JetBrains / Exposed

Kotlin SQL Framework
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feat: EXPOSED-248 Support array column type #1986

Closed bog-walk closed 5 months ago

bog-walk commented 5 months ago

Adds a new ArrayColumnType that accepts and returns elements of a List:

object TestTable : Table() {
    val amounts: Column<List<Int>?> = array<Int>("amounts", IntegerColumnType()).nullable()
    val items: Column<List<String?>> = array<String?>("amounts", TextColumnType()).default(emptyList())
    val prices: Column<List<Double>> = array<Double>("prices", DoubleColumnType())


fun arrayList(name: String, columnType: ColumnType, length: Int? = null): Column<List> = registerColumn(name, ArrayColumnType(columnType.apply { nullable = true }, true, length))

And all functions would need to be duplicated or given less restrictive type parameters. If there are any opinions about whether `Array` should be used instead (or add both), please let me know.
- To ensure that each element in the array is processed properly, the user has to supply a delegate column type (on column declaration and in some column functions). This could be seen as too verbose, so functions could be altered to use reflection and assign a column type for primitives, so that the user could choose to omit this argument.


Allows maximum array size to be set on column declaration.
Allows array column getter (via index reference) and slicing:
val somePrices = TestTable.prices.slice(3, 7) { TestTable.items[2] eq "Item B" }

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