JetBrains / JetBrainsMono

JetBrains Mono – the free and open-source typeface for developers
SIL Open Font License 1.1
10.58k stars 298 forks source link

Website feedback - Mac installation instructions #483

Open ardunster opened 2 years ago

ardunster commented 2 years ago

First let me just say I love this font. I ended up using it on my work computer and I love the ligatures for common programming combinations. Today I decided to install it on my laptop. Your instructions say to double click on the "Install Font" button. There is no Install Font button until after you double click on a font file, and it brings up a dialog box; if you do that for all 32 files at once, you're going to flood your screen with little boxes. Much, much easier to open Font Book and drag and drop the files into it.

programmer04 commented 2 years ago

@ardunster on macOS when you use brew as a package manager you can install it like that

brew install homebrew/cask-fonts/font-jetbrains-mono