JetBrains / Exposed

Kotlin SQL Framework
Apache License 2.0
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Using Transaction.exec changes all referenced columns to be nullable going forward #2142

Open levilansing opened 5 days ago

levilansing commented 5 days ago

Feel free to tell me I'm doing it wrong, but when I try to use exposed to generate prepared statements that I execute directly on the transaction, it changes all the column types that I inserted to be nullable for all future inserts. My use case is that I want to support inserts that ignore conflicts, here's a contrived example:

object IdTests : Table() {
    val id = long("id").autoIncrement()
    val value = varchar("value", 255)

    override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(id)

object IdTestService {
    fun createSchema() {
        transaction {

    fun insertTest() {
        transaction {
            val statement1 = InsertStatement<Number>(IdTests).apply {
                this[IdTests.value] = "test1"
            this.exec(statement1.prepareSQL(this), statement1.arguments().first())
            // INSERT INTO idtests ("value") VALUES ('test1')

            val statement2 = InsertStatement<Number>(IdTests).apply {
                this[] = -2
                this[IdTests.value] = "test2"
            val sql = """
                ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
                RETURNING ${}
            this.exec(sql, statement2.arguments().first(), StatementType.MULTI)
            // INSERT INTO idtests (id, "value") VALUES (-2, 'test2')

            val statement3 = InsertStatement<Number>(IdTests).apply {
                this[IdTests.value] = "test3"
            this.exec(statement3.prepareSQL(this), statement3.arguments().first())
            // INSERT INTO idtests (id, "value") VALUES (NULL, 'test3')
            // ERROR: null value in column "id" of relation "idtests" violates not-null constraint

Notice the generated SQL for statement1 and statement3. In statement1, exposed knows the id column has a default value in the DB and leaves it out of the insert statement, but in statement3 (and all future insert statements), it will try to insert null because the column type has been modified permanently in the execution of statement2.

This is highly problematic for any column that uses a DB generated default, as all future inserts will try to insert NULL.

I think I've tracked it down to this recent change:

bog-walk commented 14 hours ago

@levilansing Thanks very much for bringing this use case to our attention.

exec() arguments have been typically tried and tested using stand-alone/throw-away columnTypes via manually-defined lists of pairs. The logic will need to be refactored if Exposed is also being used for SQL-string statement generation, with actually existing column objects being used to provide the arguments. I'll look into making this use case work as well.

Also, if you wouldn't mind sharing, is there a specific reason that insertIgnore() does not suffice for your use case?