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[Cfw] Layout doesn't start at the top when in mobile portrait mode #4702

Open luludevmuniz opened 1 week ago

luludevmuniz commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug Some part of the layout is hidden when accessing the wasm generated website in a smartphone in portrait mode. Some elements goes outside the root composable bounds. (can be seen in

Affected platforms


To Reproduce Steps and/or the code snippet to reproduce the behavior:

fun TwoBoxes() {
    Column(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().padding(24.dp)) {
            modifier = Modifier.weight(0.5f)
                    width = 1.dp,
                    color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.outline
            modifier = Modifier.weight(0.5f)
                    width = 1.dp,
                    color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.outline

Expected behavior Layout starting at the top of the window.

Screenshots IMG-20240425-WA0001 IMG-20240425-WA0000

Captura de Tela 2024-04-25 às 15 40 03

Additional context The issue does not occur when the smartphone is rotated in landscape mode.

luludevmuniz commented 1 week ago

Additional info: seems like the touch target does not match the composable location, you have to touch a bit down where it is showing.

eymar commented 6 days ago

the link you provided ( is 404. Could you please check that link is correct?

Schahen commented 6 days ago

@luludevmuniz can you please check agains the recently released 1.6.10-beta02 prelease version?

luludevmuniz commented 6 days ago

@eymar I'm sorry. I have created two website, one with the issue and the other with a fix.


In the fixed version I just added <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">, that I saw here, that I believe be the same issue as tracked here.

@shabunc Tested against 1.6.10-beta02, issue exists in the website and the TwoBoxes composable.