JewishBanana / DeadlyDisasters

Source of deadly disaster plugin
GNU General Public License v3.0
10 stars 6 forks source link

Error occurred while enabling DeadlyDisasters v10.5 #5

Closed PaxJaromeMalues closed 2 months ago

PaxJaromeMalues commented 1 year ago
[00:47:36 ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling DeadlyDisasters v10.5 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.lang.Boolean.booleanValue()" because the return value of "java.util.Map.get(Object)" is null
        at deadlydisasters.listeners.spawners.GlobalSpawner.reload( ~[DeadlyDisasters-V10.5.jar:?]
        at deadlydisasters.listeners.spawners.GlobalSpawner.<init>( ~[DeadlyDisasters-V10.5.jar:?]
        at deadlydisasters.general.Main.onEnable( ~[DeadlyDisasters-V10.5.jar:?]
        at ~[paper-api-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at ~[paper-api-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-api-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-388]
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-388]
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-388]
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-388]
        at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-388]
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-388]
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-388]
        at Source) ~[?:?]
[00:47:36 INFO]: [DeadlyDisasters] Disabling DeadlyDisasters v10.5
[00:47:36 ERROR]: Error occurred while disabling DeadlyDisasters v10.5 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read field "isEnabled" because "this.eventHandler" is null
        at deadlydisasters.general.Main.onDisable( ~[DeadlyDisasters-V10.5.jar:?]
        at ~[paper-api-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at ~[paper-api-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugin( ~[paper-api-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at ~[paper-api-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[paper-api-1.18.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-388]
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R2.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-388]
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld0( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-388]
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadLevel( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-388]
        at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-388]
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-388]
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.18.2.jar:git-Paper-388]
        at Source) ~[?:?]

I am sort of too dumb to unfuck this issue by myself. Might be the time of day, unsure. It def showed up after editing the yml-files for the desasters to take a way longer time to appear, adjust to german language and adjusting in which worlds which desasters can occur.


  # If set to true then admins will receive a message about updates for the plugin upon joining if any are available
  update_notify: true
  # If set to true then admins will be alerted when new content is added to the custom disaster catalog
  catalog_notify: true
  # If set to true then disasters will be automatically enabled on new world creations
  auto_enable_on_generation: true
  # If set to true then custom mobs naturally spawning will automatically be enabled on new world creations
  auto_enable_natural_spawning: true
  # Debug messages will send some error info to the console for some errors
  debug_messages: true
  # Custom name support is a new option added in 13.0 before 13.0 some items used the custom names to identify themselves in the code and activate abilities, this can be an exploit since anyone can use an anvil to rename an item and then get the abilities of the custom item. Since the start of 13.0 all custom names have been switched for nbt to patch this exploit but because of this any previously spawned custom items will no longer work, if this is a problem for you then you can revert this change by setting this field to true
  custom_name_support: false
  # Toggle if special limited time events should get enabled or not
  special_events: true
  # Blacklists blocks from being damaged in disasters. The format is as follows
  - bedrock
  - end_portal_frame
  - end_portal
  - nether_portal
  # Modify messages sent by the plugin. Do not set this to be empty it will not work, if you do not want any messages then turn off event_broadcast in general
  console_error_message: '&cUnable to execute command from console!'
  permission_error: '&cYou do not have permission to use that!'
  # If disaster tips is set to true then disaster broadcasts will include the disasters tip
  disaster_tips: true
  # If set to true then players will be notified in chat of any ongoing limited time events
  event_notifications: true
    level 1: '&aLevel: 1 %disaster% &6Event startet bei: &a%location% &e(%player%)'
    level 2: '&2Level: 2 %disaster% &6Event startet bei: &a%location% &e(%player%)'
    level 3: '&bLevel: 3 %disaster% &6Event startet bei: &a%location% &e(%player%)'
    level 4: '&eLevel: 4 %disaster% &6Event startet bei: &a%location% &e(%player%)'
    level 5: '&cLevel: 5 %disaster% &6Event startet bei: &a%location% &e(%player%)'
    level 6: '&4&lLevel: 6 %disaster% &6Event startet bei: &a%location% &e(%player%)'
    level 1: '&6Unwetterwarnung! Länge: &2Sehr kurz'
    level 2: '&6Unwetterwarnung! Länge: &aKurz'
    level 3: '&6Unwetterwarnung! Länge: &bModerat'
    level 4: '&6Unwetterwarnung! Länge: &eLanganhaltend'
    level 5: '&6Unwetterwarnung! Länge: &cKein Ende in Sicht'
      level 1: '&6Norddeutschesturmanzeige: &aStein an Kette bewegt sich ein paar Milimeter'
      level 2: '&6Norddeutschesturmanzeige: &bStein an Kette bewegt sich ein paar Milimeter mehr'
      level 3: '&6Norddeutschesturmanzeige: &9Stein an Kette schwingt gemächlich hin und her'
      level 4: '&6Norddeutschesturmanzeige: &eStein an Kette "bewegt" Hauspudel in den Nachbargarten'
      level 5: '&6Norddeutschesturmanzeige: &cStein an Kette wickelt sich um Halterung!'
      level 6: '&4Norddeutschesturmanzeige: &lStein is weg o.o'
  # Make a sound play when a disaster message is broadcasted as an extra indicator, set to NONE for no sound. All sounds can be found here
    sound: NONE
    volume: 1.0
    pitch: 1.0
      started: '&eLebewesen haben sich mit dem &0SCHWARZEN TOD &einfiziert!'
      started: '&cEine Stufe: %level% Horde versammelt sich!'
      ended: '&eDie Horde beginnt sich aufzulösen...'
      # Allows disaster difficulty messages to be sent when a player switches or joins worlds
      allow_world_messages: true
      # Shows difficulty messages to everyone
      show_world_messages_to_not_opped: false
      message: '&bDifficulty is set to %difficulty% &bon &d%world%'
# Individual settings for disasters (Universal settings such as 'volume' and 'time' are only described in sinkholes and sandstorms)
  # Delay in seconds before the disaster occurs after it has been broadcasted
  start_delay: 0
  # How fast sinkholes fall. This effects performance
  speed: 5
  # Size multiplier
  size: 1.0
  # The minimum height the disaster can spawn at
  min_height: 50
  # Max level this specific disaster can reach
  max_level: 6
  # The disaster frequency affects how often a disaster can happen, it can be any value between 0.0 meaning it will never happen and 1.0 meaning it will always have a chance to happen
  frequency: 1.0
  # Volume multiplier for sounds related to this disaster
  volume: 1.0
  # This will change the name of the disaster in game
  name: '&eDoline'
  start_delay: 0
  # How fast earthquakes move. This effects performance
  tick_speed: 5
  size: 1.0
  # Tilt is how much earthquakes can fall off their path. The higher the number the more natural earthquakes will be but more blocks will be missed
  tilt: 0.3
  # Force multiplier for how strong earthquakes can throw nearby entities
  force: 1.0
  min_height: 50
  max_level: 6
  frequency: 1.0
  volume: 1.0
  name: '&8Erdbeben'
  start_delay: 0
  size: 1.0
  # Damage done by cave-in roof blocks
  damage: 7.0
  # The max amount of falling blocks that can exist at once for a cavein, lower values means caveins will take longer to finish
  max_falling_blocks: 800
  # For caveins only this will be the max height at which caveins can spawn at
  min_height: 50
  max_level: 6
  frequency: 1.0
  volume: 1.0
  name: '&7Tunneleinsturz'
  start_delay: 0
  # The multiplier for the amount of particles that spawn in tornados (By default 1.0 is the max)
  particleAmount: 0.5
  size: 1.0
  # Multiplier for how long tornados last
  time_multiplier: 1.0
  # The speed at which entities move in tornados, NOT how fast tornados move!
  speed: 1.0
  # The width of the tornado, higher number means skinnier tornados
  width: 150
  # Block pickup range is the multiplier for how far blocks from the tornado can be picked up
  block_pickup_range: 1.0
  # Max entities that can be involved in tornados, alive entities always take priority
    level 1: 200
    level 2: 300
    level 3: 500
    level 4: 800
    level 5: 1000
    level 6: 2000
  min_height: 60
  max_level: 6
  frequency: 1.0
  volume: 1.0
  name: '&fTornado'
  start_delay: 0
  # How much damage water geysers do to entities per disaster tick. Entities with fire resistance will not be burned
  water_damage: 1.5
  min_height: 5
  max_level: 6
  frequency: 1.0
  volume: 1.0
  name: '&9Wassergeysir/&cLavaaustritt'
  start_delay: 0
  # The minimum depth of water needed for a tsunami to occur above. Tsunamis can only occur in ocean biomes
  minimum_depth: 15
  size: 1.0
  # Damage to entities inside the tsunami every disaster tick
  damage: 3.0
  # If set to true then tsunamis will clear the water shortly after
  remove_water: true
  min_height: 50
  max_level: 6
  frequency: 1.0
  volume: 1.0
  name: '&1Tsunami'
  start_delay: 0
  size: 1.0
  # This changes how many particles spawn in supernovas (Higher number means less particles)
  particle_multiplier: 1.0
  # Flash toggles the flashing of the supernova
  flash: true
  # Place fire toggles whether fire can be placed by the supernova or not
  place_fire: true
  # If set to true then explosion particles can be seen from very far away by players but this drastically affects performance
  far_particles: true
  min_height: 55
  max_level: 6
  frequency: 0.3
  volume: 1.0
  name: '&3Supernova'
  start_delay: 0
  size: 1.0
  # How long hurricanes last in seconds
  time: 180
  # Chance of lightning striking a player, every higher level will have a 10 fold higher chance to strike, the higher this value means the less likely lightning will strike
  lightning_frequency: 1.0
  # The minimum force of wind required to break blocks near players
  block_break_force: 0.04
  min_height: 60
  max_level: 6
  frequency: 1.0
  volume: 1.0
  name: '&7Orkan'
  start_delay: 10
  # How many mobs spawn for each level
    level 1: 8
    level 2: 13
    level 3: 20
    level 4: 25
    level 5: 35
    level 6: 50
  # Will give the targeted player a progress boss bar and foggy world effects
  boss_bar: true
  # Change the name of the bossbar
  bar_title: Horde
  # The despawn speed is how fast mobs from the horde clear up in ticks
  despawn_speed: 40
  # Spawn distance is how far away the horde mobs spawn from the player, don't set this too high or the mobs will just despawn
  spawn_distance: 25
  min_height: 0
  max_level: 6
  frequency: 0.3
  volume: 1.0
  start_delay: 0
  # Control which types of mobs are immune to the plague, list of entity type names are available here
  - ender_dragon
  - wither
  - elder_guardian
  - armor_stand
  - warden
  # Max number of entities that can be infected
  max_infected_mobs: 50
  max_level: 6
  frequency: 0.3
  name: '&0Der schwarze Tod'
  # Delay in seconds for disaster to begin after the event message is broadcast
  start_delay: 5
    # How long the disaster will last in seconds for each level
    level 1: 30
    level 2: 60
    level 3: 120
    level 4: 200
    level 5: 300
  # If set to true then after sandstorms end all mobs related will have a chance of placing a skeleton skull down before despawning
  mobs_drop_skulls: true
  # If set to true then entities inside sandstorms will suffer from wither
  wither_effect: true
  # Mob spawn rate is the chance of a custom mob spawning per sandstorm spawn tick
  mob_spawn_rate: 25.0
  # Particle max distance means the radius in blocks players can see sand particles on the X and Z axis
  particle_max_distance: 6
  # Particle Y range is the Y level range that sand particles can be displayed at, so higher the number means the further away you can see sand on the Y axis
  particle_Y_range: 10
  # Particle multiplier of sand particles
  particle_multiplier: 1.0
  min_height: 50
  max_level: 5
  frequency: 1.0
  volume: 1.0
  name: '&eSandsturm'
  start_delay: 5
    level 1: 30
    level 2: 60
    level 3: 120
    level 4: 200
    level 5: 300
  # If set to true then entites can freeze into solid ice during blizzards
  freeze_entities: true
  # If set to true then players wearing leather armor set pieces will take reduced damage in blizzards
  leather_armor_protection: true
  # The damage done to mobs every storm tick
  damage: 0.75
  # The min freezing height is the minimum Y level entities must be to freeze solid, all entities below this will just die instead
  min_freezing_height: 60
  # Particle max distance means the radius in blocks players can see blizzard particles on the X and Z axis
  particle_max_distance: 10
  # Particle Y range is the Y level range that blizzard particles can be displayed at, so higher the number means the further away you can see snow on the Y axis
  particle_Y_range: 10
  # Particle multiplier of snow particles
  particle_multiplier: 1.0
  min_height: 50
  max_level: 5
  frequency: 1.0
  volume: 1.0
  name: '&9Schneesturm'
  start_delay: 5
    level 1: 30
    level 2: 60
    level 3: 120
    level 4: 200
    level 5: 300
  # Damage done to entities in acid rain
  damage: 1.0
  # If set to true then metal items will melt if left in acid rain such as iron, gold, and chainmail
  melt_dropped_items: true
  # If set to true then entities wearing metal armor such as iron, gold, or chainmail will take extra damage to their armor
  melt_armor: true
  # Particle max distance means the radius in blocks players can see acid rain particles on the X and Z axis
  particle_max_distance: 7
  # Particle Y range is the Y level range that acid rain particles can be displayed at, so higher the number means the further away you can see acid rain on the Y axis
  particle_Y_range: 10
  # Particle multiplier of acid rain particles
  particle_multiplier: 1.0
  # The range from players that blocks are affected by acidic rainfall (Some blocks change, some are destroyed, ex. metals, crops, etc.)
  block_damage_range: 50
  # The rate multiplier of how many blocks around players change
  block_change_rate: 1.0
  # Multiplier for how often slimes can spawn near players
  slime_spawn_rate: 1.0
  # Toggle if crops can get poisoned in acid rain or not
  poison_crops: true
  # Control what effects are given to entities in acid storms (remove and add, potions must be the vanilla name in game and formatted as follows: POTION_NAME: GAME_TICKS)
    blindness: 20
    poison: 10
  # Control what blocks are changed to what in acid rain (remove and add, format is as follows: VANILLA_BLOCK_NAME: NEW_VANILLA_BLOCK_NAME)
    iron_block: air
    iron_bars: air
    iron_trapdoor: air
    gold_block: air
    rail: air
    powered_rail: air
    activator_rail: air
    detector_rail: air
    hopper: air
    cauldron: air
    heavy_weighted_pressure_plate: air
    light_weighted_pressure_plate: air
    stone: cobblestone
    cobblestone: air
    stone_bricks: cracked_stone_bricks
    iron_ore: cobblestone
    deepslate_iron_ore: deepslate
    gold_ore: cobblestone
    deepslate_gold_ore: deepslate
    copper_ore: cobblestone
    deepslate_copper_ore: deepslate
  min_height: 50
  max_level: 5
  frequency: 0.6
  volume: 1.0
  name: '&aSäureregen'
  start_delay: 5
    level 1: 30
    level 2: 60
    level 3: 120
    level 4: 200
    level 5: 300
  # If set to true then lost souls will spawn around players in soulstorms
  spawn_souls: true
  min_height: 0
  max_level: 5
  frequency: 0.6
  volume: 1.0
  name: '&3Seelensturm'
  start_delay: 5
    level 1: 60
    level 2: 60
    level 3: 80
    level 4: 100
    level 5: 120
    level 6: 120
    # The force of the wind for each level. This will have a big impact on performance
    level 1: 0.06
    level 2: 0.12
    level 3: 0.2
    level 4: 0.28
    level 5: 0.36
    level 6: 0.6
  # Max particles displayed for each player
  max_particles: 150
  # Winds have a smart algorithm to determine if you are in a building or not, this value is how many blocks it should check for a roof, the higher a number the more performance heavy it will be especially for big servers
  interior_height_distance: 6
  # How strong winds need to be to rip blocks from buildings
  block_break_force: 0.1
  min_height: 60
  max_level: 6
  frequency: 0.6
  volume: 1.0
  name: '&fWindstärke 12'
  start_delay: 5
    level 1: 30
    level 2: 60
    level 3: 80
    level 4: 100
    level 5: 120
  # If set to true then when a meteor storm begins it will temporarily set the time to night
  set_night: true
  # Maximum amount of meteors that can exist at a time. This will impact performance
  max_meteors: 20
  # How often meteors update. This will effect performance
  tick_speed: 1
  # How long in seconds smoke particles remain from meteor impact zones
  smoke_time: 15
  min_height: 60
  max_level: 5
  frequency: 0.6
  volume: 1.0
  name: '&5Meteroitenhagel'
  start_delay: 5
    level 1: 60
    level 2: 90
    level 3: 120
    level 4: 150
    level 5: 200
  # The furthest amount of blocks entities can randomly teleport away from in an end storm
  max_tp_range: 10
  # Max number of void mobs that can exist during an end storm
  max_rift_entities: 15
  min_height: 0
  max_level: 5
  frequency: 1.0
  volume: 1.0
  name: '&5Endsturm'
  # This frequency setting is an overall chance of a custom disaster occurring, 1.0 means only custom disasters can happen
  frequency: 0.2
  # If set to true then custom mobs can spawn, setting this to false will keep the plugin more vanilla
  allow_custom_mobs: true
  # If set to true then custom items can be dropped from custom mobs
  allow_custom_drops: true
  # The item lore characters per line means the max characters per line in custom items lore, this is to avoid text going off the screen. Not all custom items use this!
  item_lore_characters_per_line: 40
  # Control which custom recipes are enabled
    plague_cure: true
    ancient_blade: true
    snow_globe: true
    easter_basket: true
    bunny_hop: true
      # If set to true then unstable rifts can be created in protected regions
      allow_in_regions: true
      # If set to true then items that are pulled into rifts will get removed
      remove_items: true
      # Toggle if particles around the players wearing this enchant
      particles: true


    # Min timer is the minimum time in seconds a disaster can occur on a player. Each player has their own timer and the formula is random(time, time / 2)
    min_timer: 86400
    # Toggles random disasters from occurring
    natural_disasters: true
    # The offset is the radius a disaster can occur from a player. For example an offset of 0 will make disasters spawn directly on players, an offset of 10 will make disasters spawn anywhere within a 10 block radius
    disaster_offset: 50
    # Toggles level 6 disasters from occurring
    level_six: false
    # Toggles messages in chat from disasters occurring
    event_broadcast: true
    # If admin override is set to false then admins will not be able to spawn disasters that are disabled in the world
    admin_override: true
    # Time in seconds that custom pets will have their warning animation before a disaster occurs
    pet_warning_time: 60
    # The disaster difficulty level of the world
    difficulty: NORMAL
    # Min distance radius is the radius in blocks that if a disaster occurs then all players within the radius will have their timers reset to prevent disasters from stacking on grouped players
    minDistanceRadius: 100
  # Enable and disable specific disasters for the world here
    SINKHOLE: true
    CAVEIN: true
    TORNADO: true
    GEYSER: true
    PLAGUE: true
    ACIDSTORM: false
    SOULSTORM: false
    BLIZZARD: true
    SANDSTORM: true
    EARTHQUAKE: true
    TSUNAMI: false
    ENDSTORM: false
    SUPERNOVA: true
    HURRICANE: true
    PURGE: true
    CUSTOM: false
      region_protection: true
      ignore_weather_effects_in_regions: true
      cure_plague_in_regions: true
    level_1: 30
    level_2: 25
    level_3: 20
    level_4: 15
    level_5: 9
    level_6: 1
  whitelist: []
    # Min timer is the minimum time in seconds a disaster can occur on a player. Each player has their own timer and the formula is random(time, time / 2)
    min_timer: 86400
    # Toggles random disasters from occurring
    natural_disasters: true
    # The offset is the radius a disaster can occur from a player. For example an offset of 0 will make disasters spawn directly on players, an offset of 10 will make disasters spawn anywhere within a 10 block radius
    disaster_offset: 50
    # Toggles level 6 disasters from occurring
    level_six: false
    # Toggles messages in chat from disasters occurring
    event_broadcast: true
    # If admin override is set to false then admins will not be able to spawn disasters that are disabled in the world
    admin_override: true
    # Time in seconds that custom pets will have their warning animation before a disaster occurs
    pet_warning_time: 60
    # The disaster difficulty level of the world
    difficulty: NORMAL
    # Min distance radius is the radius in blocks that if a disaster occurs then all players within the radius will have their timers reset to prevent disasters from stacking on grouped players
    minDistanceRadius: 100
  # Enable and disable specific disasters for the world here
    SINKHOLE: true
    CAVEIN: true
    TORNADO: false
    GEYSER: true
    PLAGUE: false
    ACIDSTORM: false
    SOULSTORM: true
    BLIZZARD: false
    SANDSTORM: false
    EARTHQUAKE: true
    TSUNAMI: false
    ENDSTORM: false
    SUPERNOVA: false
    HURRICANE: false
    PURGE: true
    CUSTOM: false
      region_protection: true
      ignore_weather_effects_in_regions: true
      cure_plague_in_regions: true
    level_1: 30
    level_2: 25
    level_3: 20
    level_4: 15
    level_5: 9
    level_6: 1
  whitelist: []
    # Min timer is the minimum time in seconds a disaster can occur on a player. Each player has their own timer and the formula is random(time, time / 2)
    min_timer: 86400
    # Toggles random disasters from occurring
    natural_disasters: true
    # The offset is the radius a disaster can occur from a player. For example an offset of 0 will make disasters spawn directly on players, an offset of 10 will make disasters spawn anywhere within a 10 block radius
    disaster_offset: 50
    # Toggles level 6 disasters from occurring
    level_six: false
    # Toggles messages in chat from disasters occurring
    event_broadcast: true
    # If admin override is set to false then admins will not be able to spawn disasters that are disabled in the world
    admin_override: true
    # Time in seconds that custom pets will have their warning animation before a disaster occurs
    pet_warning_time: 60
    # The disaster difficulty level of the world
    difficulty: NORMAL
    # Min distance radius is the radius in blocks that if a disaster occurs then all players within the radius will have their timers reset to prevent disasters from stacking on grouped players
    minDistanceRadius: 100
  # Enable and disable specific disasters for the world here
    SINKHOLE: true
    CAVEIN: true
    TORNADO: true
    GEYSER: false
    PLAGUE: false
    ACIDSTORM: true
    SOULSTORM: false
    BLIZZARD: false
    SANDSTORM: false
    EARTHQUAKE: false
    TSUNAMI: false
    ENDSTORM: true
    SUPERNOVA: false
    HURRICANE: false
    PURGE: false
    CUSTOM: false
      region_protection: true
      ignore_weather_effects_in_regions: true
      cure_plague_in_regions: true
    level_1: 30
    level_2: 25
    level_3: 20
    level_4: 15
    level_5: 9
    level_6: 1
  whitelist: []
JewishBanana commented 2 months ago
