hack:

  1. Place files into proper folder:
    ├── chm13t2t-v1.1.2bit
    ├── chm13t2t-v1.1.chrom.sizes
    └── chm13t2t-v1.1.gene_annotation.v4.gff3.gz
  2. Use config:
    species: Homo sapiens⏎
    description: hg38 with telomores resolved⏎
    gtf: /Users/romeo/work/_annotations_/reference/chm13t2t-v1.1.gene_annotation.v4.gff3.gz⏎
    sequence: /Users/romeo/work/_annotations_/reference/chm13t2t-v1.1.2bit⏎
    chromsizes: http://localhost//Users/romeo/work/_annotations_/reference/chm13t2t-v1.1.chrom.sizes⏎
    gaps: /Users/romeo/work/_annotations_/reference/⏎