JetBrains / intellij-micropython

Plugin for MicroPython devices in PyCharm and IntelliJ
Apache License 2.0
495 stars 106 forks source link

Pycharm 241 Support + Repl fix #289

Open benno1237 opened 1 month ago

benno1237 commented 1 month ago

The only version compatible with Pycharm 2024 is 1.40 which has broken REPL.

Turns out, version 1.43 of the plugin compiles just fine for build 241 and higher. So anyone facing the same issue as I did, you can just clone the files, change the build number and you are good to go (I have no issue if that breaks anything else but upload and REPL is working fine so far for me).

Or, if you trust random dudes from the internet (which I wouldn't), here is a precompiled version of intellij-micropython v 1.43 for Pycharm 2024: Follow this link for install instructions of local plugins:

ashirvadz commented 4 weeks ago

Hi Benno.

I've installed your compiled version but the REPL is still broken (Shows "=== SESSION HAS BEEN INTERRUPTED ==="). I'm on Pycharm 2024.1.2. I know this is not a lot of information, but do you think you could help me to get it going? Thanks!

benno1237 commented 4 weeks ago

I get the same thing sometimes but hitting 'restart' a few times always fixes it. See if it does the same for you. Otherwise I would highly recommend compiling it yourself.

ashirvadz commented 4 weeks ago

Thank you for the comment. I found the problem, which was a space after the device's address on the settings pane. The plugin is working now!

benno1237 commented 4 weeks ago

Glad to hear that!

GrumpyMetalGuy commented 3 weeks ago

Seconded, I've also done this before reading this post, and it's worked for me too. If you get the keyboard interrupt, you can just run the code you want directly from the repl, not ideal, but does work.

lenineto commented 1 week ago

Could someone from JetBrains please handle this issue and give us a proper fix? This is an ongoing problem for quite a while now, and it's hard to believe this issue hasn't been fixed yet.