JetBrains / web-types

JSON standard for documenting web component libraries for IDEs, documentation generators and other tools
Apache License 2.0
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'vue-docgen-web-types' doesn't work as expect #70

Open JLUiceman opened 1 year ago

JLUiceman commented 1 year ago

try to use 'vue-docgen-web-types' with custom configFile, but the output seems not right. None vue components tag/element was generated of web-types. It seems like the tool doesn't detect the vue components corruently... Am I miss some config or any other setup?

the config file:

截屏2023-06-27 15 21 42

the project basic structure is showned as the pic below:

截屏2023-06-27 15 23 01

the output:

截屏2023-06-27 15 23 48
piotrtomiak commented 9 months ago

@JLUiceman Could you please provide a small project to reproduce issue?