JetBrains / kotlin-wrappers

Kotlin wrappers for popular JavaScript libraries
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unstable_useTimeout not found #2216

Closed lucgirardin closed 4 months ago

lucgirardin commented 4 months ago

I updated from 1.0.0-pre.693 to pre.700 and now get the following error:

export 'unstable_useTimeout' (imported as 'useTimeout') was not found in '@mui/utils' (possible exports: HTMLElementType, chainPropTypes, clamp, deepmerge, elementAcceptingRef, elementTypeAcceptingRef, exactProp, formatMuiErrorMessage, getDisplayName, getValidReactChildren, globalStateClasses, integerPropType, internal_resolveProps, isGlobalState, isPlainObject, ponyfillGlobal, refType, unstable_ClassNameGenerator, unstable_capitalize, unstable_composeClasses, unstable_createChainedFunction, unstable_debounce, unstable_deprecatedPropType, unstable_detectScrollType, unstable_generateUtilityClass, unstable_generateUtilityClasses, unstable_getNormalizedScrollLeft, unstable_getScrollbarSize, unstable_isGlobalState, unstable_isMuiElement, unstable_ownerDocument, unstable_ownerWindow, unstable_requirePropFactory, unstable_setRef, unstable_unsupportedProp, unstable_useControlled, unstable_useEnhancedEffect, unstable_useEventCallback, unstable_useForkRef, unstable_useId, unstable_useIsFocusVisible, usePreviousProps, visuallyHidden)

No need for immediate action, just wanted to bring this to your attention!

aerialist7 commented 4 months ago

Thank you for the report

turansky commented 4 months ago

@lucgirardin I don't see unstable_useTimeout or useTimeout in Kotlin declarations. It looks like MUI (JS library) issue, which will be solved with MUI upgrade.

aerialist7 commented 4 months ago

@lucgirardin, checked - no problems after updating in my case

turansky commented 4 months ago

@lucgirardin Could you please check if problem reproduced with pre.706?

lucgirardin commented 4 months ago

@turansky Tried today with pre.708: everything working (very) well :-) Many thanks Victor!