JetBrains / jewel

An implementation of the IntelliJ look and feels in Compose for Desktop
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LazyTree - How to add nodes after network call #345

Closed Yashobanta-Kumar-Behera closed 3 months ago

Yashobanta-Kumar-Behera commented 3 months ago
fun ChildrenGeneratorScope<Note>.dirExpander(isDirectory: (Note) -> Unit ) {
    var notes: List<Note>? = null
    runBlocking {
        noteService.getNotesFromStorage( {
            notes = it.notes
    notes?.forEach { newNote ->
        if (newNote.isDirectory) {
            addNode(newNote) {
        } else addLeaf(newNote)

I need to load the child nodes after network call completed till then need to show loader in the node which is expanded. Is there any way?

rock3r commented 3 months ago

Please don't spam and directly ping project members with "how do I" questions in the issue tracker. This isn't stack overflow; the issue tracker is to track issues with jewel and not general Compose/CS questions.

Yashobanta-Kumar-Behera commented 3 months ago

But I am using lazy tree of jewel but i can't find any way to generate nodes asynchronously and if coroutine scopes are used then the nodes are not getting updated. What can i do? There are no documentation regarding this in jewel. can you help me that?

rock3r commented 3 months ago

If you're generating the tree in exactly the same way as we do in our sample code, saving it to a state, and the tree doesn't update, please file a bug for that bug with repro steps, expected behaviour, and if possible sample code that reproduces the issue, then we can look into it

Yashobanta-Kumar-Behera commented 3 months ago

The sample code provided in the standalone app it uses static way to build the tree. There are no sample for async.

Yashobanta-Kumar-Behera commented 3 months ago
fun Note.asTree(isDirectory: (Note) -> Unit = {}): Tree<Note> =
    buildTree {
        addNode(this@asTree) {

val coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default)

fun ChildrenGeneratorScope<Note>.dirExpander(isDirectory: (Note) -> Unit ) {
    var notes: List<Note>? = null
    coroutineScope.launch {
        noteService.getNotesFromStorage( {
            notes = it.notes
        notes?.forEach { newNote ->
            if (newNote.isDirectory) {
                addNode(newNote) {
            } else addLeaf(newNote)


    val tree by remember { mutableStateOf(rootNote.asTree()) }
    val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
    val treeState = remember { TreeState(SelectableLazyListState(lazyListState)) }

        Box(modifier.fillMaxSize().border(1.dp, borderColor, RoundedCornerShape(2.dp))) {
                tree = tree,
                treeState = treeState,
                onElementClick = {},
                onElementDoubleClick = { element ->
                    val selectedNote =
                    if (selectedNote.isDirectory) {
                    MainViewModel.noteTabs = MainViewModel.noteTabs.toMutableMap().apply {
                            selectedNote.path, NoteEditorState(CodeEditor(EditorSettings()), selectedNote)
                    ) }
                    MainViewModel.selectedTabKey = selectedNote.path

            ) { element ->
                Row(Modifier.fillMaxWidth().padding(vertical = 2.dp), verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically) {
                    val selectedNote =
                        resource = if (selectedNote.isDirectory) FileIconProvider.getFolderIconPath() else FileIconProvider.getIconPath(FileUtil.getFileExtension(,
                        contentDescription = null,
                        iconClass =,
                        modifier = Modifier.size(20.dp).padding(end = 5.dp),
                    Text(, fontSize = 14.sp)

                modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.CenterEnd),

Here is the code sample which i have used

rock3r commented 2 months ago

Modifying trees works fine, I just updated the standalone sample.

The issue is somewhere in your code — check that you're actually setting the new tree value. If you find bugs in Jewel please open a new issue.