Open I-Gleb opened 1 month ago
Lincheck version 2.34
After adding debug output to the data structure testing is not finishing.
DS under test:
package day1 import kotlinx.atomicfu.* interface MyQueue<E> { fun enqueue(element: E) fun dequeue(): E? fun validate() {} } class MSQueue<E> : MyQueue<E> { private val head: AtomicRef<Node<E>> private val tail: AtomicRef<Node<E>> init { val dummy = Node<E>(null) head = atomic(dummy) tail = atomic(dummy) } override fun enqueue(element: E) { val newTail = Node(element) while (true) { val currentTail = tail.value if (, newTail)){ tail.compareAndSet(currentTail, newTail) println("Enqueue $element" + toString()) return } else { tail.compareAndSet(currentTail,!!) } } } override fun dequeue(): E? { while (true) { val currentHead = head.value val currentNext = ?: return null if (head.compareAndSet(currentHead, currentNext)){ val result = currentNext.element println("Dequeued $result" + toString()) return result } } } private class Node<E>( var element: E? ) { val next = atomic<Node<E>?>(null) } override fun toString(): String { val builder = StringBuilder(" | ") var current = head.value while (current != tail.value) { builder.append(current.element) builder.append(" ") current =!! } builder.append(" | ${hashCode()}") return builder.toString() } }
Test class:
package day1 import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.annotations.* import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.paramgen.* import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.* import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.strategy.managed.modelchecking.* import org.junit.* import org.junit.runners.* import kotlin.reflect.* @Param(name = "element", gen = IntGen::class, conf = "0:3") abstract class AbstractQueueTest( private val queue: MyQueue<Int>, checkObstructionFreedom: Boolean = true, threads: Int = 3, actorsBefore: Int = 1 ) : TestBase( sequentialSpecification = IntQueueSequential::class, checkObstructionFreedom = checkObstructionFreedom, threads = threads, actorsBefore = actorsBefore ) { @Operation fun enqueue(@Param(name = "element") element: Int) = queue.enqueue(element) @Operation fun dequeue() = queue.dequeue() @Validate fun validate() = queue.validate() } class IntQueueSequential { private val q = ArrayList<Int>() fun enqueue(element: Int) { q.add(element) } fun dequeue() = q.removeFirstOrNull() fun remove(element: Int) = q.remove(element) } @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) abstract class TestBase( val sequentialSpecification: KClass<*>, val checkObstructionFreedom: Boolean = true, val scenarios: Int = 150, val threads: Int = 3, val actorsBefore: Int = 1 ) { @Test fun modelCheckingTest() = try { ModelCheckingOptions() .iterations(scenarios) .invocationsPerIteration(10_000) .actorsBefore(actorsBefore) .threads(threads) .actorsPerThread(2) .actorsAfter(0) .checkObstructionFreedom(checkObstructionFreedom) .sequentialSpecification( .apply { customConfiguration() } .check( } catch (t: Throwable) { throw t } protected open fun Options<*, *>.customConfiguration() {} } class MSQueueTest : AbstractQueueTest(MSQueue())
Thanks for the issue! I suppose we need to ignore println calls in Lincheck.
Lincheck version 2.34
After adding debug output to the data structure testing is not finishing.
DS under test:
Test class: