JetBrains / lets-plot-kotlin

Grammar of Graphics for Kotlin
MIT License
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Plot not displaying in SwingNode #152

Closed dosier closed 10 months ago

dosier commented 1 year ago

I am trying to display a plot in a JavaFX application. My idea was to nest a JPanel inside a SwingNode and add this to a JavaFX node. I have adapted the example shown here:

My current solution is:

fun createSwingNode(offers: List<MarketOffer.Floor>): SwingNode {
    val plots = createPlots(offers)
    val selectedPlotKey = plots.keys.first()
    val controller = Controller(
    val swingNode = SwingNode()
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater {
        swingNode.content = controller.createPlotPanel()
    return swingNode

Which I then use as follows:

vbox.replaceChildren(Label("Loading historical data for ${}..."))
scope.launch {
    val offers = order.getOfferHistory().sortedBy { it.time }
    withContext(Dispatchers.JavaFx) {

However, nothing shows up. Am I missing something here?

alshan commented 1 year ago

Hi @dosier , I've just added a minimal example of Lets-Plot in JavaFX application. It is a stripped off version of other minimal demos:

The app works fine. Try to work up from here by adding controls and so on to figure out at what point it stops working.