JetBrains / RiderSourceCodeAccess

Plugin for UE4 to user Rider for Unreal Engine as code editor
Apache License 2.0
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Open in Rider causes segfault on linux #13

Open fexolm opened 2 years ago

fexolm commented 2 years ago

It looks, like rider path search is not yet perfect. I've modified code a bit to check what is going wrong. The following code prints

.... ExecutablePath: /home/fexolm/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/Rider/ch-0/221.3427.104/bin/rider.svg

(I don't think, that svg is expected executable path here).

The code:

   27     return HandleOpeningRider([this, &Params, &FilePaths]()->bool
   26     {
   25         UE_LOG(LogRiderAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Opening files (%s) failed. Params: %s, ExecutablePath: %s"), *FilePaths, *Params, *ExecutablePath);
   23         return false;
   21         FProcHandle Proc = FPlatformProcess::CreateProc(*ExecutablePath, *Params, true, true, false, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
   20         const bool bResult = Proc.IsValid(); 
   19         if (!bResult)
   18         {
   17             UE_LOG(LogRiderAccessor, Warning, TEXT("Opening files (%s) failed."), *FilePaths);
   16             FPlatformProcess::CloseProc(Proc);
   15         }
   14         return bResult;     
   13     });
fexolm commented 2 years ago

I've fixed this by removing svg, but it doesn't sound like a solution :)

DecoyRS commented 2 years ago

rofl, I wonder if smth has changed in UE fs traversal algorithm if it started to pick "rider.svg" over "rider". or "rider.svg" has appeared out of nowhere. Anywho thx for the info, I'll changes and send them to Epic Games as soon as I get rid of covid ><

fexolm commented 2 years ago

@DecoyRS No problem, get well soon :)