Open gejun123456 opened 4 days ago
what will happen if use intellij 2024.2 debugger agent in intellij 2024.3, seem many features works fine.
The current workaround is to disable the "Instrumenting Agent" option. To do this, navigate to "Build, Execution, Deployment" → "Debugger" → "Async Stack Traces" and uncheck the "Instrumenting agent".
HotswapAgent is a framework for hot reloading java claases. In intellij 2024.3 java8 and java11 will meet issues when run debug with hotswap agent together. run code when meet NoClassDefFoundError, it will throw ClassNotFoundException. java17 works fine.
For intellij 2024.2 or eailer versions. it work fine. when change the debugger agent file in 2024.3 to 2024.2 agent file, it work fine.
Example code: try { A.hello() }catch(NoClassDefFoundError e){ }
when A class not exist, the catch part wont work, it will throw a ClassNotFoundException.
HotswapAgent is a open source framework used by lots of projects.
If possible, could you please provide some guidance on how to resolve this issue? I'd be happy to assist further if any additional details are needed.