JetSimon / Jets-The-Campaign-Trail-Mod-Tool

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Crashes after clicking in questions and no questions appear in box after importing. #1

Closed ItsJustAiden closed 1 year ago

ItsJustAiden commented 1 year ago

If you click the questions box, it crashes, and after importing no questions appear in the questions box, and it still crashes once you click in the box.

JetSimon commented 1 year ago


This means something is unexpected with your code 2 file. Can you please paste your code 2 file here and I'll try and import it and make it so the editor handles the issue better?


ItsJustAiden commented 1 year ago

$("#game_window")[0].style.backgroundColor = "#eabcbc"

campaignTrail_temp.questions_json = [ { //priority is the Number of the question.// "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4000, "fields": { "priority": 1, "description": "[APRIL 1946] The War will soon be over, and Harold Stassen is playing an integral part in its resolution. A series of islands flank the Third Fleet, the Japanese mainland looking on in the distance. Before them, Imabari Castle straddles the coastline below ash-ridden skies. A few Japanese ships stray forward toward the fleet. Admiral Halsey turns to you, “what do you think we ought to do, Harold?”", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4001, "fields": { "priority": 2, "description": "[APRIL 1946] It was a rather unorthodox decision, but perhaps fitting of your character that you find yourself now mixed in a crowd of sailors and soldiers. The USS New Jersey looks on in staggering majesty as sounds surround you, banners blaring “WELCOME HOME!” Finally you find a familiar face, and embrace Esther tight. The War is over, and after you exerted so much influence in the 1944 Convention, most expect you to run for President. How will you spend the coming year in the lead-up to the campaign’s open?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4002, "fields": { "priority": 3, "description": "[JUNE 1946] President Wallace has come under fire from Republicans for his veto of the Taft-Hartley Act, a bill to weaken the power of unions. Do you support his veto?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4003, "fields": { "priority": 4, "description": "[APRIL 1947] You’re met with an unusual opportunity during your most recent trip to Europe, to accompany a group of American foreign affairs experts on a journey to Moscow to meet with Minister of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov. Will you join them?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4004, "fields": { "priority": 5, "description": "[MAY 1948] “You are about to hear a debate between Stassen and Dewey, candidates for President.” Those words strike you as you find yourself a participant in the first ever presidential debate in Oregon. “The primary issue with which these candidates are diametrically opposed is: ‘should the Communist Party in the United States be outlawed?’”", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4005, "fields": { "priority": 6, "description": "As the results of the sixth tally at the Republican Convention in Philadelphia became clear, you could feel the weight of history on your shoulders. As you walk up to the podium to accept the Republican nomination, what will you say to these divided delegates?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4006, "fields": { "priority": 7, "description": "It was the expected pick from you, but it’s nonetheless noteworthy that you have chosen Arthur Vandenberg, the man who infamously opposed Roosevelt’s Second New Deal as your running mate. Why have you chosen him?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4007, "fields": { "priority": 8, "description": "Following the Philadelphia Convention, your advisors believe it is imperative for your campaign that it reaches out to other Republicans and shores up its support in order to appeal to a wider base of supporters. Who will you campaign with in the coming week?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4008, "fields": { "priority": 9, "description": "Foreign policy remains one of the key issues of this campaign, and the issue that catapulted you to the front of the pack in the Republican Party. As you enter the general election, what will your message be on foreign affairs in the most general terms?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4009, "fields": { "priority": 10, "description": "The question of the treatment of blacks in the American south is a growing point of contention, especially after President Wallace signed an executive order to desegregate the Armed Forces last year. How do you envision the state of civil rights in the south in a Stassen Administration?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4010, "fields": { "priority": 11, "description": "In March of this year, the ethnic conflict in Palestine escalated when the Israeli forces moved into Arab-controlled territory. It was further escalated after the British Mandate ended and Arab forces invaded the nation. So far, the Jews have successfully defended themselves despite being widely outnumbered. Hundreds of Americans have enlisted in the volunteer force the ‘Mahal,’ what do you have to say about this conflict as it will enter its second year in November?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4011, "fields": { "priority": 12, "description": "How will you utilize your running mate, Michigan Senator Arthur Vandenberg?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4012, "fields": { "priority": 13, "description": "As the campaign season kicks into full gear, Wallace has made headlines for his vigorous campaign style. Now, many Republican leaders are calling on you to begin campaigning vigorously in your own right. What state would you like to campaign in to begin?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4013, "fields": { "priority": 14, "description": "After the testimony of Elizabeth Bentley and Whittaker Chambers unveiled a list of suspected communists in government, congressmen in the House Un-American Activities Committee have cast a wide net of allegations and subpoenas. Among those subpoenaed are President Wallace’s friend Harry White and his former subordinate in the Agricultural Adjustment Administration Alger Hiss. Any comment?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4014, "fields": { "priority": 15, "description": "After the long presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, detested by the conservative sect of the party, many Republicans have pushed for a constitutional amendment to limit the president to only two elected terms in office. Do you think such an amendment is a necessary addition to the Constitution?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4015, "fields": { "priority": 16, "description": "Streamers gaze down at you from above, strewn about in the city of Cleveland in red, white and blue. During your latest campaign event in the Ohio city, the crowd of supporters’ excitement is palpable. That is, until the noise ceases as a grizzled man in a pale uniform rushes up the stage, and jabs his finger in your chest, “you call yourself a man of peace!? If you were, you would support our withdrawal from these endless wars!” What will you say in response?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4016, "fields": { "priority": 17, "description": "Your running mate, Arthur Vandenberg has come under attack in the past for his opposition to many of Roosevelt’s New Deal policies, including going so far as to call Roosevelt a “dictator”, sparking new concerns that a Republican victory would mean a rollback of the New Deal. Is this true?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4017, "fields": { "priority": 18, "description": "As the campaign continues, the ‘Wallace Express’ as it has come to be known has received numerous plaudits even among Republican newspaper editors for its resourcefulness and the way it enthuses the President’s ‘Gideon’s Army’. Is there any point you’d like to make to broaden your appeal?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4018, "fields": { "priority": 19, "description": "After the Chinese Communist counteroffensive led by Chairman Mao crossed into Kuomintang territory two years earlier, President Wallace has been criticized by yourself and prominent members of the Republican Party for his perceived weakness on the China issue. Most recently, the city of Kaifeng has fallen to Communist forces. Can the United States be doing more to address this threat?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4019, "fields": { "priority": 20, "description": "Another week, another bout of campaigning. After delivering several speeches you find yourself stashed away in a modest hotel in God-knows-where. Esther smiles at you, “Harold, I'd like to do more for the campaign. We ought to be more of a team, don’t you think?”", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4020, "fields": { "priority": 21, "description": "A bewildered smile creeps over your face as you read the latest edition of the Chicago Tribune: “THE GURU AND THE PRESIDENT: Wallace’s relationship with Russian mystic unveiled!” The article goes on to describe verbatim the relationship between Wallace and this strange Russian mystic, Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich. Any comment on this startling discovery?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4021, "fields": { "priority": 22, "description": "You made headlines during the primaries for your strong stance on outlawing the Communist Party of the United States of America. Though most Americans agree, many liberal pundits believe an act banning Communism would be in violation of the First Amendment of the United States. With that being said, do you still support an act outlawing Communism?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4022, "fields": { "priority": 23, "description": "This election has been marked by the first-ever debate between presidential candidates in the history of the nation when you and Tom Dewey fought in a verbal battle in a radio broadcast before the Oregon Primary. Now, Wallace has publicly challenged you to a general election radio debate, an unprecedented move. Will you agree?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4023, "fields": { "priority": 24, "description": "President Wallace made headlines for his so-called “Acheson Plan”, a bipartisan-supported plan to invest $6 billion in Western Europe to foster its rebuilding. Many liberals have praised the plan for being the largest foreign aid commitment in history, hardliners for its ‘dollar-diplomacy’ approach to building up capable governments that can defend against future Communist insurgencies. Do you suppor the plan, and if so, why?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4024, "fields": { "priority": 25, "description": "Given the general rise in support for Wallace as the campaign has progressed, many of your advisors have suggested making overtures to gain the support of former Army Chief of Staff and current President of Columbia University Dwight D. Eisenhower, who has become something of a celebrity for his leadership abilities. How will you court his endorsement?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4025, "fields": { "priority": 26, "description": "Your opponent has made headlines for his calls for a national health insurance program financed by the federal government. Would you support such a program?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4026, "fields": { "priority": 27, "description": "Children were playing in the streets in the Chinese city of Nanchang when a Soviet Tupolev Tu-4 could be seen cutting through the clouds overhead. It shed an iron tear that fell to Earth, and in a flash thousands were wiped away from existence itself. The city was quiet again, before all that could be heard were the screams. Not even twenty-four hours later, a bomb of even greater magnitude was dropped by an American bomber over Anqing. What do you have to say about this alarming turn of events?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4027, "fields": { "priority": 28, "description": "Following the nuclear blasts in China, the nation has become wracked with even greater fear and paranoia. For the first time since you came home, it’s all so quiet. Today, you find yourself in a dim-lit room, a man wearing black sunglasses despite the darkness staring at you from across the table. He takes them off as he slides a file toward you with his other hand, his beady eyes staring you down. “What do you think?” he says quietly as you open the file.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4028, "fields": { "priority": 29, "description": "On November 1, just one day before the American people are set to go out and vote, Earl Browder, the former leader of the Communist Party USA shambles before the HUAC, his vision hollow. There, he alleged that the Soviet regime in Moscow has secretly been coordinating agents to interfere with the election on behalf of President Wallace in several key states. What do you have to say about this turn of events?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4029, "fields": { "priority": 30, "description": "As Wallace and his faux army of staffers sail the rail lines back eastward, the campaign is coming to a close. It has been a difficult campaign, Americans being wracked with a slate of crises, but you are confident it won’t all be for naught. Where will you give the last speech of your campaign, and what will you say?", "likelihood": 1 } } ]

//Answers// campaignTrail_temp.answers_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8000, "fields": { "question": 4000, "description": "“Our marines are bleeding out down there. Move the USS New Jersey forward to provide covering fire for our boys islandside, let’s level that castle.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8001, "fields": { "question": 4000, "description": "“Contact the USS Saratoga and deploy some bombers this way. Meanwhile, have our marines islandside pull back. We’ll bomb the hell out of them until they’re too weakened to fight back.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8002, "fields": { "question": 4000, "description": "“Contact the Army on Kennett Beach, have Clark direct his forces this way. In the meantime, command our marines inslandside to fortify their position and defend against the Japanese assault to the best of their ability.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8003, "fields": { "question": 4000, "description": "“We need to go on the attack. Tell our boys down below to launch a counteroffensive and take that goddamned castle by all means necessary.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8004, "fields": { "question": 4001, "description": "I want my face on the cover of every newspaper and magazine in the nation. We’re going to go on a full-on press-tour from New York to D.C. to Los Angeles to ensure everyone understands who I am and where I stand." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8005, "fields": { "question": 4001, "description": "I may have had a strong approval rating in my time in Minnesota, but being governor of a modest midwestern state is a little different than having a serious national presence. The party is furious with Senator Shipstead: let’s give him a run for his money and take a seat at the table in Washington." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8006, "fields": { "question": 4001, "description": "The extent with which the United States will engage with the rest of the world is the paramount issue of the time. I’m going to embark on a tour throughout Europe, meeting with the people most victimized by the war and assuring them they have a friend in America." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8007, "fields": { "question": 4001, "description": "I already have a good relationship with the Press, what we need to do is hit on the important issues that face the nation and lay out where I come from, who I am and where I stand in a book about my forthcoming campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8008, "fields": { "question": 4002, "description": "This remains a deeply controversial issue. Though I have problems with union leadership, diluting the power of the union man himself is a mistake. I neither support nor oppose the Taft-Hartley Act—but if I were president I would have signed it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8009, "fields": { "question": 4002, "description": "I disagree with the president’s veto, this was a perfectly reasonable measure and a necessary reform to our labor policies." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8010, "fields": { "question": 4002, "description": "I’ve always supported the rights of union men, and I support the President’s veto. This bill has too many overreaching mandates that appear to violate the First Amendment." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8011, "fields": { "question": 4003, "description": "I will. This move could help brandish my foreign policy experience ahead of the Primaries: Lord knows Dewey has me beat on that issue already." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8012, "fields": { "question": 4003, "description": "I will. This move could help brandish my foreign policy experience ahead of the Primaries: Lord knows Dewey has me beat on that issue already." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8013, "fields": { "question": 4003, "description": "I will. This move could help brandish my foreign policy experience ahead of the Primaries: Lord knows Dewey has me beat on that issue already." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8014, "fields": { "question": 4003, "description": "I will not. This trip has already gone long enough—Lord knows what kind of advantage Dewey will have back home without me there to counter him." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8015, "fields": { "question": 4004, "description": "“In order to be proactive against the threat of Communist revolution, we must first understand how other nations allowed this destructive corruption to take root. In Russia, for instance, nearly all historians agree that the Communists took hold because they were allowed legal representation in their Congress, called the Duma. Had that party been outlawed, Russia would not have fallen.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8016, "fields": { "question": 4004, "description": "“During the recent war, I saw many young Americans killed. I saw ships explode and burn, planes crash in flames, American men fall. I met thousands of Americans who were liberated from indescribable suffering. For these reasons it is paramount that Communism ought never be allowed to fester in this nation.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8017, "fields": { "question": 4004, "description": "“The key objective of these Communist parties, I have found, is to bring the world under the subjugation of their totalitarian rulers in Moscow. We have seen in Czechoslovakia how dangerous it is to treat Communists with legal politeness and tepid blessings.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8018, "fields": { "question": 4004, "description": "“The free countries are called free for a reason. Mr. Dewey, I recognize the point you make, and in retrospect I feel that stirring up hatred and fear in America is not the correct path. I do not believe we should outlaw the Communist party.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8019, "fields": { "question": 4005, "description": "I will launch an attack on President Wallace and his disastrous policies. He has failed America on the world stage, coddled communists abroad and at home and has overseen a massive increase in the public debt." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8020, "fields": { "question": 4005, "description": "America has been saddled with a crippling national debt that threatens our way of life and the prosperity of future generations. For these reasons it is clear that in order for our nation to progress it must begin to reel back the more extreme government programs that threaten to suffocate business and our middle class alike." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8021, "fields": { "question": 4005, "description": "Let’s be realistic: Tom Dewey was our primary opponent and we need the Eastern Establishment on our side if we want any chance of winning. I will speak to my support of Civil Rights, the need for America to be an engaged member of the international community and my support for federal aid for slum clearance and low-income housing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8022, "fields": { "question": 4005, "description": "I will speak to the bread-and-butter policies that got me this far, specifically my support of Internationalism and outlawing Communist organizations in America." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8023, "fields": { "question": 4006, "description": "Arthur Vandenberg is a strong conservative and represents the kind of administration I want to run. Wallace has veered between extreme leftism and ineptitude: consider my candidacy a course correction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8024, "fields": { "question": 4006, "description": "I know many observers worry that the Republican Party will be too fractured to defeat Wallace. Well, let my choice of running mate be proof that I am serious about healing party divisions and putting up a united front against Wallace and the Democrats." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8025, "fields": { "question": 4007, "description": "I will travel to the West Coast and campaign with Earl Warren. There, I will emphasize my support of several progressive proposals, including new housing slum clearance, low-income housing aid, new civil rights legislation and preserving the New Deal." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8026, "fields": { "question": 4007, "description": "Foreign policy is the main point of this campaign, so why not travel to New York and campaign with John Foster Dulles and Henry Stimson, two Republican titans of foreign policy? There, I will speak to my support of a stronger United Nations, combatting external communism and my support of the Acheson Plan." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8027, "fields": { "question": 4007, "description": "It’s hardly a bad idea to campaign in the Steel Belt. I will join forces with Senator Taft in his home state of Ohio and speak to my support of outlawing the dangerous and divisive ideology of Communism that threatens the health of our republic." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8028, "fields": { "question": 4008, "description": "Strong Interventionism — America has emerged from the war in a position of historic significance. I want the nation to be a committed defender of human rights and continue its program of economic aid to European nations recovering from Nazism." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8029, "fields": { "question": 4008, "description": "Interventionism on Offense — Under Henry Wallace the world has grown less safe and America less secure in its position. I will hammer him on this theme on the campaign trail and make sure Americans are aware that a Stassen Administration means a change in course." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8030, "fields": { "question": 4008, "description": "Tempered Interventionism — In order to shore up support among the conservatives in the party, it would be appropriate to moderate my position on this issue going into the general election. I, of course, still support internationalism, but at the same time we must cut back on foreign aid and prioritize America before the world." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8031, "fields": { "question": 4008, "description": "Tempered Isolationism — The do-gooders have allowed our coffers to be robbed for the sake of the welfare of millions in other nations. We need to pull away from European and Asian affairs and instead on the liberty and welfare of our own men." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8032, "fields": { "question": 4009, "description": "We must combat the monster that is racism wherever it rears its ugly head. I want a civil rights plank included in our party’s platform. As well, I promise that when I am president we will finally enact anti-lynching legislation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8033, "fields": { "question": 4009, "description": "Racism is disgusting and represents a blight on our nation’s great history. As Governor of Minnesota I established a civil rights organization in state government, and as commander in the Navy I served alongside black men who were just as capable and distinguished as their white brethren." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8034, "fields": { "question": 4009, "description": "Civil Rights isn’t a big issue in this campaign. Let's speak to what issues unite all red-blooded Americans like my promise to ban Communism and keep America strong and respected on the international stage." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8035, "fields": { "question": 4009, "description": "I have a bold idea: with the Democratic Party split this year we could run in the middle of the progressive Wallace and segregationist Russell and win a commanding majority nationwide." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8036, "fields": { "question": 4010, "description": "Have we not learned after the horrors of the war? The brave people of Israel have been diligent in defending themselves from this illegal assault, and I commend them for that. I will be praying for a good outcome in this conflict." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8037, "fields": { "question": 4010, "description": "I stand with the nation of Israel as they fight back against this brutal and illegal assault by Arab forces. As President, I would adopt a more resolute policy in the Middle East, up to and including the deployment of US forces to ensure Jewish sovereignty." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8038, "fields": { "question": 4010, "description": "The plight of Israel should concern every American, but I envision an effective two-state solution on this issue. As president I would invite the Jews and Arabs to the table to work out a peaceful solution that would stand the test of time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8039, "fields": { "question": 4010, "description": "I’d rather not make the Israel issue a big part of this campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8040, "fields": { "question": 4011, "description": "Arthur Vandenberg is from the Steel Belt, and understands the wants and needs of that region better than anyone. I want him to campaign everywhere between Iowa and Pennsylvania spreading the good word of the campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8041, "fields": { "question": 4011, "description": "Arthur Vandenberg is very strong on foreign policy and a party insider. I want him to make calls with every Republican figure he can reach in DC to establish a united front to defeat Wallace this November." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8042, "fields": { "question": 4012, "description": "Let’s hold our big kickoff rally in my home state of Minnesota. I will gather with some of my most consistent and loyal supporters in St. Paul and speak to my humble background and strong American spirit." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8043, "fields": { "question": 4012, "description": "Let’s hold our big kickoff rally with Governor Dwight Green in the city of Chicago. I will speak to party unity, the importance of reaching new demographics and the need to defeat President Wallace and his extreme policies." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8044, "fields": { "question": 4012, "description": "Let’s hold our big kickoff rally at the Madison Square Garden in New York City. I’ll invite Republican heavyweights like Tom Dewey, Henry Stimson and John Foster Dulles to speak on our behalf, before I address the crowd myself." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8045, "fields": { "question": 4013, "description": "I commend the HUAC strongly: they represent a crucial instrument to preserve our democracy and our very way of life. We must never allow the evil ideology of Communism to fester in America. It is for that reason I call for a full outlawing of Communism." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8046, "fields": { "question": 4013, "description": "The HUAC and Chairman Thomas deserve the strongest praise imaginable, and I won’t hesitate to make that an important part of that campaign. That being said, I would like to use the Communism issue to attack President Wallace. It’s obvious to any good red-blooded American with eyes or ears that Wallace has abetted Communists in the highest levers of government." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8047, "fields": { "question": 4013, "description": "The HUAC is a necessary defender of American values, but given the level of disagreement within the party over the issue, I’d rather not make them a large point of my campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8048, "fields": { "question": 4013, "description": "While we can all agree that the danger of Communism is a serious issue, I am worried by some of the HUAC’s recent activities and their constitutionality. At this time I do not endorse them." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8049, "fields": { "question": 4014, "description": "This is a divisive issue, but there’s a way we can have our cake and eat it too. Recognizing the historic nature of this election and the extremist ideology Wallace represents, I will pledge to serve only one term if elected." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8050, "fields": { "question": 4014, "description": "I support this amendment for the political health of this nation: a change in leadership every now and then is imperative for the functioning of our democracy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8051, "fields": { "question": 4014, "description": "This is truly an alarming prospect. Artificially limiting elected officials to a set number of terms would be, to put it plainly, undemocratic, and I support Americans’ rights to elect a leader for as long as they wish." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8052, "fields": { "question": 4014, "description": "Not only do I support this amendment, I will use this issue as a way to attack Wallace. After sixteen years of Democratic rule that saw our economy stagnate and the rise of the red menace, it’s about time for a change!" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8053, "fields": { "question": 4015, "description": "First of all, thank you for your service. I know full well where you’re coming from, sir, and I respect your point of view. We should, of course, weigh the opinion of all our citizens, including our currently-enlisted and veterans before making any commitment to deploy forces. Now, if you could please step down?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8054, "fields": { "question": 4015, "description": "Sir, I respectfully would have to disagree with that assertion. American participation in global affairs, including supporting our allies abroad will be a primary concern of my administration because I believe it is right." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8055, "fields": { "question": 4015, "description": "You’re right sir, American participation has grown too overarching for the good of our nation. I agree with your own Senator here in Ohio, Mr. Taft in supporting a more limited foreign affairs program." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8056, "fields": { "question": 4016, "description": "Absolutely not. Everyone who knows me knows that I support the vast majority of programs included in the New Deal. That was true in 1940 when I defended the New Deal at the Republican Convention, and it’s true now." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8057, "fields": { "question": 4016, "description": "I can see both sides of this issue. I’ve always supported programs to help the poorest among us, but at the same time we must cut back on our public debt." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8058, "fields": { "question": 4016, "description": "Absolutely. My candidacy is all about restoring responsibility to America’s finances. If we want to continue with our postwar prosperity, we cannot allow this rampant spending we’ve seen over the past two decades continue into the next." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8059, "fields": { "question": 4016, "description": "Absolutely. The disastrous economic policies we’ve seen implemented over the past two decades is criminal and borders on socialism. For the sake of our children and their’s, we must now allow that to continue. If my opponent is elected, he will usher forward a whole new slate of programs. We cannot afford that." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8060, "fields": { "question": 4017, "description": "We need to stop the bleeding. I will deliver an address by radio emphasizing my continuing support for the preservation of the New Deal and a federal housing bill. I’m still the same Harold Stassen who defended the New Deal in the 1940 Republican Convention." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8061, "fields": { "question": 4017, "description": "Let’s not screw up a good thing. Communism remains the defining issue of this campaign, specifically Wallace’s coddling of external Communism and his persistence in allowing internal Communism to fester. I will travel to New Jersey and campaign with Chairman J. Parnell Thomas on this very point." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8062, "fields": { "question": 4017, "description": "Clearly, the direction we’ve gone hasn’t worked, as exemplified by our falling poll numbers. We’ve clearly gone too far to the left in an attempt to appeal to party leaders. I will travel to Ohio and campaign with Senator Taft on more conservative positions, including but not limited to outlawing Communism and re-establishing fiscal responsibility." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8063, "fields": { "question": 4017, "description": "The key issue that is hurting our campaign is our reluctance to tackle Wallace head-on. I will deliver a radio address where I excoriate the President for his failure to effectively combat the Soviets, his allowance of Communist influence in the state department, and his general incompetence." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8064, "fields": { "question": 4018, "description": "The cause of the KMT is the cause of all free nations who wish to stand up to the threat of Communist subversion and invasion. I believe they will triumph, but only if the United States commits more boots on the ground and planes in the air to defend their liberty." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8065, "fields": { "question": 4018, "description": "Of course we can be doing more, I have a plan to provide more arms, planes, and boots on the ground to Chinese forces, but I doubt we will until my election. If one thing is clear after these near-four years, it’s that when presented with the right choice and the wrong choice, Wallace will always choose the wrong choice." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8066, "fields": { "question": 4018, "description": "We are on the right track in China. We cannot deny the reds gained ground since ‘46, but I’m confident that with more aid to the KMT we can assure a satisfactory resolution." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8067, "fields": { "question": 4018, "description": "The situation in China since the communists crossed the Yangtze should concern every good American. With that being said, I can say confidently that boots on the ground or an increase in our aid program would be the wrong solution. We must recenter our national focus on issues of true national importance." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8068, "fields": { "question": 4019, "description": "“Just so long as you, Glen and Kathleen stick by me through this fight, I’m confident we can pull through.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8069, "fields": { "question": 4019, "description": "“Remember those days when I ran for county attorney back home and got so terribly ill? We need to do something like we did back then again.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8070, "fields": { "question": 4020, "description": "The press will run stories about this endlessly for the next several days and weeks, I’m sure, but I’d rather not wade into this scandal." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8071, "fields": { "question": 4020, "description": "This is absolutely unbelievable. Wrangle up as many reporters as will listen and I’ll hold a press conference on this matter. The fact that a man with so un-American a belief set held the highest and most distinguished office in the land is a national embarrassment. I will oust this farce and restore dignity to the White House." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8072, "fields": { "question": 4021, "description": "The rights of free speech, of free press, of freedom of conscience, and freedom of religion must, of course, be kept inviolate. It is for that reason that one must support an act outlawing Communism. There is no such right as to espouse views that eliminate rights, as Communism espouses, that would be foolishness." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8073, "fields": { "question": 4021, "description": "I still believe banning Communism is a vital element of our political health and national security, but we must recognize that there is a basic and fundamental difference between a primary and a general race. For this reason I will tone down my rhetoric on this issue and pivot to those where more commonality in agreement can be found." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8074, "fields": { "question": 4021, "description": "Not only must we ban Communism and enact stringent punishments to its practicers, we must also encourage our allies in Western Europe to outlaw Communism. The Iron Curtain that divides Europe stands, but for how much longer? With the minimality of the Acheson Plan, who knows." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8075, "fields": { "question": 4021, "description": "Americans of all stripes recognize the dangers of Communism, but that doesn’t mean it ought be banned. Outlawing opposing political parties would make us just as wrong as the unfree nations." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8076, "fields": { "question": 4022, "description": "There is no way I will ever subject myself to another debate after the last almost sent my campaign under. I won’t even acknowledge these insincere demands from the President’s campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8077, "fields": { "question": 4022, "description": "I may have struggled against Dewey in Oregon, but remember that I was a champion debater from a young age. I will agree to the president’s offer to debate, assuming the terms are fair." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8078, "fields": { "question": 4022, "description": "I may have struggled against Dewey in Oregon, but remember that I was a champion debater from a young age. I will agree to the president’s offer to debate, assuming the terms are fair." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8079, "fields": { "question": 4022, "description": "I may have struggled against Dewey in Oregon, but remember that I was a champion debater from a young age. I will agree to the president’s offer to debate, assuming the terms are fair." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8080, "fields": { "question": 4023, "description": "I support the Acheson Plan as an important instrument in our external battle against pernicious Communist influence. The European nations are in an extremely vulnerable state, and revolution could occur at any moment—lest what we forget what we learned from the revolutions in Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8081, "fields": { "question": 4023, "description": "I support the Acheson Plan, but we could be doing so much more. With General Marshall I am proposing a $7 billion increase in foreign aid expenditures that will truly strengthen the ideological defense of Europe." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8082, "fields": { "question": 4023, "description": "We must never allow the left-wing to gain a monopoly on humanitarianism. I support the Acheson Plan for its strong commitment to foreign aid. As we did after the last war, it is important that we aid the European continent and ensure that a conflict like the Second World War never happens again." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8083, "fields": { "question": 4023, "description": "This is truly a frightening thought. Must we pay the bill of European wars? Nonsense. I do not support the Acheson Plan, it is an unnecessary drain on the finances of America." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8084, "fields": { "question": 4024, "description": "I’m a natural charmer, and Ike and I are both veterans of the war. Sit me down with him in his office at Columbia and I will appeal to our shared vision for a peaceful world brimming with the bright light of American democracy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8085, "fields": { "question": 4024, "description": "Doesn’t he have a house on Morningside Drive in New York City? Let’s Esther and I stop by and have a chat over lunch. I’m confident that I can convince him that an endorsement is necessary to preserve American democracy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8086, "fields": { "question": 4024, "description": "Eisenhower’s a prolific golfer, isn’t he? Let’s invite him to a round and see if I can’t win his endorsement there." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8087, "fields": { "question": 4024, "description": "Eisenhower’s a prolific golfer, isn’t he? Let’s invite him to a round and see if I can’t win his endorsement there." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8088, "fields": { "question": 4025, "description": "I understand why this program might be enticing to some liberals, but I disagree that such a reform would be necessary. What we can do is enact reasonable reforms to make health insurance more affordable for everyday Americans." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8089, "fields": { "question": 4025, "description": "This is something we badly need right now. God only knows how many individuals—our sick and old, who have perished for lack of insurance." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8090, "fields": { "question": 4025, "description": "This proposal would represent a massive increase in our spending and another endless hole in our already-staggering deficit. For the good of our children and theirs, we must not invest in never-ending welfare programs like this." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8091, "fields": { "question": 4025, "description": "I’m sure that with the 80th Congress we can work out a reasonable solution on the issue of healthcare reform." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8092, "fields": { "question": 4026, "description": "I will deliver a radio address in which I will convey my deep sorrow at this devastating and tragic loss of human life, but leave it at that until we have more information on what exactly happened." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8093, "fields": { "question": 4026, "description": "We don’t know nearly enough to make any conclusive statement, but I will urge my supporters to pray that this attack and counterattack is the turning point that will lead the war to an agreeable conclusion." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8094, "fields": { "question": 4026, "description": "Wait, what? The Soviets drop the biggest bomb in human history and then we just happen to have our own? For just how long have we wielded a weapon of such world-ending magnitude? If MacArthur is right with his statement this morning and we had an atomic bomb before the invasion of Japan, why didn’t Wallace deploy it then!?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8095, "fields": { "question": 4027, "description": "“This is… this is astounding. If what you’re giving me is legitimate, I… this changes everything. This needs to be on the front page of every newspaper in the country. Publish it, General, and when I am elected you will receive my full pardon.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8096, "fields": { "question": 4027, "description": "“This is… this is astounding. If what you’re giving me is legitimate, I… this changes everything. This needs to be on the front page of every newspaper in the country. Publish it, General, and when I am elected you will receive my full pardon.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8097, "fields": { "question": 4027, "description": "“This is… this is astounding. If what you’re giving me is legitimate, I… this changes everything. This needs to be on the front page of every newspaper in the country. Publish it, General, and when I am elected you will receive my full pardon.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8098, "fields": { "question": 4027, "description": "“This is insane, even for you. If we truly wielded such a weapon when you say we did, it would be tantamount to treachery on the part of Wallace. I believe the man is… many things, but a traitor? No! Why did I agree to this meeting, anyway? Get out of my sight, you lowlife incompetent.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8099, "fields": { "question": 4028, "description": "Ha! I knew they’d get him for something. Let’s just sit back and watch as all my rhetoric is vindicated in the press before our very eyes." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8100, "fields": { "question": 4028, "description": "This proves exactly what I’ve been saying this entire campaign, Wallace is Moscow’s man through and through! I will eviscerate Wallace in a national radio address for this treachery!" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8101, "fields": { "question": 4029, "description": "I will travel to New York City and deliver an address appealing to the strength and forwardmindness that the Stassen movement represents. Together we will foster an America of tomorrow that works for all men and women in accordance with our founding principles." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8102, "fields": { "question": 4029, "description": "I will go to Chicago and speak to the need for Americans for proceed forward with common dignity and the preservation of the American Dream. We are a nation of godly and industrious men and we must foster that spirit for the next generation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8103, "fields": { "question": 4029, "description": "The battle lines have been drawn, and we must recognize that. I will go to Los Angeles and speak of the need to defend American values from subservice Communist ideology." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8104, "fields": { "question": 4029, "description": "Massachusetts is traditionally a Republican stronghold, even if it has been won by Roosevelt each time he ran. I will travel there and deliver a speech in Boston speaking to the need for a more committed American foreign policy." } } ]

//Feedback// campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9000, "fields": { "answer": 8000, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Soon Imabari Castle is destroyed, and that gives the Marines below enough breathing room to push forward, and soon they raise the US flag over the ruins of the battered fortress, and Shikoku finally falls, the last bastion of the Japanese Empire." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9001, "fields": { "answer": 8001, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Imabari Castle and the surrounding Japanese garrison is destroyed in the subsequent bombing run, and in the rubble lays the bloodied and tattered flag of the Japanese Empire. With the fall of Imabari, Shikoku finally falls, the last bastion of the Japanese Empire." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9002, "fields": { "answer": 8002, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The Marines manage to hold out, even if Clark takes a lot longer than expected to reach them, and soon the American flag waves over Imabari Castle, and with its capture falls the last fortress of the Japanese Empire." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9003, "fields": { "answer": 8003, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "A costly victory for a costly invasion, and soon the American flag waves over Imabari Castle, the last bastion of the Japanese Empire." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9004, "fields": { "answer": 8004, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "TIME, Life, Look and Newsweek all publish glowing pieces in the lead-up to your announcement.. Drew Pearson lauds you for having “the courage to take a stand on almost everything” while “other candidates are being coy.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9005, "fields": { "answer": 8005, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You successfully primary Shipstead, but the closeness of the race strikes you—a grim reminder this path will not be easy. You’ve secured a seat at the table in the Senate for the next year in preparation for your run, but at the expense of your outsider credibility." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9006, "fields": { "answer": 8006, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This trip is received very well in Europe, and you’re lauded back home for your meetings with Churchill and De Gaulle. The image that most stands out is you laying a wreath at the site of the Buchenwald concentration camp." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9007, "fields": { "answer": 8007, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your book, “Where I Stand” is referred to by one reviewer as “more than nothing but less than something.” Others say it failed to effectively define you on the issues. Most just think it was boring." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9008, "fields": { "answer": 8008, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is the expected position from you, but only makes you come off as indecisive to the average American voter." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9009, "fields": { "answer": 8009, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is exactly what your Republican supporters want to hear." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9010, "fields": { "answer": 8010, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "If your goal is to turn off as many Republican voters as possible, you’re doing a good job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9011, "fields": { "answer": 8011, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The meeting not only goes well, but you astound observers back home by managing to schedule a few minutes one-on-one with Stalin. This will definitely be a serious boost to your profile." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9012, "fields": { "answer": 8012, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The meeting goes well, and you get a close-up with Marxist-Leninist government. This will certainly help you back home." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9013, "fields": { "answer": 8013, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You find Molotov a monotonous and drone speaker, and you fail to make a serious impact on the conference, fueling attacks by Dewey back home." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9014, "fields": { "answer": 8014, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "No harm, no foul, but some think you’ve missed a serious opportunity to boost your profile." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9015, "fields": { "answer": 8015, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "At first you are satisfied with your answer, but turning to Dewey, you see a flicker in the eye of the famed prosecutor, and in his rebuttal he completely obliterates your argument on factual grounds." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9016, "fields": { "answer": 8016, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Framing this issue as one of stability is a good pitch, and provides little room for Dewey to attack you back. Gazing out at your opponent, the short prosecutor, you think you see his steely gaze shatter, just a bit." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9017, "fields": { "answer": 8017, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "At first you are satisfied with your answer, but turning to Dewey, you see a flicker in the eye of the famed prosecutor, and in his rebuttal he puts forward a strong point against your argument." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9018, "fields": { "answer": 8018, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Tom Dewey at first appears confused, before a little smile reaches over his lips. Congratulations Mr. Stassen, you’ve alienated nearly your entire base." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9019, "fields": { "answer": 8019, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "If there’s one thing that unifies Republicans, it’s their disgust with the way Henry Wallace has steered the ship of state." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9020, "fields": { "answer": 8020, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You’ve thrown a bone to Taft’s element of the party, but at the cost of your more moderate base of supporters." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9021, "fields": { "answer": 8021, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This will expand your appeal among Democrats and moderates fed up with Wallace, but at the cost of Taft’s conservative bloc." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9022, "fields": { "answer": 8022, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This has a wide appeal to both blocs of the party, but keep in mind you will need to define yourself on some other important issues if you want to maintain your polling lead." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9023, "fields": { "answer": 8023, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a strong conservative pitch that brings forth applause from Taft and his legion of supporters in the party." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9024, "fields": { "answer": 8024, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "It’s clever to deflect from Vandenberg’s ideology and focus on party unity. It doesn’t hurt that you and him agree on foreign policy so strongly." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9025, "fields": { "answer": 8025, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You’re generating some healthy chatter about your campaign in progressive circles." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9026, "fields": { "answer": 8026, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You’re generating some healthy chatter about your campaign in interventionist circles." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9027, "fields": { "answer": 8027, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You’re generating some more healthy chatter about your campaign in harshly anti-communist circles." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9028, "fields": { "answer": 8028, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a strong appeal, and the key point that propelled you to the nomination." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9029, "fields": { "answer": 8029, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a strong appeal. It looks like you will be mimicking Dewey’s aggressive 1944 campaign, to the chagrin of party leaders." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9030, "fields": { "answer": 8030, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a strange decision to make, most Americans supported your original position." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9031, "fields": { "answer": 8031, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Congratulations, you’ve managed to single-handedly destroy your campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9032, "fields": { "answer": 8032, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a strong pitch that will aid you in the north, at the expense of your support in some southern states." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9033, "fields": { "answer": 8033, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your accomplishments on civil rights aren’t actually all that staggering, but this is still a strong pitch." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9034, "fields": { "answer": 8034, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Many of your supporters were hoping for more." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9035, "fields": { "answer": 8035, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your “Southern Strategy” as it becomes known is… certainly an advanced tactic. Let’s see how it plays out…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9036, "fields": { "answer": 8036, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This position will certainly help you with the Jewish voting bloc—especially in New York." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9037, "fields": { "answer": 8037, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This position will certainly help you among the Jewish community in New York, but the plight of Israel is a little too divorced from national interests for the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9038, "fields": { "answer": 8038, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "It’s a neat thought, but as a candidate there’s not much bite to your bark here." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9039, "fields": { "answer": 8039, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Some of your advisors feel you’re leaving something on the table with this response." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9040, "fields": { "answer": 8040, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Vandenberg is generally received well wherever he stops, and his overbearing and highfalutin qualities make for a fine contrast between him and yourself." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9041, "fields": { "answer": 8041, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Interesting move. Vandenberg manages to court figures like J. Parnell Thomas, John Foster Dulles, Joseph Martin and Wallace White Jr. to your camp. It’s unclear what effect this will have." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9042, "fields": { "answer": 8042, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This rally went well, even if some of the speakers were rather stiff. This will certainly help you in Minnesota. However, the Wallace Express rolls on with growing momentum at every stop…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9043, "fields": { "answer": 8043, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This rally goes well, and Governor Green’s endorsement will certainly help you in Illinois. However, the Wallace Express rolls on with growing momentum at every stop…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9044, "fields": { "answer": 8044, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "All the spectacle and fanfare of the next president of the United States meets you in New York, and your address goes over well. However, the Wallace Express rolls on with growing steam at every stop…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9045, "fields": { "answer": 8045, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is the expected position from you, and one that resonates strongly with the public." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9046, "fields": { "answer": 8046, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a strong appeal and will cut into one of Wallace’s worst weaknesses." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9047, "fields": { "answer": 8047, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You have the edge on this issue, why hold back?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9048, "fields": { "answer": 8048, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "What? Outlawing communism is the main point that propelled you to the nomination. Why change now?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9049, "fields": { "answer": 8049, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Good hedge, you’ve successfully threaded the needle on this issue." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9050, "fields": { "answer": 8050, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is exactly what your supporters want to hear." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9051, "fields": { "answer": 8051, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Some Democrats may oppose this amendment, but it’s a different story when it comes to Republicans and independents." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9052, "fields": { "answer": 8052, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Attacking Wallace is popular, but attacks on the tenure of Franklin Roosevelt are a different story." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9053, "fields": { "answer": 8053, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "“LIAR!” the man shouts back as two Secret Service men flank the man’s sides and pull him back. He spits at your feet, “I was at Imabari Castle! You sent us to die!”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9054, "fields": { "answer": 8054, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The crowd cheers on your rebuttal as two Secret Service men flank the man’s sides and pull him back. He spits at your feet, “LIAR! I was at Imabari Castle! You sent us to die!”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9055, "fields": { "answer": 8055, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "“LIAR!” the man shouts at you, spitting in your face. “YOU LIE! I was at Imabari Castle! You sent us to die!”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9056, "fields": { "answer": 8056, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a strong pitch. Luckily for you your running mate is disciplined enough not to be outraged that you’ve thrown his record under the bus." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9057, "fields": { "answer": 8057, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Some of your advisors are suggesting a cautious campaign approach to preserve your lead." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9058, "fields": { "answer": 8058, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "New Deal programs remain widely popular." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9059, "fields": { "answer": 8059, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The New Deal remains widely popular, and most Americans are alarmed by this conservative pivot." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9060, "fields": { "answer": 8060, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is certainly an interesting pivot, but this will at least help you gain crossover voters. Still, the Wallace Express rolls on…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9061, "fields": { "answer": 8061, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Stick to your bread-and-butter issue: it’s gotten you this far! Still, the Wallace Express rolls…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9062, "fields": { "answer": 8062, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is certainly an interesting pivot, and will enthuse the party base, but at the cost of your liberal and moderate supporters. Still, the Wallace Express rolls on…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9063, "fields": { "answer": 8063, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a good theme to campaign on, even if it causes party leaders to cringe in memory of the disaster in ‘44. Still, the Wallace Express rolls on…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9064, "fields": { "answer": 8064, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The KMT regime remains controversial globally, but this at least reaffirms your commitment to a strong foreign policy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9065, "fields": { "answer": 8065, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "A biting attack, but Wallace quickly hits back that the United States has already deployed forty thousand marines to China." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9066, "fields": { "answer": 8066, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The Chinese situation has been a disaster for the Wallace Administration, why hold back?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9067, "fields": { "answer": 8067, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "What? Internationalism is one of the key points of your campaign, Harold!" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9068, "fields": { "answer": 8068, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your young family comes to represent the idealistic family-planning of a whole new generation of parents." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9069, "fields": { "answer": 8069, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Esther’s smile shows she remembers well, and soon she’s on the campaign trail in her own right campaigning on your behalf." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9070, "fields": { "answer": 8070, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "With or without your endorsement, the rumor mill keeps turning. Overall not a bad course of events for you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9071, "fields": { "answer": 8071, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Wallace’s connection with the guru Roerich is certainly alarming to most Americans." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9072, "fields": { "answer": 8072, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This was what got you this far, may as well keep at it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9073, "fields": { "answer": 8073, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Most Americans agreed with your previous stance, and it served as a convenient foil to your opponent. Why change?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9074, "fields": { "answer": 8074, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a little too harsh for most Americans." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9075, "fields": { "answer": 8075, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "What? Did you just say you didn’t want to outlaw Communism?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9076, "fields": { "answer": 8076, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You’re excoriated by Wallace by your alleged “cowardice”, but at least you’ve avoided another potential humiliation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9077, "fields": { "answer": 8077, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "President Wallace speaks first, and is at first satisfied with his passionate response. You shoot him a smile and watch as the light fades from his cocky expression, and you obliterate him rhetorically in your rebuttal." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9078, "fields": { "answer": 8078, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "As it turns out, the terms you and Wallace agreed to perhaps weren’t all that fair, as he is awarded the last answer. In it, he makes a passionate plea to the American people urging them to choose the light over the darkness of your rhetoric." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9079, "fields": { "answer": 8079, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "As it turns out, the terms you and Wallace agreed to perhaps weren’t all that fair, as he is awarded the last answer. In it, he makes a passionate plea to the American people urging them to choose the light over the darkness of your rhetoric." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9080, "fields": { "answer": 8080, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is certainly consistent with your overall campaign message." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9081, "fields": { "answer": 8081, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "$6 billion was already a large investment, $13 billion is too lofty for some Americans, but will certainly boost your approval among interventionists even moreso." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9082, "fields": { "answer": 8082, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You’ve certainly lined up with liberal thinking—and President Wallace on this issue." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9083, "fields": { "answer": 8083, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a bad theme to campaign on." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9084, "fields": { "answer": 8084, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Eisenhower listens patiently to your points, and you two have a lively conversation. After it all though, Eisenhower smiles and affirms that he will not be making any political endorsement." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9085, "fields": { "answer": 8085, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You meet Eisenhower and after a handshake he leads you to his office, where he sits in front of an easel. It turns out the man is quite the painter. Each time you begin to speak he shushes you and mutters something about his concentration. When you get to lunch all he wants to talk about is strategy, and you leave empty-handed." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9086, "fields": { "answer": 8086, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Between each drive you try to get his attention, but the general is quite the golfer, and is focused solely on the game. He defeats you handily, smiles, and refuses to make any endorsement." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9087, "fields": { "answer": 8087, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Between each drive you try to get his attention, but the general is quite the golfer, and is focused solely on the game. He defeats you handily, smiles, and refuses to make any endorsement." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9088, "fields": { "answer": 8088, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Good hedge. This will keep liberal and conservative Republicans alike happy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9089, "fields": { "answer": 8089, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "It’s one thing to be a liberal republican, it’s another to support national health insurance." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9090, "fields": { "answer": 8090, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Opposing the plan is fine and all, but you could at least try to sound a little empathetic." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9091, "fields": { "answer": 8091, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This kind of caution may be just the thing you need to maintain your lead." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9092, "fields": { "answer": 8092, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a day that will live forever in world history. But for the now, your radio address hardly gives comfort to the American people." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9093, "fields": { "answer": 8093, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "As the American people learn about what happened in Nanchang, they find themselves struck in a haze of fear and paranoia. For just how long has America wielded such firepower? For now, this is probably the best you can do." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9094, "fields": { "answer": 8094, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You’ve certainly sided with MacArthur and his group of extreme theorists. Let’s hope you triumph and Congress can investigate this claim…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9095, "fields": { "answer": 8095, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "General Douglas MacArthur does just that the next day, and is immediately taken into custody for publishing classified information. Unfortunately, the story is buried by the newspapers, and those that do notice write it off as another scheme by the crazed MacArthur." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9096, "fields": { "answer": 8096, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "General Douglas MacArthur does just that the next day, and is immediately taken into custody for publishing classified information. Luckily for you, the story has its intended affect and soon Wallace is coming under even worse fire." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9097, "fields": { "answer": 8097, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "General Douglas MacArthur does just that the next day, and is immediately taken into custody for publishing classified information. Unfortunately, it comes out in some papers that you had something to do with this…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9098, "fields": { "answer": 8098, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The disgraced General Douglas MacArthur hisses at you, before stepping up and going on the retreat once again." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9099, "fields": { "answer": 8099, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This will help you, but you could’ve also pressed the attack." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9100, "fields": { "answer": 8100, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your address really hits the spot with the American people, gripped by fear of the reds." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9101, "fields": { "answer": 8101, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "A strong appeal to liberal Republicans to finish out this historic campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9102, "fields": { "answer": 8102, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your speech is received well in Chicago, and should be the spark you need to carry Illinois." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9103, "fields": { "answer": 8103, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your speech is received well, especially in light of the recent bombings in China." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9104, "fields": { "answer": 8104, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your speech is received well, especially in light of the recent bombings in China." } } ]

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\"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.008}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20029, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 8040, \"state\": 1034, \"candidate\": 23, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.008}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20030, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 8040, \"state\": 1037, \"candidate\": 23, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.008}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20031, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 8042, \"state\": 1022, \"candidate\": 23, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0125}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20032, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 8043, \"state\": 1012, \"candidate\": 23, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0125}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20033, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 8044, \"state\": 1031, \"candidate\": 23, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0125}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20034, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 8101, \"state\": 1031, \"candidate\": 23, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0125}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20035, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 8102, \"state\": 1012, \"candidate\": 23, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0125}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20036, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 8103, \"state\": 1004, \"candidate\": 23, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0125}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20037, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 8104, \"state\": 1020, \"candidate\": 23, \"affected_candidate\": 23, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0125}}]");

campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = '';

campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = '';

campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = 'Stassen';

campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = 'Vandenberg';

campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_state_id = '1022';

campaignTrail_temp.player_answers = [];

campaignTrail_temp.player_visits = [];

campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_flg = 1;

campaignTrail_temp.game_start_logging_id = '4166808';

ItsJustAiden commented 1 year ago

$("#game_window")[0].style.backgroundColor = "#eabcbc"

campaignTrail_temp.questions_json = [ { //priority is the Number of the question.// "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4000, "fields": { "priority": 1, "description": "[APRIL 1946] The War will soon be over, and Harold Stassen is playing an integral part in its resolution. A series of islands flank the Third Fleet, the Japanese mainland looking on in the distance. Before them, Imabari Castle straddles the coastline below ash-ridden skies. A few Japanese ships stray forward toward the fleet. Admiral Halsey turns to you, “what do you think we ought to do, Harold?”", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4001, "fields": { "priority": 2, "description": "[APRIL 1946] It was a rather unorthodox decision, but perhaps fitting of your character that you find yourself now mixed in a crowd of sailors and soldiers. The USS New Jersey looks on in staggering majesty as sounds surround you, banners blaring “WELCOME HOME!” Finally you find a familiar face, and embrace Esther tight. The War is over, and after you exerted so much influence in the 1944 Convention, most expect you to run for President. How will you spend the coming year in the lead-up to the campaign’s open?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4002, "fields": { "priority": 3, "description": "[JUNE 1946] President Wallace has come under fire from Republicans for his veto of the Taft-Hartley Act, a bill to weaken the power of unions. Do you support his veto?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4003, "fields": { "priority": 4, "description": "[APRIL 1947] You’re met with an unusual opportunity during your most recent trip to Europe, to accompany a group of American foreign affairs experts on a journey to Moscow to meet with Minister of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov. Will you join them?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4004, "fields": { "priority": 5, "description": "[MAY 1948] “You are about to hear a debate between Stassen and Dewey, candidates for President.” Those words strike you as you find yourself a participant in the first ever presidential debate in Oregon. “The primary issue with which these candidates are diametrically opposed is: ‘should the Communist Party in the United States be outlawed?’”", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4005, "fields": { "priority": 6, "description": "As the results of the sixth tally at the Republican Convention in Philadelphia became clear, you could feel the weight of history on your shoulders. As you walk up to the podium to accept the Republican nomination, what will you say to these divided delegates?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4006, "fields": { "priority": 7, "description": "It was the expected pick from you, but it’s nonetheless noteworthy that you have chosen Arthur Vandenberg, the man who infamously opposed Roosevelt’s Second New Deal as your running mate. Why have you chosen him?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4007, "fields": { "priority": 8, "description": "Following the Philadelphia Convention, your advisors believe it is imperative for your campaign that it reaches out to other Republicans and shores up its support in order to appeal to a wider base of supporters. Who will you campaign with in the coming week?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4008, "fields": { "priority": 9, "description": "Foreign policy remains one of the key issues of this campaign, and the issue that catapulted you to the front of the pack in the Republican Party. As you enter the general election, what will your message be on foreign affairs in the most general terms?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4009, "fields": { "priority": 10, "description": "The question of the treatment of blacks in the American south is a growing point of contention, especially after President Wallace signed an executive order to desegregate the Armed Forces last year. How do you envision the state of civil rights in the south in a Stassen Administration?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4010, "fields": { "priority": 11, "description": "In March of this year, the ethnic conflict in Palestine escalated when the Israeli forces moved into Arab-controlled territory. It was further escalated after the British Mandate ended and Arab forces invaded the nation. So far, the Jews have successfully defended themselves despite being widely outnumbered. Hundreds of Americans have enlisted in the volunteer force the ‘Mahal,’ what do you have to say about this conflict as it will enter its second year in November?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4011, "fields": { "priority": 12, "description": "How will you utilize your running mate, Michigan Senator Arthur Vandenberg?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4012, "fields": { "priority": 13, "description": "As the campaign season kicks into full gear, Wallace has made headlines for his vigorous campaign style. Now, many Republican leaders are calling on you to begin campaigning vigorously in your own right. What state would you like to campaign in to begin?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4013, "fields": { "priority": 14, "description": "After the testimony of Elizabeth Bentley and Whittaker Chambers unveiled a list of suspected communists in government, congressmen in the House Un-American Activities Committee have cast a wide net of allegations and subpoenas. Among those subpoenaed are President Wallace’s friend Harry White and his former subordinate in the Agricultural Adjustment Administration Alger Hiss. Any comment?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4014, "fields": { "priority": 15, "description": "After the long presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt, detested by the conservative sect of the party, many Republicans have pushed for a constitutional amendment to limit the president to only two elected terms in office. Do you think such an amendment is a necessary addition to the Constitution?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4015, "fields": { "priority": 16, "description": "Streamers gaze down at you from above, strewn about in the city of Cleveland in red, white and blue. During your latest campaign event in the Ohio city, the crowd of supporters’ excitement is palpable. That is, until the noise ceases as a grizzled man in a pale uniform rushes up the stage, and jabs his finger in your chest, “you call yourself a man of peace!? If you were, you would support our withdrawal from these endless wars!” What will you say in response?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4016, "fields": { "priority": 17, "description": "Your running mate, Arthur Vandenberg has come under attack in the past for his opposition to many of Roosevelt’s New Deal policies, including going so far as to call Roosevelt a “dictator”, sparking new concerns that a Republican victory would mean a rollback of the New Deal. Is this true?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4017, "fields": { "priority": 18, "description": "As the campaign continues, the ‘Wallace Express’ as it has come to be known has received numerous plaudits even among Republican newspaper editors for its resourcefulness and the way it enthuses the President’s ‘Gideon’s Army’. Is there any point you’d like to make to broaden your appeal?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4018, "fields": { "priority": 19, "description": "After the Chinese Communist counteroffensive led by Chairman Mao crossed into Kuomintang territory two years earlier, President Wallace has been criticized by yourself and prominent members of the Republican Party for his perceived weakness on the China issue. Most recently, the city of Kaifeng has fallen to Communist forces. Can the United States be doing more to address this threat?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4019, "fields": { "priority": 20, "description": "Another week, another bout of campaigning. After delivering several speeches you find yourself stashed away in a modest hotel in God-knows-where. Esther smiles at you, “Harold, I'd like to do more for the campaign. We ought to be more of a team, don’t you think?”", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4020, "fields": { "priority": 21, "description": "A bewildered smile creeps over your face as you read the latest edition of the Chicago Tribune: “THE GURU AND THE PRESIDENT: Wallace’s relationship with Russian mystic unveiled!” The article goes on to describe verbatim the relationship between Wallace and this strange Russian mystic, Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich. Any comment on this startling discovery?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4021, "fields": { "priority": 22, "description": "You made headlines during the primaries for your strong stance on outlawing the Communist Party of the United States of America. Though most Americans agree, many liberal pundits believe an act banning Communism would be in violation of the First Amendment of the United States. With that being said, do you still support an act outlawing Communism?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4022, "fields": { "priority": 23, "description": "This election has been marked by the first-ever debate between presidential candidates in the history of the nation when you and Tom Dewey fought in a verbal battle in a radio broadcast before the Oregon Primary. Now, Wallace has publicly challenged you to a general election radio debate, an unprecedented move. Will you agree?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4023, "fields": { "priority": 24, "description": "President Wallace made headlines for his so-called “Acheson Plan”, a bipartisan-supported plan to invest $6 billion in Western Europe to foster its rebuilding. Many liberals have praised the plan for being the largest foreign aid commitment in history, hardliners for its ‘dollar-diplomacy’ approach to building up capable governments that can defend against future Communist insurgencies. Do you suppor the plan, and if so, why?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4024, "fields": { "priority": 25, "description": "Given the general rise in support for Wallace as the campaign has progressed, many of your advisors have suggested making overtures to gain the support of former Army Chief of Staff and current President of Columbia University Dwight D. Eisenhower, who has become something of a celebrity for his leadership abilities. How will you court his endorsement?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4025, "fields": { "priority": 26, "description": "Your opponent has made headlines for his calls for a national health insurance program financed by the federal government. Would you support such a program?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4026, "fields": { "priority": 27, "description": "Children were playing in the streets in the Chinese city of Nanchang when a Soviet Tupolev Tu-4 could be seen cutting through the clouds overhead. It shed an iron tear that fell to Earth, and in a flash thousands were wiped away from existence itself. The city was quiet again, before all that could be heard were the screams. Not even twenty-four hours later, a bomb of even greater magnitude was dropped by an American bomber over Anqing. What do you have to say about this alarming turn of events?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4027, "fields": { "priority": 28, "description": "Following the nuclear blasts in China, the nation has become wracked with even greater fear and paranoia. For the first time since you came home, it’s all so quiet. Today, you find yourself in a dim-lit room, a man wearing black sunglasses despite the darkness staring at you from across the table. He takes them off as he slides a file toward you with his other hand, his beady eyes staring you down. “What do you think?” he says quietly as you open the file.", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4028, "fields": { "priority": 29, "description": "On November 1, just one day before the American people are set to go out and vote, Earl Browder, the former leader of the Communist Party USA shambles before the HUAC, his vision hollow. There, he alleged that the Soviet regime in Moscow has secretly been coordinating agents to interfere with the election on behalf of President Wallace in several key states. What do you have to say about this turn of events?", "likelihood": 1 } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.question", "pk": 4029, "fields": { "priority": 30, "description": "As Wallace and his faux army of staffers sail the rail lines back eastward, the campaign is coming to a close. It has been a difficult campaign, Americans being wracked with a slate of crises, but you are confident it won’t all be for naught. Where will you give the last speech of your campaign, and what will you say?", "likelihood": 1 } } ]

//Answers// campaignTrail_temp.answers_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8000, "fields": { "question": 4000, "description": "“Our marines are bleeding out down there. Move the USS New Jersey forward to provide covering fire for our boys islandside, let’s level that castle.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8001, "fields": { "question": 4000, "description": "“Contact the USS Saratoga and deploy some bombers this way. Meanwhile, have our marines islandside pull back. We’ll bomb the hell out of them until they’re too weakened to fight back.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8002, "fields": { "question": 4000, "description": "“Contact the Army on Kennett Beach, have Clark direct his forces this way. In the meantime, command our marines inslandside to fortify their position and defend against the Japanese assault to the best of their ability.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8003, "fields": { "question": 4000, "description": "“We need to go on the attack. Tell our boys down below to launch a counteroffensive and take that goddamned castle by all means necessary.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8004, "fields": { "question": 4001, "description": "I want my face on the cover of every newspaper and magazine in the nation. We’re going to go on a full-on press-tour from New York to D.C. to Los Angeles to ensure everyone understands who I am and where I stand." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8005, "fields": { "question": 4001, "description": "I may have had a strong approval rating in my time in Minnesota, but being governor of a modest midwestern state is a little different than having a serious national presence. The party is furious with Senator Shipstead: let’s give him a run for his money and take a seat at the table in Washington." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8006, "fields": { "question": 4001, "description": "The extent with which the United States will engage with the rest of the world is the paramount issue of the time. I’m going to embark on a tour throughout Europe, meeting with the people most victimized by the war and assuring them they have a friend in America." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8007, "fields": { "question": 4001, "description": "I already have a good relationship with the Press, what we need to do is hit on the important issues that face the nation and lay out where I come from, who I am and where I stand in a book about my forthcoming campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8008, "fields": { "question": 4002, "description": "This remains a deeply controversial issue. Though I have problems with union leadership, diluting the power of the union man himself is a mistake. I neither support nor oppose the Taft-Hartley Act—but if I were president I would have signed it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8009, "fields": { "question": 4002, "description": "I disagree with the president’s veto, this was a perfectly reasonable measure and a necessary reform to our labor policies." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8010, "fields": { "question": 4002, "description": "I’ve always supported the rights of union men, and I support the President’s veto. This bill has too many overreaching mandates that appear to violate the First Amendment." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8011, "fields": { "question": 4003, "description": "I will. This move could help brandish my foreign policy experience ahead of the Primaries: Lord knows Dewey has me beat on that issue already." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8012, "fields": { "question": 4003, "description": "I will. This move could help brandish my foreign policy experience ahead of the Primaries: Lord knows Dewey has me beat on that issue already." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8013, "fields": { "question": 4003, "description": "I will. This move could help brandish my foreign policy experience ahead of the Primaries: Lord knows Dewey has me beat on that issue already." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8014, "fields": { "question": 4003, "description": "I will not. This trip has already gone long enough—Lord knows what kind of advantage Dewey will have back home without me there to counter him." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8015, "fields": { "question": 4004, "description": "“In order to be proactive against the threat of Communist revolution, we must first understand how other nations allowed this destructive corruption to take root. In Russia, for instance, nearly all historians agree that the Communists took hold because they were allowed legal representation in their Congress, called the Duma. Had that party been outlawed, Russia would not have fallen.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8016, "fields": { "question": 4004, "description": "“During the recent war, I saw many young Americans killed. I saw ships explode and burn, planes crash in flames, American men fall. I met thousands of Americans who were liberated from indescribable suffering. For these reasons it is paramount that Communism ought never be allowed to fester in this nation.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8017, "fields": { "question": 4004, "description": "“The key objective of these Communist parties, I have found, is to bring the world under the subjugation of their totalitarian rulers in Moscow. We have seen in Czechoslovakia how dangerous it is to treat Communists with legal politeness and tepid blessings.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8018, "fields": { "question": 4004, "description": "“The free countries are called free for a reason. Mr. Dewey, I recognize the point you make, and in retrospect I feel that stirring up hatred and fear in America is not the correct path. I do not believe we should outlaw the Communist party.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8019, "fields": { "question": 4005, "description": "I will launch an attack on President Wallace and his disastrous policies. He has failed America on the world stage, coddled communists abroad and at home and has overseen a massive increase in the public debt." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8020, "fields": { "question": 4005, "description": "America has been saddled with a crippling national debt that threatens our way of life and the prosperity of future generations. For these reasons it is clear that in order for our nation to progress it must begin to reel back the more extreme government programs that threaten to suffocate business and our middle class alike." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8021, "fields": { "question": 4005, "description": "Let’s be realistic: Tom Dewey was our primary opponent and we need the Eastern Establishment on our side if we want any chance of winning. I will speak to my support of Civil Rights, the need for America to be an engaged member of the international community and my support for federal aid for slum clearance and low-income housing." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8022, "fields": { "question": 4005, "description": "I will speak to the bread-and-butter policies that got me this far, specifically my support of Internationalism and outlawing Communist organizations in America." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8023, "fields": { "question": 4006, "description": "Arthur Vandenberg is a strong conservative and represents the kind of administration I want to run. Wallace has veered between extreme leftism and ineptitude: consider my candidacy a course correction." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8024, "fields": { "question": 4006, "description": "I know many observers worry that the Republican Party will be too fractured to defeat Wallace. Well, let my choice of running mate be proof that I am serious about healing party divisions and putting up a united front against Wallace and the Democrats." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8025, "fields": { "question": 4007, "description": "I will travel to the West Coast and campaign with Earl Warren. There, I will emphasize my support of several progressive proposals, including new housing slum clearance, low-income housing aid, new civil rights legislation and preserving the New Deal." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8026, "fields": { "question": 4007, "description": "Foreign policy is the main point of this campaign, so why not travel to New York and campaign with John Foster Dulles and Henry Stimson, two Republican titans of foreign policy? There, I will speak to my support of a stronger United Nations, combatting external communism and my support of the Acheson Plan." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8027, "fields": { "question": 4007, "description": "It’s hardly a bad idea to campaign in the Steel Belt. I will join forces with Senator Taft in his home state of Ohio and speak to my support of outlawing the dangerous and divisive ideology of Communism that threatens the health of our republic." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8028, "fields": { "question": 4008, "description": "Strong Interventionism — America has emerged from the war in a position of historic significance. I want the nation to be a committed defender of human rights and continue its program of economic aid to European nations recovering from Nazism." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8029, "fields": { "question": 4008, "description": "Interventionism on Offense — Under Henry Wallace the world has grown less safe and America less secure in its position. I will hammer him on this theme on the campaign trail and make sure Americans are aware that a Stassen Administration means a change in course." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8030, "fields": { "question": 4008, "description": "Tempered Interventionism — In order to shore up support among the conservatives in the party, it would be appropriate to moderate my position on this issue going into the general election. I, of course, still support internationalism, but at the same time we must cut back on foreign aid and prioritize America before the world." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8031, "fields": { "question": 4008, "description": "Tempered Isolationism — The do-gooders have allowed our coffers to be robbed for the sake of the welfare of millions in other nations. We need to pull away from European and Asian affairs and instead on the liberty and welfare of our own men." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8032, "fields": { "question": 4009, "description": "We must combat the monster that is racism wherever it rears its ugly head. I want a civil rights plank included in our party’s platform. As well, I promise that when I am president we will finally enact anti-lynching legislation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8033, "fields": { "question": 4009, "description": "Racism is disgusting and represents a blight on our nation’s great history. As Governor of Minnesota I established a civil rights organization in state government, and as commander in the Navy I served alongside black men who were just as capable and distinguished as their white brethren." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8034, "fields": { "question": 4009, "description": "Civil Rights isn’t a big issue in this campaign. Let's speak to what issues unite all red-blooded Americans like my promise to ban Communism and keep America strong and respected on the international stage." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8035, "fields": { "question": 4009, "description": "I have a bold idea: with the Democratic Party split this year we could run in the middle of the progressive Wallace and segregationist Russell and win a commanding majority nationwide." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8036, "fields": { "question": 4010, "description": "Have we not learned after the horrors of the war? The brave people of Israel have been diligent in defending themselves from this illegal assault, and I commend them for that. I will be praying for a good outcome in this conflict." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8037, "fields": { "question": 4010, "description": "I stand with the nation of Israel as they fight back against this brutal and illegal assault by Arab forces. As President, I would adopt a more resolute policy in the Middle East, up to and including the deployment of US forces to ensure Jewish sovereignty." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8038, "fields": { "question": 4010, "description": "The plight of Israel should concern every American, but I envision an effective two-state solution on this issue. As president I would invite the Jews and Arabs to the table to work out a peaceful solution that would stand the test of time." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8039, "fields": { "question": 4010, "description": "I’d rather not make the Israel issue a big part of this campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8040, "fields": { "question": 4011, "description": "Arthur Vandenberg is from the Steel Belt, and understands the wants and needs of that region better than anyone. I want him to campaign everywhere between Iowa and Pennsylvania spreading the good word of the campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8041, "fields": { "question": 4011, "description": "Arthur Vandenberg is very strong on foreign policy and a party insider. I want him to make calls with every Republican figure he can reach in DC to establish a united front to defeat Wallace this November." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8042, "fields": { "question": 4012, "description": "Let’s hold our big kickoff rally in my home state of Minnesota. I will gather with some of my most consistent and loyal supporters in St. Paul and speak to my humble background and strong American spirit." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8043, "fields": { "question": 4012, "description": "Let’s hold our big kickoff rally with Governor Dwight Green in the city of Chicago. I will speak to party unity, the importance of reaching new demographics and the need to defeat President Wallace and his extreme policies." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8044, "fields": { "question": 4012, "description": "Let’s hold our big kickoff rally at the Madison Square Garden in New York City. I’ll invite Republican heavyweights like Tom Dewey, Henry Stimson and John Foster Dulles to speak on our behalf, before I address the crowd myself." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8045, "fields": { "question": 4013, "description": "I commend the HUAC strongly: they represent a crucial instrument to preserve our democracy and our very way of life. We must never allow the evil ideology of Communism to fester in America. It is for that reason I call for a full outlawing of Communism." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8046, "fields": { "question": 4013, "description": "The HUAC and Chairman Thomas deserve the strongest praise imaginable, and I won’t hesitate to make that an important part of that campaign. That being said, I would like to use the Communism issue to attack President Wallace. It’s obvious to any good red-blooded American with eyes or ears that Wallace has abetted Communists in the highest levers of government." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8047, "fields": { "question": 4013, "description": "The HUAC is a necessary defender of American values, but given the level of disagreement within the party over the issue, I’d rather not make them a large point of my campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8048, "fields": { "question": 4013, "description": "While we can all agree that the danger of Communism is a serious issue, I am worried by some of the HUAC’s recent activities and their constitutionality. At this time I do not endorse them." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8049, "fields": { "question": 4014, "description": "This is a divisive issue, but there’s a way we can have our cake and eat it too. Recognizing the historic nature of this election and the extremist ideology Wallace represents, I will pledge to serve only one term if elected." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8050, "fields": { "question": 4014, "description": "I support this amendment for the political health of this nation: a change in leadership every now and then is imperative for the functioning of our democracy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8051, "fields": { "question": 4014, "description": "This is truly an alarming prospect. Artificially limiting elected officials to a set number of terms would be, to put it plainly, undemocratic, and I support Americans’ rights to elect a leader for as long as they wish." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8052, "fields": { "question": 4014, "description": "Not only do I support this amendment, I will use this issue as a way to attack Wallace. After sixteen years of Democratic rule that saw our economy stagnate and the rise of the red menace, it’s about time for a change!" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8053, "fields": { "question": 4015, "description": "First of all, thank you for your service. I know full well where you’re coming from, sir, and I respect your point of view. We should, of course, weigh the opinion of all our citizens, including our currently-enlisted and veterans before making any commitment to deploy forces. Now, if you could please step down?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8054, "fields": { "question": 4015, "description": "Sir, I respectfully would have to disagree with that assertion. American participation in global affairs, including supporting our allies abroad will be a primary concern of my administration because I believe it is right." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8055, "fields": { "question": 4015, "description": "You’re right sir, American participation has grown too overarching for the good of our nation. I agree with your own Senator here in Ohio, Mr. Taft in supporting a more limited foreign affairs program." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8056, "fields": { "question": 4016, "description": "Absolutely not. Everyone who knows me knows that I support the vast majority of programs included in the New Deal. That was true in 1940 when I defended the New Deal at the Republican Convention, and it’s true now." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8057, "fields": { "question": 4016, "description": "I can see both sides of this issue. I’ve always supported programs to help the poorest among us, but at the same time we must cut back on our public debt." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8058, "fields": { "question": 4016, "description": "Absolutely. My candidacy is all about restoring responsibility to America’s finances. If we want to continue with our postwar prosperity, we cannot allow this rampant spending we’ve seen over the past two decades continue into the next." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8059, "fields": { "question": 4016, "description": "Absolutely. The disastrous economic policies we’ve seen implemented over the past two decades is criminal and borders on socialism. For the sake of our children and their’s, we must now allow that to continue. If my opponent is elected, he will usher forward a whole new slate of programs. We cannot afford that." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8060, "fields": { "question": 4017, "description": "We need to stop the bleeding. I will deliver an address by radio emphasizing my continuing support for the preservation of the New Deal and a federal housing bill. I’m still the same Harold Stassen who defended the New Deal in the 1940 Republican Convention." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8061, "fields": { "question": 4017, "description": "Let’s not screw up a good thing. Communism remains the defining issue of this campaign, specifically Wallace’s coddling of external Communism and his persistence in allowing internal Communism to fester. I will travel to New Jersey and campaign with Chairman J. Parnell Thomas on this very point." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8062, "fields": { "question": 4017, "description": "Clearly, the direction we’ve gone hasn’t worked, as exemplified by our falling poll numbers. We’ve clearly gone too far to the left in an attempt to appeal to party leaders. I will travel to Ohio and campaign with Senator Taft on more conservative positions, including but not limited to outlawing Communism and re-establishing fiscal responsibility." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8063, "fields": { "question": 4017, "description": "The key issue that is hurting our campaign is our reluctance to tackle Wallace head-on. I will deliver a radio address where I excoriate the President for his failure to effectively combat the Soviets, his allowance of Communist influence in the state department, and his general incompetence." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8064, "fields": { "question": 4018, "description": "The cause of the KMT is the cause of all free nations who wish to stand up to the threat of Communist subversion and invasion. I believe they will triumph, but only if the United States commits more boots on the ground and planes in the air to defend their liberty." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8065, "fields": { "question": 4018, "description": "Of course we can be doing more, I have a plan to provide more arms, planes, and boots on the ground to Chinese forces, but I doubt we will until my election. If one thing is clear after these near-four years, it’s that when presented with the right choice and the wrong choice, Wallace will always choose the wrong choice." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8066, "fields": { "question": 4018, "description": "We are on the right track in China. We cannot deny the reds gained ground since ‘46, but I’m confident that with more aid to the KMT we can assure a satisfactory resolution." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8067, "fields": { "question": 4018, "description": "The situation in China since the communists crossed the Yangtze should concern every good American. With that being said, I can say confidently that boots on the ground or an increase in our aid program would be the wrong solution. We must recenter our national focus on issues of true national importance." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8068, "fields": { "question": 4019, "description": "“Just so long as you, Glen and Kathleen stick by me through this fight, I’m confident we can pull through.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8069, "fields": { "question": 4019, "description": "“Remember those days when I ran for county attorney back home and got so terribly ill? We need to do something like we did back then again.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8070, "fields": { "question": 4020, "description": "The press will run stories about this endlessly for the next several days and weeks, I’m sure, but I’d rather not wade into this scandal." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8071, "fields": { "question": 4020, "description": "This is absolutely unbelievable. Wrangle up as many reporters as will listen and I’ll hold a press conference on this matter. The fact that a man with so un-American a belief set held the highest and most distinguished office in the land is a national embarrassment. I will oust this farce and restore dignity to the White House." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8072, "fields": { "question": 4021, "description": "The rights of free speech, of free press, of freedom of conscience, and freedom of religion must, of course, be kept inviolate. It is for that reason that one must support an act outlawing Communism. There is no such right as to espouse views that eliminate rights, as Communism espouses, that would be foolishness." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8073, "fields": { "question": 4021, "description": "I still believe banning Communism is a vital element of our political health and national security, but we must recognize that there is a basic and fundamental difference between a primary and a general race. For this reason I will tone down my rhetoric on this issue and pivot to those where more commonality in agreement can be found." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8074, "fields": { "question": 4021, "description": "Not only must we ban Communism and enact stringent punishments to its practicers, we must also encourage our allies in Western Europe to outlaw Communism. The Iron Curtain that divides Europe stands, but for how much longer? With the minimality of the Acheson Plan, who knows." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8075, "fields": { "question": 4021, "description": "Americans of all stripes recognize the dangers of Communism, but that doesn’t mean it ought be banned. Outlawing opposing political parties would make us just as wrong as the unfree nations." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8076, "fields": { "question": 4022, "description": "There is no way I will ever subject myself to another debate after the last almost sent my campaign under. I won’t even acknowledge these insincere demands from the President’s campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8077, "fields": { "question": 4022, "description": "I may have struggled against Dewey in Oregon, but remember that I was a champion debater from a young age. I will agree to the president’s offer to debate, assuming the terms are fair." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8078, "fields": { "question": 4022, "description": "I may have struggled against Dewey in Oregon, but remember that I was a champion debater from a young age. I will agree to the president’s offer to debate, assuming the terms are fair." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8079, "fields": { "question": 4022, "description": "I may have struggled against Dewey in Oregon, but remember that I was a champion debater from a young age. I will agree to the president’s offer to debate, assuming the terms are fair." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8080, "fields": { "question": 4023, "description": "I support the Acheson Plan as an important instrument in our external battle against pernicious Communist influence. The European nations are in an extremely vulnerable state, and revolution could occur at any moment—lest what we forget what we learned from the revolutions in Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8081, "fields": { "question": 4023, "description": "I support the Acheson Plan, but we could be doing so much more. With General Marshall I am proposing a $7 billion increase in foreign aid expenditures that will truly strengthen the ideological defense of Europe." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8082, "fields": { "question": 4023, "description": "We must never allow the left-wing to gain a monopoly on humanitarianism. I support the Acheson Plan for its strong commitment to foreign aid. As we did after the last war, it is important that we aid the European continent and ensure that a conflict like the Second World War never happens again." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8083, "fields": { "question": 4023, "description": "This is truly a frightening thought. Must we pay the bill of European wars? Nonsense. I do not support the Acheson Plan, it is an unnecessary drain on the finances of America." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8084, "fields": { "question": 4024, "description": "I’m a natural charmer, and Ike and I are both veterans of the war. Sit me down with him in his office at Columbia and I will appeal to our shared vision for a peaceful world brimming with the bright light of American democracy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8085, "fields": { "question": 4024, "description": "Doesn’t he have a house on Morningside Drive in New York City? Let’s Esther and I stop by and have a chat over lunch. I’m confident that I can convince him that an endorsement is necessary to preserve American democracy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8086, "fields": { "question": 4024, "description": "Eisenhower’s a prolific golfer, isn’t he? Let’s invite him to a round and see if I can’t win his endorsement there." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8087, "fields": { "question": 4024, "description": "Eisenhower’s a prolific golfer, isn’t he? Let’s invite him to a round and see if I can’t win his endorsement there." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8088, "fields": { "question": 4025, "description": "I understand why this program might be enticing to some liberals, but I disagree that such a reform would be necessary. What we can do is enact reasonable reforms to make health insurance more affordable for everyday Americans." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8089, "fields": { "question": 4025, "description": "This is something we badly need right now. God only knows how many individuals—our sick and old, who have perished for lack of insurance." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8090, "fields": { "question": 4025, "description": "This proposal would represent a massive increase in our spending and another endless hole in our already-staggering deficit. For the good of our children and theirs, we must not invest in never-ending welfare programs like this." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8091, "fields": { "question": 4025, "description": "I’m sure that with the 80th Congress we can work out a reasonable solution on the issue of healthcare reform." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8092, "fields": { "question": 4026, "description": "I will deliver a radio address in which I will convey my deep sorrow at this devastating and tragic loss of human life, but leave it at that until we have more information on what exactly happened." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8093, "fields": { "question": 4026, "description": "We don’t know nearly enough to make any conclusive statement, but I will urge my supporters to pray that this attack and counterattack is the turning point that will lead the war to an agreeable conclusion." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8094, "fields": { "question": 4026, "description": "Wait, what? The Soviets drop the biggest bomb in human history and then we just happen to have our own? For just how long have we wielded a weapon of such world-ending magnitude? If MacArthur is right with his statement this morning and we had an atomic bomb before the invasion of Japan, why didn’t Wallace deploy it then!?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8095, "fields": { "question": 4027, "description": "“This is… this is astounding. If what you’re giving me is legitimate, I… this changes everything. This needs to be on the front page of every newspaper in the country. Publish it, General, and when I am elected you will receive my full pardon.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8096, "fields": { "question": 4027, "description": "“This is… this is astounding. If what you’re giving me is legitimate, I… this changes everything. This needs to be on the front page of every newspaper in the country. Publish it, General, and when I am elected you will receive my full pardon.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8097, "fields": { "question": 4027, "description": "“This is… this is astounding. If what you’re giving me is legitimate, I… this changes everything. This needs to be on the front page of every newspaper in the country. Publish it, General, and when I am elected you will receive my full pardon.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8098, "fields": { "question": 4027, "description": "“This is insane, even for you. If we truly wielded such a weapon when you say we did, it would be tantamount to treachery on the part of Wallace. I believe the man is… many things, but a traitor? No! Why did I agree to this meeting, anyway? Get out of my sight, you lowlife incompetent.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8099, "fields": { "question": 4028, "description": "Ha! I knew they’d get him for something. Let’s just sit back and watch as all my rhetoric is vindicated in the press before our very eyes." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8100, "fields": { "question": 4028, "description": "This proves exactly what I’ve been saying this entire campaign, Wallace is Moscow’s man through and through! I will eviscerate Wallace in a national radio address for this treachery!" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8101, "fields": { "question": 4029, "description": "I will travel to New York City and deliver an address appealing to the strength and forwardmindness that the Stassen movement represents. Together we will foster an America of tomorrow that works for all men and women in accordance with our founding principles." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8102, "fields": { "question": 4029, "description": "I will go to Chicago and speak to the need for Americans for proceed forward with common dignity and the preservation of the American Dream. We are a nation of godly and industrious men and we must foster that spirit for the next generation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8103, "fields": { "question": 4029, "description": "The battle lines have been drawn, and we must recognize that. I will go to Los Angeles and speak of the need to defend American values from subservice Communist ideology." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer", "pk": 8104, "fields": { "question": 4029, "description": "Massachusetts is traditionally a Republican stronghold, even if it has been won by Roosevelt each time he ran. I will travel there and deliver a speech in Boston speaking to the need for a more committed American foreign policy." } } ]

//Feedback// campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json = [ { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9000, "fields": { "answer": 8000, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Soon Imabari Castle is destroyed, and that gives the Marines below enough breathing room to push forward, and soon they raise the US flag over the ruins of the battered fortress, and Shikoku finally falls, the last bastion of the Japanese Empire." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9001, "fields": { "answer": 8001, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Imabari Castle and the surrounding Japanese garrison is destroyed in the subsequent bombing run, and in the rubble lays the bloodied and tattered flag of the Japanese Empire. With the fall of Imabari, Shikoku finally falls, the last bastion of the Japanese Empire." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9002, "fields": { "answer": 8002, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The Marines manage to hold out, even if Clark takes a lot longer than expected to reach them, and soon the American flag waves over Imabari Castle, and with its capture falls the last fortress of the Japanese Empire." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9003, "fields": { "answer": 8003, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "A costly victory for a costly invasion, and soon the American flag waves over Imabari Castle, the last bastion of the Japanese Empire." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9004, "fields": { "answer": 8004, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "TIME, Life, Look and Newsweek all publish glowing pieces in the lead-up to your announcement.. Drew Pearson lauds you for having “the courage to take a stand on almost everything” while “other candidates are being coy.”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9005, "fields": { "answer": 8005, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You successfully primary Shipstead, but the closeness of the race strikes you—a grim reminder this path will not be easy. You’ve secured a seat at the table in the Senate for the next year in preparation for your run, but at the expense of your outsider credibility." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9006, "fields": { "answer": 8006, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This trip is received very well in Europe, and you’re lauded back home for your meetings with Churchill and De Gaulle. The image that most stands out is you laying a wreath at the site of the Buchenwald concentration camp." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9007, "fields": { "answer": 8007, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your book, “Where I Stand” is referred to by one reviewer as “more than nothing but less than something.” Others say it failed to effectively define you on the issues. Most just think it was boring." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9008, "fields": { "answer": 8008, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is the expected position from you, but only makes you come off as indecisive to the average American voter." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9009, "fields": { "answer": 8009, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is exactly what your Republican supporters want to hear." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9010, "fields": { "answer": 8010, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "If your goal is to turn off as many Republican voters as possible, you’re doing a good job." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9011, "fields": { "answer": 8011, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The meeting not only goes well, but you astound observers back home by managing to schedule a few minutes one-on-one with Stalin. This will definitely be a serious boost to your profile." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9012, "fields": { "answer": 8012, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The meeting goes well, and you get a close-up with Marxist-Leninist government. This will certainly help you back home." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9013, "fields": { "answer": 8013, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You find Molotov a monotonous and drone speaker, and you fail to make a serious impact on the conference, fueling attacks by Dewey back home." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9014, "fields": { "answer": 8014, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "No harm, no foul, but some think you’ve missed a serious opportunity to boost your profile." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9015, "fields": { "answer": 8015, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "At first you are satisfied with your answer, but turning to Dewey, you see a flicker in the eye of the famed prosecutor, and in his rebuttal he completely obliterates your argument on factual grounds." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9016, "fields": { "answer": 8016, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Framing this issue as one of stability is a good pitch, and provides little room for Dewey to attack you back. Gazing out at your opponent, the short prosecutor, you think you see his steely gaze shatter, just a bit." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9017, "fields": { "answer": 8017, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "At first you are satisfied with your answer, but turning to Dewey, you see a flicker in the eye of the famed prosecutor, and in his rebuttal he puts forward a strong point against your argument." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9018, "fields": { "answer": 8018, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Tom Dewey at first appears confused, before a little smile reaches over his lips. Congratulations Mr. Stassen, you’ve alienated nearly your entire base." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9019, "fields": { "answer": 8019, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "If there’s one thing that unifies Republicans, it’s their disgust with the way Henry Wallace has steered the ship of state." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9020, "fields": { "answer": 8020, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You’ve thrown a bone to Taft’s element of the party, but at the cost of your more moderate base of supporters." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9021, "fields": { "answer": 8021, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This will expand your appeal among Democrats and moderates fed up with Wallace, but at the cost of Taft’s conservative bloc." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9022, "fields": { "answer": 8022, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This has a wide appeal to both blocs of the party, but keep in mind you will need to define yourself on some other important issues if you want to maintain your polling lead." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9023, "fields": { "answer": 8023, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a strong conservative pitch that brings forth applause from Taft and his legion of supporters in the party." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9024, "fields": { "answer": 8024, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "It’s clever to deflect from Vandenberg’s ideology and focus on party unity. It doesn’t hurt that you and him agree on foreign policy so strongly." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9025, "fields": { "answer": 8025, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You’re generating some healthy chatter about your campaign in progressive circles." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9026, "fields": { "answer": 8026, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You’re generating some healthy chatter about your campaign in interventionist circles." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9027, "fields": { "answer": 8027, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You’re generating some more healthy chatter about your campaign in harshly anti-communist circles." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9028, "fields": { "answer": 8028, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a strong appeal, and the key point that propelled you to the nomination." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9029, "fields": { "answer": 8029, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a strong appeal. It looks like you will be mimicking Dewey’s aggressive 1944 campaign, to the chagrin of party leaders." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9030, "fields": { "answer": 8030, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a strange decision to make, most Americans supported your original position." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9031, "fields": { "answer": 8031, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Congratulations, you’ve managed to single-handedly destroy your campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9032, "fields": { "answer": 8032, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a strong pitch that will aid you in the north, at the expense of your support in some southern states." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9033, "fields": { "answer": 8033, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your accomplishments on civil rights aren’t actually all that staggering, but this is still a strong pitch." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9034, "fields": { "answer": 8034, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Many of your supporters were hoping for more." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9035, "fields": { "answer": 8035, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your “Southern Strategy” as it becomes known is… certainly an advanced tactic. Let’s see how it plays out…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9036, "fields": { "answer": 8036, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This position will certainly help you with the Jewish voting bloc—especially in New York." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9037, "fields": { "answer": 8037, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This position will certainly help you among the Jewish community in New York, but the plight of Israel is a little too divorced from national interests for the average American." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9038, "fields": { "answer": 8038, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "It’s a neat thought, but as a candidate there’s not much bite to your bark here." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9039, "fields": { "answer": 8039, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Some of your advisors feel you’re leaving something on the table with this response." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9040, "fields": { "answer": 8040, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Vandenberg is generally received well wherever he stops, and his overbearing and highfalutin qualities make for a fine contrast between him and yourself." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9041, "fields": { "answer": 8041, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Interesting move. Vandenberg manages to court figures like J. Parnell Thomas, John Foster Dulles, Joseph Martin and Wallace White Jr. to your camp. It’s unclear what effect this will have." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9042, "fields": { "answer": 8042, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This rally went well, even if some of the speakers were rather stiff. This will certainly help you in Minnesota. However, the Wallace Express rolls on with growing momentum at every stop…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9043, "fields": { "answer": 8043, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This rally goes well, and Governor Green’s endorsement will certainly help you in Illinois. However, the Wallace Express rolls on with growing momentum at every stop…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9044, "fields": { "answer": 8044, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "All the spectacle and fanfare of the next president of the United States meets you in New York, and your address goes over well. However, the Wallace Express rolls on with growing steam at every stop…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9045, "fields": { "answer": 8045, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is the expected position from you, and one that resonates strongly with the public." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9046, "fields": { "answer": 8046, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a strong appeal and will cut into one of Wallace’s worst weaknesses." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9047, "fields": { "answer": 8047, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You have the edge on this issue, why hold back?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9048, "fields": { "answer": 8048, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "What? Outlawing communism is the main point that propelled you to the nomination. Why change now?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9049, "fields": { "answer": 8049, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Good hedge, you’ve successfully threaded the needle on this issue." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9050, "fields": { "answer": 8050, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is exactly what your supporters want to hear." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9051, "fields": { "answer": 8051, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Some Democrats may oppose this amendment, but it’s a different story when it comes to Republicans and independents." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9052, "fields": { "answer": 8052, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Attacking Wallace is popular, but attacks on the tenure of Franklin Roosevelt are a different story." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9053, "fields": { "answer": 8053, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "“LIAR!” the man shouts back as two Secret Service men flank the man’s sides and pull him back. He spits at your feet, “I was at Imabari Castle! You sent us to die!”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9054, "fields": { "answer": 8054, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The crowd cheers on your rebuttal as two Secret Service men flank the man’s sides and pull him back. He spits at your feet, “LIAR! I was at Imabari Castle! You sent us to die!”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9055, "fields": { "answer": 8055, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "“LIAR!” the man shouts at you, spitting in your face. “YOU LIE! I was at Imabari Castle! You sent us to die!”" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9056, "fields": { "answer": 8056, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a strong pitch. Luckily for you your running mate is disciplined enough not to be outraged that you’ve thrown his record under the bus." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9057, "fields": { "answer": 8057, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Some of your advisors are suggesting a cautious campaign approach to preserve your lead." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9058, "fields": { "answer": 8058, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "New Deal programs remain widely popular." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9059, "fields": { "answer": 8059, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The New Deal remains widely popular, and most Americans are alarmed by this conservative pivot." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9060, "fields": { "answer": 8060, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is certainly an interesting pivot, but this will at least help you gain crossover voters. Still, the Wallace Express rolls on…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9061, "fields": { "answer": 8061, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Stick to your bread-and-butter issue: it’s gotten you this far! Still, the Wallace Express rolls…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9062, "fields": { "answer": 8062, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is certainly an interesting pivot, and will enthuse the party base, but at the cost of your liberal and moderate supporters. Still, the Wallace Express rolls on…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9063, "fields": { "answer": 8063, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a good theme to campaign on, even if it causes party leaders to cringe in memory of the disaster in ‘44. Still, the Wallace Express rolls on…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9064, "fields": { "answer": 8064, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The KMT regime remains controversial globally, but this at least reaffirms your commitment to a strong foreign policy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9065, "fields": { "answer": 8065, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "A biting attack, but Wallace quickly hits back that the United States has already deployed forty thousand marines to China." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9066, "fields": { "answer": 8066, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The Chinese situation has been a disaster for the Wallace Administration, why hold back?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9067, "fields": { "answer": 8067, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "What? Internationalism is one of the key points of your campaign, Harold!" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9068, "fields": { "answer": 8068, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your young family comes to represent the idealistic family-planning of a whole new generation of parents." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9069, "fields": { "answer": 8069, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Esther’s smile shows she remembers well, and soon she’s on the campaign trail in her own right campaigning on your behalf." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9070, "fields": { "answer": 8070, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "With or without your endorsement, the rumor mill keeps turning. Overall not a bad course of events for you." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9071, "fields": { "answer": 8071, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Wallace’s connection with the guru Roerich is certainly alarming to most Americans." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9072, "fields": { "answer": 8072, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This was what got you this far, may as well keep at it." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9073, "fields": { "answer": 8073, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Most Americans agreed with your previous stance, and it served as a convenient foil to your opponent. Why change?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9074, "fields": { "answer": 8074, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a little too harsh for most Americans." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9075, "fields": { "answer": 8075, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "What? Did you just say you didn’t want to outlaw Communism?" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9076, "fields": { "answer": 8076, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You’re excoriated by Wallace by your alleged “cowardice”, but at least you’ve avoided another potential humiliation." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9077, "fields": { "answer": 8077, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "President Wallace speaks first, and is at first satisfied with his passionate response. You shoot him a smile and watch as the light fades from his cocky expression, and you obliterate him rhetorically in your rebuttal." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9078, "fields": { "answer": 8078, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "As it turns out, the terms you and Wallace agreed to perhaps weren’t all that fair, as he is awarded the last answer. In it, he makes a passionate plea to the American people urging them to choose the light over the darkness of your rhetoric." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9079, "fields": { "answer": 8079, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "As it turns out, the terms you and Wallace agreed to perhaps weren’t all that fair, as he is awarded the last answer. In it, he makes a passionate plea to the American people urging them to choose the light over the darkness of your rhetoric." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9080, "fields": { "answer": 8080, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is certainly consistent with your overall campaign message." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9081, "fields": { "answer": 8081, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "$6 billion was already a large investment, $13 billion is too lofty for some Americans, but will certainly boost your approval among interventionists even moreso." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9082, "fields": { "answer": 8082, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You’ve certainly lined up with liberal thinking—and President Wallace on this issue." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9083, "fields": { "answer": 8083, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a bad theme to campaign on." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9084, "fields": { "answer": 8084, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Eisenhower listens patiently to your points, and you two have a lively conversation. After it all though, Eisenhower smiles and affirms that he will not be making any political endorsement." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9085, "fields": { "answer": 8085, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You meet Eisenhower and after a handshake he leads you to his office, where he sits in front of an easel. It turns out the man is quite the painter. Each time you begin to speak he shushes you and mutters something about his concentration. When you get to lunch all he wants to talk about is strategy, and you leave empty-handed." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9086, "fields": { "answer": 8086, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Between each drive you try to get his attention, but the general is quite the golfer, and is focused solely on the game. He defeats you handily, smiles, and refuses to make any endorsement." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9087, "fields": { "answer": 8087, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Between each drive you try to get his attention, but the general is quite the golfer, and is focused solely on the game. He defeats you handily, smiles, and refuses to make any endorsement." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9088, "fields": { "answer": 8088, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Good hedge. This will keep liberal and conservative Republicans alike happy." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9089, "fields": { "answer": 8089, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "It’s one thing to be a liberal republican, it’s another to support national health insurance." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9090, "fields": { "answer": 8090, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Opposing the plan is fine and all, but you could at least try to sound a little empathetic." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9091, "fields": { "answer": 8091, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This kind of caution may be just the thing you need to maintain your lead." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9092, "fields": { "answer": 8092, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This is a day that will live forever in world history. But for the now, your radio address hardly gives comfort to the American people." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9093, "fields": { "answer": 8093, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "As the American people learn about what happened in Nanchang, they find themselves struck in a haze of fear and paranoia. For just how long has America wielded such firepower? For now, this is probably the best you can do." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9094, "fields": { "answer": 8094, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "You’ve certainly sided with MacArthur and his group of extreme theorists. Let’s hope you triumph and Congress can investigate this claim…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9095, "fields": { "answer": 8095, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "General Douglas MacArthur does just that the next day, and is immediately taken into custody for publishing classified information. Unfortunately, the story is buried by the newspapers, and those that do notice write it off as another scheme by the crazed MacArthur." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9096, "fields": { "answer": 8096, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "General Douglas MacArthur does just that the next day, and is immediately taken into custody for publishing classified information. Luckily for you, the story has its intended affect and soon Wallace is coming under even worse fire." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9097, "fields": { "answer": 8097, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "General Douglas MacArthur does just that the next day, and is immediately taken into custody for publishing classified information. Unfortunately, it comes out in some papers that you had something to do with this…" } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9098, "fields": { "answer": 8098, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "The disgraced General Douglas MacArthur hisses at you, before stepping up and going on the retreat once again." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9099, "fields": { "answer": 8099, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "This will help you, but you could’ve also pressed the attack." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9100, "fields": { "answer": 8100, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your address really hits the spot with the American people, gripped by fear of the reds." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9101, "fields": { "answer": 8101, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "A strong appeal to liberal Republicans to finish out this historic campaign." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9102, "fields": { "answer": 8102, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your speech is received well in Chicago, and should be the spark you need to carry Illinois." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9103, "fields": { "answer": 8103, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your speech is received well, especially in light of the recent bombings in China." } }, { "model": "campaign_trail.answer_feedback", "pk": 9104, "fields": { "answer": 8104, "candidate": 23, "answer_feedback": "Your speech is received well, especially in light of the recent bombings in China." } } ]

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campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = '';

campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = '';

campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = 'Stassen';

campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = 'Vandenberg';

campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_state_id = '1022';

campaignTrail_temp.player_answers = [];

campaignTrail_temp.player_visits = [];

campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_flg = 1;

campaignTrail_temp.game_start_logging_id = '4166808';

JetSimon commented 1 year ago


It is because your questions have [APRIL 1946] (things in square brackets) as well as the line //priority is the Number of the question.// in the middle of the json.

I'm not sure if I can make the modding tool work with the [ ] issues right now but I can do it in the future. If you are able to remove the [ ] inside the questions and the //priority is the Number of the question.// it should load properly.

ItsJustAiden commented 1 year ago

Got it. Thanks for the help.