JetBrains / teamcity-nuget-support

TeamCity NuGet support
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Failed to install packages even though they exist #23

Open danpowell88 opened 5 years ago

danpowell88 commented 5 years ago

Just wanted to get some ideas on this as there seem to be a few people facing the same issue and most of them are using teamcity

I downloaded the latest Nuget 4.9.4 and wrote a small Powershell script to continually loop and delete, clear caches and restore packages and it did not log a single error about not being able to pull packages, unfortunately when run using the teamcity nuget step it almost seems to be 50/50 whether the issue will occur or not.

Script (run from .net project root directory)

  Remove-Item packages -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
  nuget locals global-packages -clear
  nuget restore -NoCache

  $native_call_success = $?
if (-not $native_call_success)
    throw 'error making native call'
  Start-Sleep 10

and run like .\restoretest.ps1 2>> error.log 3>> warning.log

There are no firewalls enabled proxies that I'm aware of on that machine/network that would intermittently effect network connectivity.

danpowell88 commented 5 years ago

It now seems to have changed slightly with more error detail

[11:16:02] [restore] WARNING: Unable to find version '1.5.1' of package 'WebActivator'. [11:16:02] [restore] E:\nuget\packages: Package 'WebActivator.1.5.1' is not found on source 'E:\nuget\packages'. [11:16:02] [restore] C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\: Package 'WebActivator.1.5.1' is not found on source 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\'. [11:16:02] [restore] Problem starting the plugin 'C:\Program Files\BuildAgent\plugins\nuget-agent\bin\credential-plugin\net46\CredentialProvider.TeamCity.exe'. A task was canceled. [11:16:02] [restore] Package 'WebActivator.1.5.1' is not found on source ''. [11:16:02] [restore]

danpowell88 commented 5 years ago

seems to suggest this was fixed in the microsoft credentials provider, any update on getting it working here?

danpowell88 commented 5 years ago

any update on this, its crippling our workflow