JetBrains / Exposed

Kotlin SQL Framework
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NPE Accessing Entity Property #1616

Open robertatpw opened 2 years ago

robertatpw commented 2 years ago

Description Recently upgraded from Exposed v0.17.7 to v0.39.2. Initially everything looked great until we moved to production and started finding this exception occurring intermittently. Running this code millions of times a day produces the following exception less than 10 times a day but it seems to indicate there is some change in the Exposed Entity / EntityClass which is failing now whereas it was working consistently in v0.17.7. We have upgraded to v0.40.1 hoping that would fix the problem but the problem persists in v0.40.1.

Dependencies kotlinLibVersion=1.7.10 kotlinCoroutinesLibVersion=1.6.4 kotlinLanguageVersion=1.7 ktorLibVersion=2.1.0 kodeinLibVersion=7.14.0 shadowJarLibVersion=7.1.2 awsKotlinLibVersion=0.17.8-beta exposedLibVersion=0.40.1 junitLibVersion=5.9.1 mockkLibVersion=1.13.2


data class AffiliateData(
    override val affiliateKey: String,
    override val name: String,
    override val affiliateId: UUID,
    override val dateCreated: DateTime,
    override val legacyPublisherId: Int?,
    override val everflowAffiliateId: Int,
    override val everflowAffiliateHash: String,
    override val isTest: Boolean,
    override val maskedName: String?,
    override val companyId: UUID?,
): AffiliateInterface {
    companion object {
        fun createInstance(affiliateEntity: AffiliateInterface): AffiliateInterface {
            return AffiliateData(
                affiliateKey = affiliateEntity.affiliateKey,
                name =,
                affiliateId = affiliateEntity.affiliateId,
                dateCreated = affiliateEntity.dateCreated,
                legacyPublisherId = affiliateEntity.legacyPublisherId,
                everflowAffiliateId = affiliateEntity.everflowAffiliateId,
                everflowAffiliateHash = affiliateEntity.everflowAffiliateHash,
                isTest = affiliateEntity.isTest,
                maskedName = affiliateEntity.maskedName,
                companyId = affiliateEntity.companyId,


java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at com.acquireinteractive.attribution.model.Affiliate.getEverflowAffiliateHash(Affiliate.kt:41)
at com.acquireinteractive.attribution.domain.AffiliateData$Companion.createInstance(AffiliateData.kt:29)
at com.acquireinteractive.attribution.model.repository.TrafficSourceRepository$getAffiliateData$1.invoke(TrafficSourceRepository.kt:298)
at com.acquireinteractive.attribution.model.repository.TrafficSourceRepository$getAffiliateData$1.invoke(TrafficSourceRepository.kt:297)
at com.acquireinteractive.database.service.DatabaseService.acquireReader(DatabaseService.kt:17)
at com.acquireinteractive.database.repository.AbstractRepository.acquireReader(AbstractRepository.kt:27)
at com.acquireinteractive.attribution.model.repository.TrafficSourceRepository.getAffiliateData(TrafficSourceRepository.kt:297)
at com.acquireinteractive.attribution.service.AttributionService.getAffiliate(AttributionService.kt:174)
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
-- | --
AlexeySoshin commented 2 years ago

I took a look, and I don't see any changes between 0.17.4 and 0.40.1 around either readValues Or the lookup:

I'm wondering, though, is the Affiliate model that you're using being deleted often in your system?

robertatpw commented 2 years ago

@AlexeySoshin Thank you for your reply. Sorry it took me so long to respond.

To answer your question, we never delete the Affiliates from the database. Perhaps, I'm not understanding the question so if my reply isn't what you were expecting please elaborate.

Also, since I posted this issue there have been some new developments. As a work around we implemented a retry mechanism which catches the exception and automatically retries the fetch operation which is working.

This obviously is not a long term solution but it does seem to indicate that there is some sort of race condition occurring. Since the lookup function seems to be synchronous I'm at a loss as to what could possibly be racing.

Here's the actual work around so you can see what I'm talking about.


    fun getAffiliateData(trafficSource: TrafficSourceInterface): AffiliateInterface {
        return acquireReader {


    suspend fun getAffiliateWithRetry(requestId: UUID, trafficSource: TrafficSourceInterface): AffiliateInterface {
        val trafficSourceId = trafficSource.trafficSourceId
        var retries = 3
        do {
            try {
                return trafficSourceRepository.getAffiliateData(trafficSource)
            } catch (e: Throwable) {
                "getAffiliateWithRetry" error message(
                    "Exception on traffic source $trafficSourceId: ${e.message}, retries remaining ($retries)!",
        } while (retries > 0)

        return getAffiliate(trafficSource)
robertatpw commented 2 years ago

@AlexeySoshin There are a few other factors of which you should be aware that may not be obvious from my original posting.

  1. The error is happening on other models, not just the Affiliate model. I just picked the Affiliate model to demonstrate an issue which is most pronounced since we've upgraded. If you would like to see other examples, I can provide additional stack traces although they are all being thrown from the same location in the Exposed Entity class.
  2. The stack trace indicates in all counts that there is an exception being thrown from the function although I realize that the problem may not be in the Entity class itself but somewhere else in the Exposed framework. As I indicated in my last response, the lookup function seems to be completely synchronous but there seems to be something in the Exposed framework which is no longer synchronous in this case.
  3. In all cases, the specific property of the various models which is throwing the exception varies.
  4. If you would like more examples (i.e. additional stack traces, code snippets, etc) please let me know.

We really need to find a solution to this problem because in the near future we want to move to a pattern of accessing all properties on the Exposed Entities in order to pass around plain old data objects. In the particular case of the Affiliate model, I was attempting to head off this same exception happening further down in our code by getting all of the data up front but instead of resolving that issue it just made the problem more pronounced and moved the exception to this "AffiliateData::createInstance" function rather than elsewhere in the code.

Tapac commented 2 years ago

@robertatpw can you share the part of the code how trafficSource.affiliate is created/filled?

From my side, it looks like it can be built? Also, Affiliate entity and table mapping could help.

AlexeySoshin commented 1 year ago

To answer your question, we never delete the Affiliates from the database. Perhaps, I'm not understanding the question so if my reply isn't what you were expecting please elaborate.

@robertatpw Thank you, that was exactly my question. I could expect a race between row deletion and the DAO cache update, but since you never delete it, that's not the issue. Also, thanks for clarification that not only Affiliate entity is affected.

robertatpw commented 1 year ago

@robertatpw can you share the part of the code how trafficSource.affiliate is created/filled?

From my side, it looks like it can be built? Also, Affiliate entity and table mapping could help.

@Tapac Thank you for your reply. By the way, I don't want to get too caught up on the specifics of how the Affiliate relationship works since as I mentioned previously this is happening on several different entities so it's not specific to our use of the Entity. Really the biggest question I need to get answered is why the blocking function Entity::lookup which appears to be completely synchronous seems to be acting asynchronous in some cases albeit rarely it's happening at least a handful of times on a daily basis when we're processing millions of transactions a day.

The problem may not be in the Entity class itself but perhaps in the entity manager but since I don't work on the Exposed code base on a daily basis like the contributors in this forum I was hoping to get some insight into what might've changed between v0.17.7 and now.

All of that being said here's a little snippet to show the traffic source relationship to the Affiliate table / entity. In this particular relationship there's a eager loading work around where in some cases we may have the Affiliate entity up front and can just set it on the traffic source immediately to prevent lazy loading behavior when we're pulling down all of the traffic sources in the database.

Again, I don't want to get caught up on this specific relationship because other places in the code where this same problem exists the relationships are very simple. In one particular case it's not even on a joined entity but it's happening on a primary entity which is newly created but passed around the code as an interface to a data object.

TrafficSourceTable val affiliate = reference("affiliate_id", AffiliateTable).index()


    var lazyLoadedAffiliate by Affiliate referencedOn TrafficSourceTable.affiliate
    private lateinit var eagerLoadedAffiliate: Affiliate
    override var affiliate: Affiliate
        get() = if (::eagerLoadedAffiliate.isInitialized) {
        } else {
        set(value) {
            eagerLoadedAffiliate = value
            lazyLoadedAffiliate = value
robertatpw commented 1 year ago

@Tapac Following up on my last reply, here's an example where the same problem happens just accessing a property on a newly created entity.

java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

LoanRequestTable val identityId = uuid("identity_id").index()

LoanRequest override var identityId by LoanRequestTable.identityId

A new LoanRequest entity is created on every request and passed around the code base to be referenced by many subsystems. In this particular case it's being used to get some phone quality information about the incoming request. The loan_request table schema is a very flat schema and you can see that the identity_id column is just a UUID. There's nothing special about this particular property. Again, this problem didn't occur in v0.17.7 of the Exposed library. It just started happening when we updated to v0.39.2 and is still happening now that we've upgraded to the latest available version.

ghost commented 1 year ago


I am also experiencing issues described in this thread. For reference my library versions are:

We get this in our coroutine-based AWS Lambda that fans out a 1000s of rows to a Postgresql DB via AWS Aurora.


The BroadcastTable line there has this declaration:

     var type by BroadcastTable.type

where BroadcastTable.type is:

    var type = text("type")

We don't see it often (twice now out of 1000s of executions), but it causes a batch process to fail and will require some form of retry to cater for this particular issue which is not ideal.

Any insight on resolution would be appreciated. Happy to provide more details if necessary.
