JetBrains / Exposed

Kotlin SQL Framework
Apache License 2.0
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Missing documentation #812

Closed MichaelKofler closed 1 year ago

MichaelKofler commented 4 years ago

Exposed has a lot of potential and shows a very kotlin way to do databases, but without proper documentation it is simply too frustrating to learn. It's a waste of all the developer work that has gone into this project. While the wiki examples are helpful, they cannot replace a more systematic reference of concepts, classes and methods. Also, some information is out of date (i.e. regarding handling of dates; it took me a day to find out I had to include exposed-java-time into build.gradle to use java 8 datetime classes).

Tapac commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your interest in Exposed. We already work on new documentation. If you have something that you want to be highlighted in the documentation please share your thoughts.

MichaelKofler commented 4 years ago


At, add exposed-java-time to Maven/Gradle listings and explain either exposed-jodatime or exposed-java-time is to be used. I guess, the future is exposed-java-time?

Even better, place this information on:

Better still, give a more complete gradle-example like this:

repositories {
    // leave existing entries, add jcenter-Repository
dependencies {
    // leave existing entries, add the following as needed

    // always
    compile ""
    compile ""
    compile ""

    // for date/datetime with Java 8
    compile ""

    // for date/datetime with Joda Time
    // compile ""

    // for SQLite
    compile "org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc:3.30.1"

    // for H2
    compile "com.h2database:h2:1.4.200"

    // for MySQL/MariaDB-Server
    compile "mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.48"

    // for other databases ...

    // for logging (StdOutSqlLogger) 
    compile "org.slf4j:slf4j-nop:1.7.30"


Explain connection management. If I understood it correct, the connection is closed at the end of each transaction and reopened with the next transaction??

Add a page with driver specific (connection) information. I only tested H2 and SQLite so far, MySQL/MariaDB to follow.

Data types, schema creation with DAO

More details needed at, i.e. for date/time and UUID handling. Type double is missing. primaryKey() used in first example is deprecated. Should probably be:

override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(id)

Table/IntIdTable singleton: short reference/explanation of column setup methods like check, clientDefault/default/defaultExpression/defaultValueFun (???), nullable, index, uniqueIndex etc.

Update 2020-03-05:


PS: In case you wonder, I am currently writing a book on Kotlin (in german language). I plan to include a chapter on Exposed. If it is helpful, I can add more documentation wishes in this issue later.

AliLozano commented 4 years ago

Hi @Tapac, I was looking for how can make pull request to Wiki, and I found this:

Can you enable it?.

I was wanting to add this:

Multiple Table Inheritance (Same table)

Declaring a AbstractTable that can override table name

 abstract class AbstractTable : Table() {
    lateinit var table: Table
    override val tableName: String
        get() = table.tableName

    operator fun invoke(table: Table) {
        this.table = table
        val columns = table.columns as MutableList<Column<*>>

Create interfaces(for delegated classes) and implementation parents

interface AuditTable {
    val AuditTable: AbstractTable

    companion object {
        private class Extend : AbstractTable(), AuditTable {
            override val AuditTable get() = this

            override val createdAt = datetime("createdAt").clientDefault { }
            override val modifiedAt = datetime("modifiedAt").clientDefault { }
            override val createdBy = reference("createdBy", AccountTable)
            override val modifiedBy = reference("modifiedBy", AccountTable)

        operator fun invoke() = Extend() as AuditTable

    val createdAt: Column<DateTime>
    val modifiedAt: Column<DateTime>
    val createdBy: Column<EntityID<UUID>>
    val modifiedBy: Column<EntityID<UUID>>

interface SoftTable {
    val SoftTable: AbstractTable

    companion object {
        private class Extend : AbstractTable(), SoftTable {
            override val SoftTable get() = this
            override val isDeleted = bool("isDeleted").default(false)

        operator fun invoke() = Extend() as SoftTable

    val isDeleted: Column<Boolean>

Use delegate classes for add every parent column to the table.

object AccountTable: UUIDTable() {
    val name = varchar("name", 100)
object BookTable: UUIDTable(), SoftTable by SoftTable(), AuditTable by AuditTable() {
    val name = varchar("name", 100)

    init { SoftTable(this); AuditTable(this); } // register columns in BookTable
Tapac commented 4 years ago

Hi @AliLozano , sorry, but I can't enable wiki collaboration due to our security policy. I will think about how to workaround this, also thank you for your PR, I will try to include on a wiki.

kortov commented 4 years ago

@Tapac is your security policy concerned about the method AliLozano provided or about wiki collaboration itself? Because as a workaround you can keep wiki in this repo and push changes afterwards , I saw this method here

Btw I don't like github wikis due it's hard to collaborate on, readmes or github pages are better sometimes

Tapac commented 4 years ago

@kortov , it's about public access to Exposed wiki. I will investigate the possibility to make a separate repo for wiki and setup the synhronozation.

We plan to improve documentation and get rid of github wiki.

jlengrand commented 4 years ago

That would be nice, I also am unable to propose documentation improvements for the same reason :) :

Tapac commented 4 years ago

I have posted a short "how-to" for those who want to improve wiki. Feel free to share PRs.

jlengrand commented 4 years ago

Hey @Tapac , looks good! Thanks for taking the time to provide an alternative :).

I hope this way won't force too much manual work on you. Take care!

Martmists-GH commented 4 years ago

IntelliJ problem (?): When I use exposed-java-time, IntelliJ cannot find the imports for datetime and CurrentDateTime. I have to import them manually. Importing date works, however. Perhaps recommend:

Do you have a solution for joda-time too? I'm having the same issue

Tapac commented 4 years ago

@martmists , which Exposed and database versions do you use? Could you share a sample to reproduce?

timatoe commented 3 years ago

@AliLozano does the example of table inheritance you've posted work? Is it ready for others to follow?

bog-walk commented 1 year ago

An update about documentation:

We are actively working towards improving KDocs throughout the codebase, as well as enhancing and publishing all Wiki documentation and samples to an Exposed website.

If you're interested, here is a link to the most recent official blog post regarding our plans moving forward.