JetBrains / svg-sprite-loader

Webpack loader for creating SVG sprites.
MIT License
2.02k stars 272 forks source link

Lib remove defs, linearGradient tag while using with webpack #390

Open shayan-binary-2 opened 4 years ago

shayan-binary-2 commented 4 years ago

I am using svg-sprite-loader on react app which use webpack. the problem is that it removes the and <linearGradient> tags,


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    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
        filename: 'MyLib.js',
        chunkFilename: '[name]-[chunkhash:6].MyLib.js',
        libraryExport: 'default',
        library: 'MyLib',
        libraryTarget: 'umd',
        hashDigestLength: 6,
    devServer: {
        publicPath: '/dist/',
    module: {
        rules: [
                test: /\.svg$/,
                use: [
                        loader: 'svg-sprite-loader',
                        options: {
                            extract: true,
                            spriteFilename: 'sprite-[hash:6].MyLib.svg',
                            esModule: false,
                        loader: 'svgo-loader',
                        options: {
                            plugins: [
                                { removeUselessStrokeAndFill: false },
                                { removeUnknownsAndDefaults: false },
                test: /\.(s*)css$/,
                use: [
                        loader: 'css-loader',
                        options: { sourceMap: true },
                    }, {
                        loader: 'postcss-loader',
                        options: {
                            ident: 'postcss',
                            plugins: loader => [
                                require('postcss-import')({ root: loader.resourcePath }),
                    }, {
                        loader: 'sass-loader',
                        options: {
                            sourceMap: true,
                            data: '@import "sass/_variables.scss";@import "sass/_themes.scss";',
                            includePaths: [
                                path.resolve(__dirname, './src'),
            { parser: { amd: false } },
                test: /\.(js|jsx)$/,
                exclude: [
                loader: 'eslint-loader',
                enforce: 'pre',
                options: { fix: true },
                test: /\.(js|jsx)$/,
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                loader: 'babel-loader',
                test: /\.po$/,
                loader: [path.resolve('./loaders/translation-loader.js'), 'json-loader', 'po-loader'],
                test: /\.pot$/,
                loader: [path.resolve('./loaders/pot-loader.js'), 'json-loader', 'po-loader'],
                include: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/utils/ga.js'),
                use :[{
                    loader: path.resolve('./loaders/exclude-block-loader.js'),
                    options: {
                        start:`@START-EXCLUDE: '${BUILD_MODE}'`,
                        end: '@END-EXCLUDE',
    plugins: [
        new MiniCssExtractPlugin({ filename: 'MyLib.css' }),
        new StyleLintPlugin(),
        new SpriteLoaderPlugin(),
    externals: {
        mobx: 'mobx',
        react: {
            root: 'React',
            commonjs: 'react',
            commonjs2: 'react',
        'react-dom': {
            commonjs: 'react-dom',
            commonjs2: 'react-dom',
            root: 'ReactDOM',
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            root: 'mobxReact',
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            commonjs: 'react-transition-group',
            commonjs2: 'react-transition-group',
            root: 'ReactTransitionGroup',
        moment: {
            root: 'moment',
            commonjs: 'moment',
            commonjs2: 'moment',

and here how I use the Icon import MySvg from './path-to/my-icon.svg';

const Wrapper = SvgLogo => () => {
    const vb = SvgLogo.viewBox.split(' ').slice(2);
    return (
        <svg width={vb[0]} height={vb[1]}>
            <use xlinkHref={__webpack_public_path__ + SvgLogo.url} />
const MySvgIcon = Wrapper(MySvg);
// then use it this way
<MySvgIcon />

everything goes well and it works, but as it remove those tags, the svg file not properly loaded. Also should notice I have check other issues, but none of them fix my problem. I made a sample repo here

meibin08 commented 4 years ago

I also met,As shown linearGradientmask

image image

kisenka commented 4 years ago

@shayan-binary-2 actually svg-sprite-loader doesn't remove <linearGradient /> or other tags, if you open http://localhost:8080/sprite-c642ba.mylib.svg#normal-usage in your demo, you can see that gradient is on place: image

The problem is in browsers: unfortunately they have weird support of referencing external SVGs via <use xlink:href>. I suggest you to use extract-svg-sprite-webpack-plugin and refer to SVG from CSS. It the most bulletproof solution :)