Hey, I just wanted to start off by saying thank you for creating this experimental feature. I was trying to try them out in my ongoing project, but it failed during gradle setup.
Error Log:
A problem occurred configuring project ':composeApp'.
> Failed to notify project evaluation listener.
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot change attributes of configuration ':composeApp:debugAndroidTestCompileClasspath' after it has been locked for mutation
> KotlinJvmAndroidCompilation with name 'debugAndroidTest' not found.
plugins {
id("app.cash.sqldelight") version "2.0.1"
id("com.android.library") apply false
id("com.google.devtools.ksp") version "2.0.20-1.0.24"
// For hot reload
id("org.jetbrains.compose-hot-reload") version "1.0.0-dev.18"
repositories {
maven("https://repo.sellmair.io") // can't resolve dependency if I don't add them here.
I also tried adding the plugin to project level build.gradle.kts like so, but had the same error.
Currently this issue happens when I try to integrate it into my existing application. I will try to add them into a new application and see if the issue persists.
Thank you for your work, and good luck on this project.
Hey, I just wanted to start off by saying thank you for creating this experimental feature. I was trying to try them out in my ongoing project, but it failed during gradle setup.
Error Log:
// build.gradle.kts(:composeApp)
I also tried adding the plugin to project level build.gradle.kts like so, but had the same error.
Currently this issue happens when I try to integrate it into my existing application. I will try to add them into a new application and see if the issue persists.
Thank you for your work, and good luck on this project.