Jetski5822 / NGM.Forum

Provides Orchard CMS with a bare bones fully working forum
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I'm curious if there is a way to create subforums with this module? #8

Closed Chromebuster closed 10 years ago

Chromebuster commented 10 years ago

Hello all, I'm currently setting up my forums on our site, and I at the moment cannot find a way to layer forums underneath forums. (a.k.a. subforums) Is this an upcoming feature in the next version of this module? If I were a coder, I'd make it possible, but since I'm not, I'm asking here. Thanks all.

Jetski5822 commented 10 years ago

Hi Chromebuster - Yes, you jsut need to add the Container and Containable parts to the Forum, then you can Sub and Parents.

hsimah commented 9 years ago

I am attempting to do this and I have added both parts to the Forum Content Definition. I see a picker and some other controls, but I cannot figure out how to configure subforums. Any help would be appreciated.

Jetski5822 commented 9 years ago

Hey hsimah - what exactly are you trying to do? What do you mean configure sub forums? different to the parent yes?

hsimah commented 9 years ago

Hi Nicholas, I'm a Windows Forms rev by trade, but I am trying to make the jump to web stuff. I'm building a website for my cycling club. I decided Orchard looked good. The trouble is there is a lot of config and a lack of documentation (or at least I can’t find it!). I am making progress, though. Your forum module looks perfect for what we need.

What I am trying to do is make a forum structure like this:

Category 1 (e.g. Road Cycling) Forum 1 (e.g. Training) Forum 2 (e.g. Racing) Category 2 (e.g. Mountain Biking) Forum 1 Forum 2 Category 3 Forum 1 Forum 2 Forum 3

I ended up creating the forums and adding a field to the content definition to store the category. I then created three queries to retrieve forums with the set category. I then created a new layer with some content parts containing my three queries. It works, but it seems like a really roundabout way to accomplish what I want.

I also used a list to do this, but the Orchard site says lists are now deprecated, so I didn't keep that solution.

Sorry for being a nuisance. I really like this Orchard software and want to get stuck into it. I read some of your blog posts about contributing to open source software and it struck a chord - it sounds like something I would like to get involved in, too.

