JetBrains / colorSchemeTool

Apache License 2.0
467 stars 82 forks source link

Having problems converting a file #50

Open carlca opened 11 months ago

carlca commented 11 months ago

I've narrowed down the operation of the tool by limiting the contents of the vscThemes folder to the one file mojo.json. I also altered to having the following line at the end...

python2 "$FILE" "$IJ_OUTDIR$BASE.icls" >> ./colorSchemeTool.log

when I run the script, the initial conversion to tmtheme appears to work, however, the conversion to .icls fails. Here is the error message...

~/Code/colorSchemeTool  sh ./
converting ./vscThemes/mojo.json to ./tmThemes/mojo.tmTheme ...
converting ./tmThemes/mojo.tmTheme to ./intellijThemes/mojo.icls ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 926, in <module>
    all_settings, used_scopes = load_textmate_scheme(sys.argv[1])
  File "", line 774, in load_textmate_scheme
    themeDict = plistlib.load(f)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'load'

I've attached the file to be converted. If you can work out what's wrong, that would be great. Failing that could I ask you if you could produce the mojo.icls file yourself and send it back to me πŸ™πŸ½


carlca commented 11 months ago

It turns out that Python 3 is the required version. I've narrowed the problem down to a failure in the load function of

def load(fp, *, fmt=None, dict_type=dict):
    """Read a .plist file. 'fp' should be a readable and binary file object.
    Return the unpacked root object (which usually is a dictionary).
    if fmt is None:
        header =
        for info in _FORMATS.values():
            if info['detect'](header):
                P = info['parser']

            raise InvalidFileException()

        P = _FORMATS[fmt]['parser']

    p = P(dict_type=dict_type)
    return p.parse(fp)

The function is raising a InvalidFileException exception which suggests that the problem may lie in the vscToTm.js script. However, the .tmtheme file produced is passing the plutil plist validation tool...

carlca commented 11 months ago

I've sorted out the problem. It may be that the original VSCode .json file was missing some info, but the intermediate .tmTheme file certainly was missing some crucial lines...

The highlighted lines were missing...

          <key>background</key>     # MISSING      
          <string>#1e1e1e</string>  # MISSING      
          <key>caret</key>          # MISSING      
          <string>#7070FF</string>  # MISSING      
          <key>foreground</key>     # MISSING      
          <string>#D0D0FF</string>  # MISSING      
          <key>invisibles</key>     # MISSING      
          <string>#404040</string>  # MISSING      

...with the result that the isDark function was causing thee process to crash. So I transplanted some lines from a working .tmTheme file, commented out the first half of convert,sh and got a nice new mojo.icls file which was then easy to tweak to taste πŸ˜ƒ

ilxqx commented 10 months ago

Hi, I have encountered the same problem. I really don't know how to do it. Can you please help me convert a vscode theme? Here is the json content of this theme(Very grateful):

    "type": "light",
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            "scope": [
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            "scope": [
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                "text.html.markdown meta.dummy.line-break"
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                "background": "#787b8099",
                "foreground": "#787b8099"
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            "scope": [
            "settings": {
                "background": "#5c6166",
                "foreground": "#787b8099"
    "semanticHighlighting": true,
    "semanticTokenColors": {
        "parameter.label": "#5c6166"
carlca commented 10 months ago

Does this file work... ?

You'll need to unzip it and the import it into your JetBrains IDE under: Settings -> Editor -> Color Scheme -> βš™οΈ

I don't know if the colours are correct - it seems very bright to me, but then my idea of a flamboyant colour scheme is grey on black πŸ˜‰

To explain briefly what I did:

The code in does the job in two parts:



shopt -s nullglob

    DIR="${FILE:0:${#FILE} - ${#FN}}"
    EXT="${FN:${#BASE} + 1}"
    echo converting $DIR$FN to $TM_OUTDIR$BASE.tmTheme ...
    node vscToTm.js "$FILE" "$TM_OUTDIR$BASE.tmTheme" >> ./colorSchemeTool.log


shopt -s nullglob

    DIR="${FILE:0:${#FILE} - ${#FN}}"
    EXT="${FN:${#BASE} + 1}"
    echo converting $DIR$FN to $IJ_OUTDIR$BASE.icls ...
    python3 "$FILE" "$IJ_OUTDIR$BASE.icls" >> ./colorSchemeTool.log

The first part takes the .json file in the vscThemes folder and uses the vscToTm.js javascript script to convert to a .thTheme file in the thThemes folder'.

The second part takes the .thTheme file and uses the script to convert the theme to an .icls file in the intellijThemes folder.

The problem was that the .thTheme file was being produced with one line missing...

<plist version="1.0">

It needed an extra line like so...

<plist version="1.0">

I then commented out the first half of the script and ran it again so that the .tmTheme file from before was preserved and the .icls file was produced.

I hope that helps πŸ˜ƒ

ilxqx commented 10 months ago

@carlca Thank you very much. It works very well, you are really awesome. Thanks for your detailed guidance and response. This theme is a theme that I really like. I like bright themes. Thank you for helping me to fulfill the requirement of using the vscode theme in Jetbrains IDE. Thanks again! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

ilxqx commented 10 months ago

@carlca According to your guidance, I have found a way to fix it. 1、The first issue is the problem that the "name" attribute value is missing in the plist. The solution is to add a root property name in the JSON file of the theme, like this:

    "name": "Ayu Light",
    "type": "light",
    "tokenColors": ["...omitted"],
    "semanticHighlighting": true,
    "semanticTokenColors": {
        "parameter.label": "#5c6166"

2、Python script error AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'load' The solution is that the load method seems not to exist in plistlib in python 2.7, there is an alternative method called readPlist, so you can solve the problem by changing the function load_textmate_scheme as follows:

def load_textmate_scheme(tmtheme):
    print "Load theme: ", tmtheme
    print dir(plistlib)
    themeDict = None
    with open(tmtheme, 'rb') as f:
        themeDict = plistlib.readPlist(f) # Here is the original load changed to readPlist
    all_settings = themeDict['settings']
    used_scopes = set()

Then run ./ again, and it will work perfectly. Thank you for the inspiration.

carlca commented 10 months ago

@ilxqx Hello again! I'm glad you got it working. Actually, your solution is better than mine because it addresses a problem with the initial .json file!

ilxqx commented 10 months ago

@ilxqx Hello again! I'm glad you got it working. Actually, your solution is better than mine because it addresses a problem with the initial .json file!

Thanks to your guidance. πŸ™

Pathadyl commented 2 months ago

Hi, I have encountered problems. I try both Python 3.11.3 and Python 2.7.16. I try to convert the "winter is coming" theme in JSON file to .icls file. Both have the error when converting from json to tm file is "Command not found". Help me to convert please. Here is the winteriscomming json file:

{ "name": "Winter Is Coming", "type": "dark", "tokenColors": [ { "settings": { "foreground": "#bce7ff" } }, { "scope": ["meta.paragraph.markdown", ""], "settings": { "foreground": "#EEFFFF" } }, { "scope": ["", "punctuation.definition.heading.markdown"], "settings": { "foreground": "#5ABEB0" } }, { "scope": [ "punctuation.definition.string.begin.markdown", "punctuation.definition.string.end.markdown", "markup.quote.markdown" ], "settings": { "foreground": "#82AAFF" } }, { "scope": ["markup.quote.markdown"], "settings": { "fontStyle": "italic", "foreground": "#82AAFF" } }, { "scope": ["markup.bold.markdown", "punctuation.definition.bold.markdown"], "settings": { "fontStyle": "bold", "foreground": "#57cdff" } }, { "scope": ["markup.italic.markdown", "punctuation.definition.italic.markdown"], "settings": { "fontStyle": "italic", "foreground": "#C792EA" } }, { "scope": ["markup.inline.raw.string.markdown", "markup.fenced_code.block.markdown"], "settings": { "fontStyle": "italic", 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PanandSu commented 1 week ago

who can help me? i convert it,but find erros: python2.7

root@632bbdc3b7b8:/colorSchemeTool# ./
converting ./vscThemes/eva.json to ./tmThemes/eva.tmTheme ...
converting ./tmThemes/eva.tmTheme to ./intellijThemes/eva.icls ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 926, in <module>
    all_settings, used_scopes = load_textmate_scheme(sys.argv[1])
  File "", line 774, in load_textmate_scheme
    themeDict = plistlib.load(f)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'load'

this is my vscode theme json file: eva.json thanks a lot!