JetBrains / JetBrainsMono

JetBrains Mono – the free and open-source typeface for developers
SIL Open Font License 1.1
10.86k stars 301 forks source link

Solid Pipes / Vertical Bars #505

Open BrandtWright opened 2 years ago

BrandtWright commented 2 years ago

I think increasing the height of the vertical box draw glyph(s) would be a huge improvement. This would allow vertical box draw glyphs in the same column and adjacent rows to create a solid line and would drastically enhance the font's usefulness in a terminal. Terminal apps that use pane-like features (tmux , fzf --preview, etc.) would no longer have interrupted/dashed borders along their vertical edges when using Jetbrains Mono. I don't think this would take anything away form the already great aesthetics of the font and would add quite a bit in terms of usability inside the terminal.

philippnurullin commented 2 years ago

Hi @BrandtWright . Thanks for suggestion. Can you please add screenshots to illustrate your idea. Particularly with interrupted/dashes borders you talking about.

aeternuspolyphagus commented 2 years ago

image I think BrandtWright talking about this. This is your font.

image This is fira code.

I very like your font. But this featuture realy need!

philippnurullin commented 2 years ago

Thanks @aeternuspolyphagus But this is not a vertical bars. This feature is requested here

It looks to me that @BrandtWright talking about BoxDrawing set of symbols. └ ┐ ┘ ┼ ┬ ┴ ├ ┤ ─ │ ╡ ╢ ╖ ╕ ╣ ║ ╗ ╝ ╜ ╛ ╞ ╟ ╚ ╔ ╩ ╦ ╠ ═ ╬ ╧ ╨ ╤ ╥ ╙ ╘ ╒ ╓ ╫ ╪ ━ ┃ ┄ ┅ ┆ ┇ ┈ ┉ ┊ ┋ ┍ ┎ ┏ ┑ ┒ ┓ ┕ ┖ ┗ ┙ ┚ ┛ ┝ ┞ ┟ ┠ ┡ ┢ ┣ ┥ ┦ ┧ ┨ ┩ ┪ ┫ ┭ ┮ ┯ ┰ ┱ ┲ ┳ ┵ ┶ ┷ ┸ ┹ ┺ ┻ ┽ ┾ ┿ ╀ ╁ ╂ ╃ ╄ ╅ ╆ ╇ ╈ ╉ ╊ ╋ ╌ ╍ ╎ ╏ ╭ ╮ ╯ ╰ ╱ ╲ ╳ ╴ ╵ ╶ ╷ ╸ ╹ ╺ ╻ ╼ ╽ ╾ ╿

The thing is that these symbols made especially a bit taller that font vertical metrics (the green lines on the screenshot) to eliminate the gaps between lines.

Screenshot 2022-01-10 at 11 01 16

The gaps between lines can appear if the line-height is not equal to 1 (default). This parameter usually is set by user. Also, some older version of the font have the problem with vertical gaps. So I need more info to understand the particular case of @BrandtWright .