JetBrains / compose-multiplatform

Compose Multiplatform, a modern UI framework for Kotlin that makes building performant and beautiful user interfaces easy and enjoyable.
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Resources Missing After Publishing Pod to Artifactory #4954

Closed faliinitse closed 2 weeks ago

faliinitse commented 2 weeks ago

Description We have started using Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) as an external library for our project. Everything works fine locally, and resources are accessible when using CocoaPods and referencing the local KMP project. However, when we publish the pod to Artifactory using the podPublishReleaseXCFramework command, the resources (e.g., localized strings) are not available in the iOS code.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Add localized strings as resources to be shared across all platforms.
  2. Use CocoaPods to reference the local KMP project in the Podfile:

pod 'shared', :path => '../shared'

  1. Run pod install and verify that the resources are available and accessible in the iOS code.
  2. Publish the pod to Artifactory using the following process:
val versionName: String = "0.1.1"
println("Version name: $versionName")
val cocoapodDir: String = project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("cocoapods/publish").get().toString()
val artifactApiKey: String = artifactoryCocoapodsApiKey
val artifactUrl = "${artifactoryCocoapodsUrl}ios-libs-releases-local/Shared/$versionName/"
val tarFileName = "shared.tar.gz"

// Instructions
val changeToDirectory = "cd $cocoapodDir"
val listDirectoryContent = "ls"
val archiveReleaseDirectoryContent = "tar -czvf $tarFileName -C release \$(ls release)"
val printUploadMessage = "echo 'Now, upload the file to the artifact $artifactUrl'"
val uploadFileToRepo =
    "curl  -H 'X-JFrog-Art-Api:$artifactApiKey' -XPUT $artifactUrl -T $tarFileName"
val printRemoveMessage = "echo 'now, remove the file from local'"
val removeArchive = "rm $tarFileName"

exec {
    commandLine("sh", "-c", "" +
            "$changeToDirectory && " +
            "$listDirectoryContent && " +
            "$archiveReleaseDirectoryContent && " +
            "$printUploadMessage && " +
            "$uploadFileToRepo && " +
            "$printRemoveMessage && " +

Generated Podspec do |spec|                     = 'shared'
    spec.version                  = '0.1.1'
    spec.homepage                 = ''
    spec.source                   = { :http => '' }
    spec.authors                  = ''
    spec.license                  = { :type => 'MIT', :text => 'License text' }
    spec.summary                  = 'Some description for a Kotlin/Native module'
    spec.vendored_frameworks      = 'build/cocoapods/framework/shared.framework'
    spec.libraries                = 'c++'
    spec.ios.deployment_target    = '13.0'

    if !Dir.exist?('build/cocoapods/framework/shared.framework') || Dir.empty?('build/cocoapods/framework/shared.framework')
        raise "
        Kotlin framework 'shared' doesn't exist yet, so a proper Xcode project can't be generated.
        'pod install' should be executed after running ':generateDummyFramework' Gradle task:
            ./gradlew :shared:generateDummyFramework
        Alternatively, proper pod installation is performed during Gradle sync in the IDE (if Podfile location is set)"

    spec.pod_target_xcconfig = {
        'KOTLIN_PROJECT_PATH' => ':shared',
        'PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME' => 'shared',

    spec.script_phases = [
            :name => 'Build shared',
            :execution_position => :before_compile,
            :shell_path => '/bin/sh',
            :script => <<-SCRIPT
                if [ "YES" = "$OVERRIDE_KOTLIN_BUILD_IDE_SUPPORTED" ]; then
                  echo "Skipping Gradle build task invocation due to OVERRIDE_KOTLIN_BUILD_IDE_SUPPORTED environment variable set to \"YES\""
                  exit 0
                set -ev
                "$REPO_ROOT/../gradlew" -p "$REPO_ROOT" $KOTLIN_PROJECT_PATH:syncFramework \
                    -Pkotlin.native.cocoapods.platform=$PLATFORM_NAME \
                    -Pkotlin.native.cocoapods.archs="$ARCHS" \

    spec.resources = ['build/compose/cocoapods/compose-resources']

Expected Behavior The resources, such as localized strings, should be available and accessible in the iOS project both when using the local KMP project and when using the published version from Artifactory.

Actual Behavior The resources are available and accessible when using the local KMP project. However, after publishing the pod to Artifactory and using the published version, the resources are not available in the iOS project.

Additional Information Any insights or solutions to ensure the resources are included and accessible when the pod is published to Artifactory would be greatly appreciated.

terrakok commented 2 weeks ago


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