JetBrains / web-types

JSON standard for documenting web component libraries for IDEs, documentation generators and other tools
Apache License 2.0
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feat: Publish web-types.json's TypeScript definitions independently of Vue dependencies #83

Open maxpatiiuk opened 2 weeks ago

maxpatiiuk commented 2 weeks ago

The [vue-docgen-web-types]( package provides TypeScript definitions for web-types.json

I would love to use those TypeScript definitions in my Lit library, but I can't because that package installs a lot of vue dependencies, which I don't need in my Lit library.

@vue/compiler-core@npm:3.4.29, @vue/compiler-dom@npm:3.4.29, @vue/compiler-sfc@npm:3.4.29, @vue/compiler-ssr@npm:3.4.29, @vue/shared@npm:3.4.29, and 34 more (+1.03MB)

It also wants to have "vue" as a peerDependency

To make using web-types in non-Vue libraries easier, could you please publish the typescript definitions independently or Vue dependencies? Thank you