JetBrains / web-types

JSON standard for documenting web component libraries for IDEs, documentation generators and other tools
Apache License 2.0
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Question about other librairies support #25

Open gcusnieux opened 3 years ago

gcusnieux commented 3 years ago


I'm working on a lit-element based web-components library and I would like projects that use it to be able to have autocompletion. I'm use this project web-component-analyzer to extract the documentation of the components. Do you think it's possible to generate a web-types.json from a custom-elements.json?

Thx, Guillaume

piotrtomiak commented 3 years ago

Hi Guillaume!

At this moment, web-types specification is supporting only vue framework, however I am currently working on support for other frameworks including web-components. This also means WebStorm support. Once the specification updates are finished and WebStorm code is updated, I am pretty sure you will be able to convert custom-elements.json into web-types.json.

minijus commented 2 years ago

@piotrtomiak Any update on this? Is there any way of providing definitions for web components library so WebStorm could autocomplete it?

piotrtomiak commented 2 years ago

@minijus We have just finished major part of the work and in this week's 2021.3 EAP you can create web-types for any frameworks or with no framework at all with CSS properties and classes support. There is a lot of documentation to be made, but you can already provide web-types. See

marcobeierer commented 2 years ago

I have evaluated the conversation from custom-elements.json to web-types.json a little bit, but it seemed to cumbersome.

I have thus forked the web-component-analyzer today and started with the implementation of a transformer for web-types:

So far the generated web-types.json works for basic auto completion, but there's still a lot of work to do.

I don't plan to keep the fork, it's just for playing around, maybe the transformer can be merged back into the original repo as soon as it is stable...

piotrtomiak commented 2 years ago

@marcobeierer That's really, really cool. I've made an attempt to support custom-elements.json, but it's really complicated and it looks like it replicates stuff, which is in d.ts files, doesn't it? So, in the end I think WebStorm will not support custom-elements.json.

jpradelle commented 2 years ago

@marcobeierer Thanks for the project init. I took the freedom to continue your work. Web-Types project is absolutely awesome, I needed a generator for Polymer and Lit !

I temporary released it here and put it in Pull request . I hope it will be merged :)

I started few projects with it:

break-stuff commented 9 months ago

I know this issue is a little old, but I created this package based on the Custom Elements Manifest to generate web types. You can use it with the CEM Analyzer as a plugin or as a standalone build script. I hope this helps

piotrtomiak commented 9 months ago

@break-stuff Thanks!