JetBrains / UnrealLink

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Riderlink cannot be installed into 5.3 UE project #269

Closed astradamus closed 10 months ago

astradamus commented 10 months ago

This is super barebones and easy to reproduce:

1) Create new FPS template, C++ project in UE 5.3 2) Open the project in rider. 3) When prompted by Rider to add Riderlink, select Add to Editor. 4) Process begins, gets almost to 79/79, then fails at the very end. Every time no matter what I do.

As you can see there's pretty much no room for me to configure or do anything differently here. I'm guessing that Riderlink simply isn't updated for 5.3 yet, which is only a week old from what I can tell.

Here is what it says at the end of the build script terminal output:

Failed to build RiderLink plugin for G:\UE_5.3
Failed to build RiderLink plugin

Just above that it gives a path to a log file. The log file is attached in full below, but I scanned it for pertinent details and I think this is the key error:

C:\Users\neuro\AppData\Local\Temp\UnrealLink\Coqelaz\HostProject\Plugins\RiderLink\Source\RiderGameControl\Private\RiderGameControl.cpp(20): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'UnrealEd/Public/Editor.h': No such file or directory

However, that file DOES seem to exist. I can locate it in rider, it is in "G:\UE_5.3\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Public\Editor.h"

Any ideas?


astradamus commented 10 months ago

To clarify I have tried everything short of using a different editor version. Reboots, reinstalls, nothing seems to solve this problem.

EDIT: Same thing happens if you do "Install Plugin in Game" instead of "Install Plugin in Engine". Hadn't occurred to me to try that before because I misunderstood what it was, but it's the same error.

astradamus commented 10 months ago

I neglected to mention Rider version. There's some other info in here too, maybe it's useful 🤷‍♂️

JetBrains Rider 2022.3.2 Build #RD-223.8617.53, built on January 25, 2023 Licensed to You have a perpetual fallback license for this version. Subscription is active until Runtime version: 17.0.5+1-b653.25 amd64 VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o. Windows 10 10.0 .NET 7.0.0 (Server GC) GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation Memory: 1500M Cores: 16 Registry: ide.mac.bigsur.window.with.tabs.enabled=false platform.projectModel.workspace.model.file.index=false rdclient.asyncActions=false indexing.enable.entity.provider.based.indexing=false

Non-Bundled Plugins: (5.7.3) (1.6.0) (1.162.1)

astradamus commented 10 months ago

Pack it up, boys!


Rider 2023.2.1 worked fine.

Me-Maped commented 9 months ago

I have the same problem,my rider version is 2022.3.3,how can i do without update rider?

DecoyRS commented 9 months ago

Try Ctrh+Shift+A Extract RiderLink Swap RD folder of RiderLink with

Me-Maped commented 9 months ago

Try Ctrh+Shift+A Extract RiderLink Swap RD folder of RiderLink with

Thanks, It works!

Jmarinesq commented 8 months ago

Try Ctrh+Shift+A Extract RiderLink Swap RD folder of RiderLink with

Tried it with JetBrains Rider 2022.2.4, it doesn't work Do we need to patch different source files ?

TinyNMT commented 5 months ago

Try Ctrh+Shift+A Extract RiderLink Swap RD folder of RiderLink with

It actually worked. Thanks

tyogautomo commented 3 months ago

Try Ctrh+Shift+A Extract RiderLink Swap RD folder of RiderLink with

what is Ctlr+Shift+A actually do? where should I do the Ctrl+Shift+A ???

P0stMelone commented 1 month ago

Try Ctrh+Shift+A Extract RiderLink Swap RD folder of RiderLink with

I did not understand where i've to insert the github link :(