JetBrains / UnrealLink

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Unreal Editor Log is Totally Empty #262

Open Periokumene opened 1 year ago

Periokumene commented 1 year ago

I'm a beginner in learning Unreal and C++. It puzzled me a that in Unreal Editor Log is totally empty and the information in Unreal Output Log doesnot show here as I wished. I have tried to uninstall rider or Plugin and install them again, but it did not help...

hellg1 commented 1 year ago

Hello @HISYD! Do you have RiderLink plugin installed in your game project? Does it happen only in one project or every project is affected?

Periokumene commented 1 year ago

Oh actually I have tried installing it in Game or Engine, neither of them worked...I tried to create a pure project based on 4.27 (epic launcher version), it failed to show anything in Unreal Editor Log. This action was repeated also in source code build 5.2 version and the result is same...

ps. sorry i'm not a native English speaker, forgive my poor Thank you for your reply!

nameless-user12138 commented 1 year ago

You mean the Unreal Editor Log tab is showed but there is no logging? Better post a picture.

DaqiHu commented 8 months ago

Yes I met the same issue. I cannot find the tab Unreal Log in View->Tool Windows.


I've tried a solution in other comments of this problem, which is disable and re-enable the UnrealLink plugin, but it didn't work for me. I saw this plugin no longer has major updates and the version stopped at year 2020.

So does anyone meet the same issue in Rider version same or later than 2023?

DecoyRS commented 8 months ago

Hello folks! In order to show logs in Unreal Log panel, next requirements should be in place:

@Dutchi-Who UnrealLink is updated with every version of Rider. In extreme cases like fixing crashes we might release an intermediate version on Marketplace, but it's been awhile since we posted one on the Marketplace.

Can you post your current version of UnrealLink and RiderLink installed?

DaqiHu commented 8 months ago

Here's my Unreal and Rider plugins' versions:

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Meanwhile, when I tried to navigate to Blueprint in C++, it popped this warning. I didn't find any error message except this.


Do you think that would help? I met all requirements but the Unreal Log tab just doesn't appear.

andreiagmu commented 7 months ago

I'm not sure if this may be related to your issue, but today, I had an issue with RiderLink:

Every time I opened my Rider project, it always asked me to install RiderLink. And every time I tried to install it, using either Install plugin in Engine or Install plugin in Game options, nothing happened. Thus, my Rider project was never connecting to Unreal Engine, always showing Not Connected to Unreal Editor status.

Turns out I needed to open Rider with Admin privileges. In JetBrains Toolbox, I used the Run as administrator option (in the "three dots" menu at the right of Rider), and then I was finally able to install RiderLink!

Now, Rider connects to the Unreal Editor, and the UnrealLink (Unreal Editor Log) view appears correctly in Rider. :D

DaqiHu commented 7 months ago

I'm not sure if this may be related to your issue, but today, I had an issue with RiderLink:

Every time I opened my Rider project, it always asked me to install RiderLink. And every time I tried to install it, using either Install plugin in Engine or Install plugin in Game options, nothing happened. Thus, my Rider project was never connecting to Unreal Engine, always showing Not Connected to Unreal Editor status.

Turns out I needed to open Rider with Admin privileges. In JetBrains Toolbox, I used the Run as administrator option (in the "three dots" menu at the right of Rider), and then I was finally able to install RiderLink!

Now, Rider connects to the Unreal Editor, and the UnrealLink (Unreal Editor Log) view appears correctly in Rider. :D

I tried, thanks for your advice, but admin privilege cannot help on my computer :-(

kapkrash commented 6 months ago

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So I have all the settings correct. I also have admin rights on it. I have no idea why its not working :(. I only have 1 .uproject and have ensured that it is installed correctly. The only thing I am thinking might be it is the installation temp location. My project is on D:\ drive while the temp install is on C:\ temp

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